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The Uyghur issue | Page 34

Read this thread from page 34 onwards. Your own Turkish brothers (including an intl. mod) is posting this news and Chinese members like Genesis is accepting it.....

I mean, is it a rule that whenever anthing is posted by an Indian @StormShadow , it has to be a lie, something to do with Hindutvawadis, etc etc
i was there too, and Turkish member seemed agree with me that the source is problematic.
anyone who can read Chinese would know how absurd this is.

The Uyghur issue | Page 34

Read this thread from page 34 onwards. Your own Turkish brothers (including an intl. mod) is posting this news and Chinese members like Genesis is accepting it.....

I mean, is it a rule that whenever anthing is posted by an Indian @StormShadow , it has to be a lie, something to do with Hindutvawadis, etc etc

you know how to tag, as evident by you tagging someone, but you didn't tag me, why? Is it because you know what you said is BS.

Accepting it, read it again. I know they are dancing, but why? Is the purpose to humiliate? Isn't that what you are implying.

Next time have the balls to tag me and debate me.
I dont know your fascination for sh!t but if you look at the news, you can see that there is a picture in it. Anything you've got to say regarding that? It's not me who took that pic. Instead of bothering about the link, bother about muslim women not being allowed to wear burqa, muslim children not allowed to read quran and Imams made to dance on steets. lol

If you feel I'm an idiot, what does it make of you to reply to an idiot. lol.
If you've got anything relevant to say, your welcome. If you feel the post is unworthy, dont waste your time. Report and move on.

Nah.. its you who is fascinated with feces.. too much open air de... has its side effected.. no wonder you even end up searching for it on the internet..:lol:

And get owned by Chinese members... silly hinduvta.
This khaki chaddi op is one of biggest idiot from Bharat on this forum.
This is black propaganda at its worst。:rofl:

Those trying to drive a wedge between Han Chinese and Chinese Muslims are doomed to failure。

Dancing to the melodies and lyrics of “Little Apple”,the most popular plaza dance music in China

小苹果之高铁乘务员版_超清 -频道:2014 小苹果-在线观看-PPS爱频道








More pics from the original report:

喀什清真寺前万人共舞《小苹果》 改编歌词增加“去极端化”内容


The Uyghur issue | Page 34

Read this thread from page 34 onwards. Your own Turkish brothers (including an intl. mod) is posting this news and Chinese members like Genesis is accepting it.....

I mean, is it a rule that whenever anthing is posted by an Indian @StormShadow , it has to be a lie, something to do with Hindutvawadis, etc etc

Who is Genesis? President Xi's bro or whatever? Or held some important post in CCP? Are you going to tell me that is your proof of China oppressing Uyghur Islam? :lol:

Muslims like to bitch about the U.S. Well, good luck with the Chinese. They'll be real fair and even handed with you guys. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!:china:

All thanks to western and anti China lies. We treat all religious fair and square. This news is just a piece of malicious lies.
... We treat all religious fair and square. This news is just a piece of malicious lies.

Yeah. Right. Don't try to bullshit us. The world is on to China's games.:nana:
Haha..Let me give American some heat....

Go on your search engine and type in 'Tienanmen Square Massacre' and see what you get over there in 'free and open' China. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! ( now a Chinese mod will ban me. Watch.):usflag:
Go on your search engine and type in 'Tienanmen Square Massacre' and see what you get over there in 'free and open' China. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! ( now a Chinese mod will ban me. Watch.):usflag:

But there was no massacre at TAM.
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