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Changes to Iran Deal coming!!!!

I don't know why exactly! But Russians and Stalingrad

Because USA didn't had the capacity to fight a 2 front war. USA was looking for large Jahadi force to fight Taliban and Iran. USA found that force in Syria in the name of ISIS. But ISIS was not interested in barren land of Afghanistan and were more keen to stick with the Oil rich Iraq and Syria. USA let ISIS get bombed by Russia so that they would run to Afghanistan and then USA provided logistics to ISIS to get to Afghanistan. Now they want to cut the deal so that Iran goes into economic crisis and then they would try the Syrian model in Iran but this is not going to work because Pakistan is not helping that is why USA is cutting military aid to Pakistan. We have USA friendly and Pakistan hostile Gov in Afghanistan, we cannot have same in Iran. We need to do what we did to Soviets in Afghanistan and do it quick. If we don't do it we will have USA British and Indian Air ship carriers in Arabian sea Artillerys in Iran India and Afghanistan pointing at us if Irani regime is over thrown. With ISIS as a front fighting force. It is all about Pakistani Nukes and oil in the Gulf. They don't want China and Russia to be here.
Because USA didn't had the capacity to fight a 2 front war. USA was looking for large Jahadi force to fight Taliban and Iran. USA found that force in Syria in the name of ISIS. But ISIS was not interested in barren land of Afghanistan and were more keen to stick with the Oil rich Iraq and Syria. USA let ISIS get bombed by Russia so that they would run to Afghanistan and then USA provided logistics to ISIS to get to Afghanistan. Now they want to cut the deal so that Iran goes into economic crisis and then they would try the Syrian model in Iran but this is not going to work because Pakistan is not helping that is why USA is cutting military aid to Pakistan. We have USA friendly and Pakistan hostile Gov in Afghanistan, we cannot have same in Iran. We need to do what we did to Soviets in Afghanistan and do it quick. If we don't do it we will have USA British and Indian Air ship carriers in Arabian sea Artillerys in Iran India and Afghanistan pointing at us if Irani regime is over thrown. With ISIS as a front fighting force. It is all about Pakistani Nukes and oil in the Gulf. They don't want China and Russia to be here.

I did say Iran may have reached the israeli border in Syria which is great. But this stretching may not favor Iran! Russia cannot under any circumstances allow Iran to fall and China ofcourse. Iran have done very well but it will take longer to have a battle hardened army like Pakistan who fought the war with one hand tied behind their back.

The yanks want to stay in afghanistan indefinitely now because all the neighbours of afghanistan are its enemy. alternatively opposite is true.

I see Russia reaching warm waters of Persian/Arab seas and that has taken centuries to do! British Raj in india and anglo afghan wars were to prevent Russia reaching this region but Russia will reach it. I am just waiting to hear Russia being more involved in Pakistan just like China.
If Russia and Iran want to sink in Syrian swamp, why US should stop them?
Russia+ Iran in Syria can only sink IF a major power decides to enter Syrian war in a Major way, which no country was ready to do, hence Russia and Iran couldnt sink. They only needed time to neutralize major threats in SYria, which they have obviously done.
Russia+ Iran in Syria can only sink IF a major power decides to enter Syrian war in a Major way, which no country was ready to do, hence Russia and Iran couldnt sink. They only needed time to neutralize major threats in SYria, which they have obviously done.
Iran and Syria already stuck up to neck in Syrian swamp. Syrian army and economy are destroyed. Assad regime needs some 10 bln each year + mercenaries merely to prolong its agony. Each year Assad stays in power Iran and Russia are destroying their economies instead developing own.
Iran and Syria already stuck up to neck in Syrian swamp. Syrian army and economy are destroyed. Assad regime needs some 10 bln each year + mercenaries merely to prolong its agony. Each year Assad stays in power Iran and Russia are destroying their economies instead developing own.
either you are too stupid which i doubt or you are hiding the truth about geopolitical/economical facts. Yes, everybody knows US president are puppets of Zionists and AIPAC in USA. But the fact, time is running out for the occupied Zionist land. You need to put more pressure on Trump+land which is leading both Israel and USA towards an sweet tragedy by imposing sanctions on the sides that are already fighting against your ISIS mercenaries. Currently We are on your boundaries, i can hear your scared breathes and smell the fear of you filthy creatures.

Time is too short, ask your Satanic God for help, if it can help you though :rofl:
Because USA didn't had the capacity to fight a 2 front war. USA was looking for large Jahadi force to fight Taliban and Iran. USA found that force in Syria in the name of ISIS. But ISIS was not interested in barren land of Afghanistan and were more keen to stick with the Oil rich Iraq and Syria. USA let ISIS get bombed by Russia so that they would run to Afghanistan and then USA provided logistics to ISIS to get to Afghanistan. Now they want to cut the deal so that Iran goes into economic crisis and then they would try the Syrian model in Iran but this is not going to work because Pakistan is not helping that is why USA is cutting military aid to Pakistan. We have USA friendly and Pakistan hostile Gov in Afghanistan, we cannot have same in Iran. We need to do what we did to Soviets in Afghanistan and do it quick. If we don't do it we will have USA British and Indian Air ship carriers in Arabian sea Artillerys in Iran India and Afghanistan pointing at us if Irani regime is over thrown. With ISIS as a front fighting force. It is all about Pakistani Nukes and oil in the Gulf. They don't want China and Russia to be here.

I will have to disagree with you slightly.

-ISIS was created by US and its Allies like Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Turkey etc. Turkey came to it sense and decided not to support these clowns when it saw the dangerous game US was playing by arming Kurds.

-ISIS cannot run to A-Stan -- what route would they take?? Looking the Map, the only ways to A-stan are via Russia, Central Asia, China and Pakistan. As I have said it in one of my earlier posts here, Unless Russia is playing a double game, it will not allow IS fighters to be transported to A-stan via Russia or Central Asia. Remember US's end game is China and Russia. Similarly, China and Iran will NOT allow transportation of IS fighters over their air-space.

So the last option for US is Pakistan, and Pakistan is not allowing this US demand of allowing these fighters to be transported to A-stan via its Airspace. And that is why this issue, along with a host of other issues, has led US to put sanctions on Pakistan.
either you are too stupid which i doubt or you are hiding the truth about geopolitical/economical facts. Yes, everybody knows US president are puppets of Zionists and AIPAC in USA. But the fact, time is running out for the occupied Zionist land. You need to put more pressure on Trump+land which is leading both Israel and USA towards an sweet tragedy by imposing sanctions on the sides that are already fighting against your ISIS mercenaries. Currently We are on your boundaries, i can hear your scared breathes and smell the fear of you filthy creatures.

Time is too short, ask your Satanic God for help, if it can help you though :rofl:
You are nothing but coward phallic worshipers who can only slaughter helpless people. Over 1 million Syrians were slaughtered and over 12 million expelled by ur thugs. Meanwhile u did not dare to send even 1 soldiers against us in 40 years of ur phallic worship regime existence. Go kill more Syrian kids, thats all u can do.
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