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China earthquake kills hundreds in Qinghai


Apr 4, 2007
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BBC News - China earthquake kills hundreds in Qinghai

Some 400 people have died and thousands are feared injured after a magnitude-6.9 quake hit western China's Qinghai province, officials say.

The powerful tremor struck remote Yushu county, 800km (500 miles) south-west of the provincial capital Xining, at 0749 (2349 GMT), at a shallow depth of 10km.

Most of the buildings in the worst-hit town of Jiegu were wrecked, and landslides have cut off roads.

Police said hundreds of survivors had already been pulled from the rubble.

The death toll has been rising throughout the day, and senior Yushu official Huang Liming has announced the latest figure of 400 people dead.

State broadcaster CCTV reports that at least 10,000 people are injured.

A local official in Jiegu told the BBC that almost all of the buildings in the town had been destroyed.

"The death toll will definitely go up," he said.

About 5,000 specialist quake rescuers have been dispatched from neighbouring provinces, with the first teams expected to reach Yushu within hours.

Many people have fled to the surrounding mountains, amid fears that a nearby dam could burst.

State media reported that officials were trying to drain a reservoir after a crack appeared in the dam.

A spokesman for the local government, Zhuo Huaxia, told China's state news agency Xinhua: "The streets in Jiegu are thronged with panic - injured people, with many bleeding in the head.

"Many students are buried under the debris due to building collapse at a vocational school.

"I can see injured people everywhere. The biggest problem now is that we lack tents, we lack medical equipment, medicine and medical workers."

Many of the buildings in Yushu, a county with a largely Tibetan population of about 250,000, were thought to be wooden-framed constructions.

In 2008, a huge quake struck in neighbouring Sichuan province, about 800km from Yushu, which left 87,000 people dead or missing and five million homeless.

The dead included many schoolchildren, prompting a storm of controversy over alleged shoddy construction of school buildings.

Quake-prone region

Earlier, Karsum Nyima, the local TV station's deputy head of news, told CCTV that houses had gone down "in a flash".

"It was a terrible earthquake. In a small park, there is a Buddhist tower and the top of the tower fell off," he said.

"Everybody is out on the streets, standing in front of their houses, trying to find their family members."

Earthquake survivors are struggling to stay warm in temperatures of about 6C (43F).

Power and water have been cut off, and the road to the local airport is reported to have been blocked by landslides.

After the Sichuan quake, the disaster response was widely praised, but the BBC's Damian Grammaticas in Beijing says the remoteness of Yushu means this rescue effort will pose very different challenges.

Although the high-altitude region is prone to earthquakes, officials from the US Geological Survey said this was the strongest tremor within 100km of the area since 1976.

The region, which is home to Tibetan farmers and herdsmen, is dotted with coal, tin, lead and copper mines.

Yushu is roughly half-way between Xining and Lhasa, about 200km from the Qinghai-Tibet railway line.

Deepest condolences to the victims of the earthquake. Relief efforts are being made, but more casualties are feared.

Please pray for the people of Qinghai.
As an Indian, I feel that our govt should encourage Indian doctors to go to china and help the relief efforts, much like the Pakistani doctors did for the victims of the last quake.

It is the humane duty of every person to help others in trouble. And we should do our part, no matter how big or small it is.
a terrible day for china. our army needs more strategic transports to reach disaster sites in our vast country.
My condolences to the victims of the earthquake..

I have a question regarding frequent earthquakes...is China is on high EQ pro-zone area like California?

One good thing will come out of this, China will be able to practice disaster relief and find out the weaknesses in its emergency plan, buy the required equipment etc. so it will be prepared the next time something like this happens on a larger scale.
I'm not good with geology but I think the tibetan plateau (elevated high land) is the result of indo-australian plate and eurasian plate collision, so that region is quite active and prone to earthquakes etc.

Condolences to the chinese people and especially ones who might have lost their loved ones.

Hope things are managed quickly and normalcy returns.

One good thing will come out of this, China will be able to practice disaster relief and find out the weaknesses in its emergency plan, buy the required equipment etc. so it will be prepared the next time something like this happens on a larger scale.

A sad news!!

Comment not appreciated.

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