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Children giving birth to children in Pakistan!


Aug 19, 2014
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These girls could have also become Malala Yousafzai or Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, but they didn’t.

They were married off in their early teens, and before they could escape childhood, some gave birth to their own children.

Child marriage is widespread in Pakistan. Girls as young as 13 are married off by their parents or guardians. Poverty, illiteracy, religious beliefs, and cultural norms and pressures are some of the reasons behind this practice. For the young mothers, early motherhood is often accompanied with high fertility, and poor maternal and children health.

Over the past five decades, significant improvement has taken place in battling child marriages.

A relatively much smaller proportion of young girls is married off today than was 50 years ago. Still, much more work is needed to curb such practices to ensure Pakistan’s future mothers and their children can lead healthy and prosperous lives.

Know more: Married off for 'honour': Pakistan's child brides

Teenage pregnancies are not just a challenge for developing countries. Even the US is struggling with the same challenge, with additional complexities.

In 2006, one-third of all teenage girls in the US became pregnant. The US government has been struggling to curb this trend. By 2010, the numbers were down to one in four. Teenage pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates were all down. Greater awareness about contraceptives and their effective use and cultural changes are the reason behind the decline in these numbers.


Source: BBC News - How the West is cutting teen pregnancy
In Pakistan, though, teenage pregnancies result in additional complexities. In a recent paper published in the Maternal and Child Health Journal, Muazzam Nasrullah and others explore the impact of girl child marriages on fertility in Pakistan.

Read on: Fatal conception — stilled life

Using data from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey for 2006-07, the authors found that over 50 per cent of the ever-married women in Pakistan between the ages of 20 and 24 were married before they turned 18. Most international conventions consider individuals under 18 as children.

The authors believe that the adverse impacts of girl child marriages include high fertility rates (three or more childbirths), frequent childbirth with fewer than 24 months between births, unwanted pregnancies, and pregnancy termination.


Source: Nasrullah et. al., 2014
Pakistan has made tremendous progress in increasing the average age at marriage for girls, which increased from 13.3 years in 1950-59 to 23.1 in 2006-07. But despite the good work done, one in two young girls is still married off before she turns 18.

This has to change.

The poor health of the teenage mother and her child, and higher risks for disease and death for both should convince the governments to increase the legal age for marriage.

Explore: Half of South Asia's girls marry before 18: UN

The main determinants of childhood marriage are the usual suspects. Most child brides have no formal education and live in Pakistan’s rural areas. Of those, who were between 20-24 years old, 75 per cent women reported at least one childbirth. Almost 32 per cent women in the same cohort gave birth to a child in the first year after their marriage. Another 20 per cent of 20-24 years old had at least once terminated a pregnancy.

The recent crisis of over 100 reported deaths of children in rural Sindh should be a revelation for the government and the public at large.

At the face of it, drought has been identified as a contributing factor. It could very well be true that these children were of poor health from the beginning and that some of them may have been born to teenage mothers.

The mother and child’s health has to become a priority in Pakistan.

But given the crisis-prone nature of the country, the government’s and the media’s focus will soon shift to yet another crisis, ignoring the deep-rooted crisis of mother and child health.

Pakistan needs to invest in its people to build a prosperous country. It can start by investing in the health of mothers and children to preserve the future generation of Pakistanis.
Children giving birth to children in Pakistan - Blogs - DAWN.COM

Shocking and disgusting! Is this supposed to be anywhere near Islamic Republic dreamt by once great visionaries like Jinnah and Iqbal?

@Star Wars @Ammyy @bloo @Marxist @karan.1970 @thesolar65 @Not Sure @Arav_Rana @Avik274 @SamantK @Krate M @Major Shaitan Singh @Omega007 @farhan_9909 @haviZsultan @levina @Sidak @ranjeet @Yogijaat @Ravi Nair @WAR-rior @halupridol @he-man @Indrani @Mike_Brando @SarthakGanguly @sreekumar @Tridibans @wolfschanzze @TheFlyingPretzel @DRAY @narcon @madooxno9 @danish_vij @FaujHistorian @1000 @FNFAL @gau8av @ROCKING @abhi21 @naveen mishra @Marxist @Kunwar Anurag Rathore @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Krate M @LeveragedBuyout @MastanKhan @Agent Smith @shuntmaster @Akheilos @dexter @Slav Defence @sur @XenoEnsi-14 @TankMan @DESERT FIGHTER @p100 @BDforever @hunter_hunted @Mav3rick @rockstar08 @asad71 @Major Sam @pursuit of happiness @Faizan Memon @Spy Master @ozzy22 @Manticore @war khan @ShowGun @Afridistan @Razia Sultana @madmusti @farhan_9909 @ghazaliy2k @KingMamba @Khalid Newazi
Look into teenage pregnancies in Europe and USA then come back.
In Pakistan its marriage which is legally,morally and religiously binding contract with shared responsibilities and liabilities.
In Europe USA teens give birth without marriage as marriage is illegal at their age,and that leads to mothers killing their kids in many cases.
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Pregnancy shouldn't start until 20 years of age, marriage 20 Female 25 for male.
Look into teenage pregnancies in Europe and USA then come back.
In Pakistan its marriage which is legally,morally and religiously binding conteact with shared responsibilities and luabilities.
In europe USA teens give birth without marriage as marriage is illegal at their age,and that leads to mothers killing their kids in many cases.
Teenage pregnancy has fallen massively in the US and Europe in the last twenty years though. And it mostly means girls of sixteen and seventeen not thirteen and fourteen which is what is being referred to in this article.
Look into teenage pregnancies in Europe and USA then come back.
In Pakistan its marriage which is legally,morally and religiously binding conteact with shared responsibilities and luabilities.
In europe USA teens give birth without marriage as marriage is illegal at their age,and that leads to mothers killing their kids in many cases.
Marriage or no marriage it still shouldn't start until 20-25.
Look into teenage pregnancies in Europe and USA then come back.
In Pakistan its marriage which is legally,morally and religiously binding conteact with shared responsibilities and luabilities.
In europe USA teens give birth without marriage as marriage is illegal at their age,and that leads to mothers killing their kids in many cases.
Read the article above. Writer has compared it as well!
Pregnancy shouldn't start until 20 years of age, marriage 20 Female 25 for male.

Biology dictatates otherwise. After puberty,boys and girls have sexual desires. You can make as many laws as you want. Biology cannot be changed. Its better not to outlaw it, rather give them a choice to satisft sexual needs via marriage. Or we will see whats its like in the west, with 12-13 year olds heavily active in sexual activities.
Look into teenage pregnancies in Europe and USA then come back.
In Pakistan its marriage which is legally,morally and religiously binding conteact with shared responsibilities and luabilities.
In europe USA teens give birth without marriage as marriage is illegal at their age,and that leads to mothers killing their kids in many cases.
many ppl marry after kids in europe and us. some ppl even dont marry and live happily with their kids. not all population of us and europe live according to sharia , christianity or hinduism.
Biology dictatates otherwise. After puberty,boys and girls have sexual desires. You can make as many laws as you want. Biology cannot be changed. Its better not to outlaw it, rather give them a choice to satisft sexual needs via marriage. Or we will see whats its like in the west, with 12-13 year olds heavily active in sexual activities.
Biology also dictates longevity can be genetically passed on through next generations, being pro-active is better than just popping out babies because you need to "satisfy" sexual needs, it's a tool not a toy. Between 20 and 40 is 20 years, you can make ten babies in that time and you will be fully prepared for it.
Teenage pregnancy has fallen massively in the US and Europe in the last twenty years though. And it mostly means girls of sixteen and seventeen not thirteen and fourteen which is what is being referred to in this article.
Say thanks to birth control methods and Internet.

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