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China has territorial claims to nearly 20 countries

Both People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC) claim almost the entire body as their own, demarcating their claims within what is known as the nine-dotted line, which claims overlap with virtually every other country in the region. Competing claims include:

* Indonesia, China, and Taiwan over waters NE of the Natuna Islands
* The Philippines, China, and Taiwan over the Malampaya and Camago gas fields.
* The Philippines, China, and Taiwan over Scarborough Shoal.
* Vietnam, China, and Taiwan over waters west of the Spratly Islands. Some or all of the islands themselves are also disputed between Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
* The Paracel Islands are disputed between the PRC/ROC and Vietnam.
* Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam over areas in the Gulf of Thailand.
* Singapore and Malaysia along the Strait of Johore and the Strait of Singapore.

Reading is not enough, you also need to understand the content. Your info says that * Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam over areas in the Gulf of Thailand and also * Singapore and Malaysia along the Strait of Johore and the Strait of Singapore.

Nowhere can I see China mentioned in these two asterisc points, which means China does not have any territorial disputes with Thailand, Cambodia and Singapore like you have falsely/ misleadingly claimed.
got an article on this......

China has more neighbours than any country in the world, bordering on 14 other countries. Only the European Union, taken as a whole, has more bordering countries.

With so many fences to keep up, a few disputes can be expected. Here are a few from recent years.


Two regions are claimed by both India and China. Aksai Chin is in the disputed territory of Kashmir, at the junction of Pakistan, Tibet and India. India claims the 38,000-square-kilometre territory, currently administered by China.

Arunachal Pradesh is a state of India in the country's northeast, bordering on Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and China. Though it is under Indian administration, China calls the 90,000-square-kilometre area South Tibet.


A dispute involving three islands on the rivers that form the border between China and Russia was resolved in October 2004, in a manner King Solomon would have been proud of.

Each of the islands – Bol'shoi Ussuriiskii Island and Tarabarov Island at the juncture of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, near Khabarovsk, Russia, and Bol'shoi Island on the Argun River – was split 50-50, with half of the territory going to each country.

The uninhabited islands had symbolic importance in the control over the rivers.


The Senkaku Islands are five unpopulated islands in the East China Sea with a total are of seven square kilometres. They are under Japanese control and are considered part of the Japanese Southwest Islands, but the People's Republic of China and Taiwan each claim them as well, calling them the Diaoyutai Islands and Diaoyu Islands, respectively.

In March 2004, a group of seven Chinese activists landed on one of the islands. The Japanese government arrested them for illegal entry and deported them back to China.


The People's Republic of China claims Taiwan, but it is administered by the Republic of China. For more see Taiwan.


The Government of Tibet in Exile claims not only the Tibet Autonomous Region under the control of China, but also Qinghai province and parts of surrounding provinces. Tibet in Exile calls the Chinese control of Tibet an illegitimate occupation. For more see the Tibet timeline.

Other disputes

Portions of China's western border with Tajikistan haven't been defined.

A section of the boundary between China and North Korea in the Baitou Mountain area is indefinite.

The Paracel Islands in the South China Sea are administered by China, but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. There is also a dispute between China and Vietnam over the maritime boundaries in the Gulf of Tonkin.

The rich fishing rights and possible oil reserves of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea are claimed by China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and possibly Brunei.

CBC News Indepth: China

but they actually have more......


Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, namely Cherkip Gompa, Dho, Dungmar, Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringung, Sanmar, Tarchen and Zuthulphuk

Kula Kangri and mountainous areas to the west of this peak, plus the western Haa District of Bhutan

South Korea

Ieodo Island/Suyan Rock (aka Socotra Rock)

with Vietnam,Philippines and ROC

Macclesfield Bank




Trans-Karakoram Tract

Shaksgam Valley

North Korea

Tumen River (disputed sovereignty of certain islands)[1][note 2]


A small area of Gilgit-Baltistan(actually it is with ROC)


Heixiazi / Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island
(eastern half)


Heixiazi / Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island
(western half) split by China and Russia

Last but not the least
ROC claimed Mainland China, Hainan, and other islands controlled by the PRC. super lol.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

also China claims entire Taiwan. :tup: :tup:

(some of these are settled i guess)
Dispute with Russia, Tajikistan have been solved , next will be Bhutan. the articles incorrect Tibet and Taipei are apart of China, Taipei Claims more then what China has.
With China as the OP article insinuated. :no::no::no::no:
after all its by indians.

History shows that Chinese nation always defended their borders and never did go outside of it. Like their wall, was just builded to protect their borders. I dont think that China now will change their tradition and look for other territories, even if they have great power.

Cant agree more.
China is devil of the world...nobody likes them....Chinese economy is smoking....

thank you for your posting,but the present situation is opposite.

you guy should have some pills before you post anything.

now,i know why indians so poor,most of you like to enjoy wet dream in daytime.LOL

well,i guess they themselves live on some claimed lands:rofl:...no body gives a fu*k for china..cheap labour economy...

go on show your good manners.fake flags
this indocarib guy is without question the biggest mug on this forum.

indocarib hates chinese like hitler hated the jews.
what 20 countries?China settled territory disputes with most of the countries.can OP you give a full list of so called 20 countries?
prc has disputes with india, japan, taiwan and vietnam. i dont think there any dispute with others. it had dispute with ussr but that is past. pakistan has no dispute as it follows appeasement policy by ceding parts of jk to prc.
prc has disputes with india, japan, taiwan and vietnam. i dont think there any dispute with others. it had dispute with ussr but that is past. pakistan has no dispute as it follows appeasement policy by ceding parts of jk to prc.

see post no #19
china's neighbours-
Out of them china has had war with
and had conflicts with
ussr(5.russia, 6.tajikstan, 7., 8.kazakstan)
10.bhutan did not maintain relation with china
11.pakistan had offered india to commonly fight against china but became its slave aftar 1962. they claim kashmir but they ceded away some some parts to them and also accepted aksai chin as their part.
12.laos is friend of vietnam and had hostile relations with prc
13. nepal and china did not have good relations after tibet invasion
14. mongolia was a friend of soviet union and did not have good relations with china in sino soviet split
15.philippines dispute over some islands
So out of 16 it had disputes at some point of time with 15 nations(88.235%).

it has good relations with bangladesh, sri lanka, pakistan only to use them as pawns against india.
correct me if i am wrong.
China is just like a delicious meat so that everyone wants to get a bite.

In the past, even small country like Portugal could invade China and take our Macau. So do not act as innocent victim as if China is the bully. In reality, many of those small countries are not that innocent at all.

BTW, most of the land border problems arise from the past invasion by the russians, and british. And Several of them are former soviet republics. China and india border issues also arise from british invasion into tibet and india's inheritance of british's invasion schemes.

Chinese leader Mao Zedong not only built a strong country but also outlined a global goal: "We must conquer the globe where we will create a powerful state." Today, China has territorial claims to all its neighbors. Naturally, the U.S. is dreaming of becoming a mediator in resolving disputes in the region. But it seems that Beijing absolutely does not care about their opinion.

Burma, Laos, Northern India, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Ryukyu Islands, 300 islands of the South China, East China and Yellow Seas, as well as Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Taiwan, South Kazakhstan, the Afghan province of Bahdashan, Transbaikalia and the Far East to South Okhotsk - here is the complete list of areas that, according to Zedong, were lost due to the fall of the Qing empire. All of these countries and regions combined exceed the territory of modern China. Not all complaints are voiced by the Government of China in the international arena, but within the country the imperialist ambitions have not been lost, but rather, are actively promoted.

The PRC authorities talk out loud only about the areas that, at least theoretically, can be taken away from Japan and Korea. Tokyo is regularly frustrated not only because of the travel of the Russian leaders to the Kuril Islands, but also about the Chinese ships freely entering the disputed Senkaku Islands waters. Beijing believes that the Islands are called Diaoyu, and they belonged to China, but the malicious Japanese tricked the U.S. into giving them to Japan because after World War II the uninhabited archipelago was in the US jurisdiction.

Significant reserves of natural gas were found on the islands. For the growing industry of China and stagnant Japan it is more than a serious argument in favor of the struggle for the archipelago, no matter what it is called. Not to mention the fish that is found there in large quantities. To date, the only agreement the parties have reached in the negotiations is on the joint development of oil fields. In addition, if the Japanese behave more or less decently, the Chinese are regularly caught for illegal fishing in the area.

Any territorial dispute, but rather, its resolution, is a serious precedent. If China's claim in respect of at least one territory from the list of the "lost" is satisfied, the Chinese machine would be unstoppable. Despite the fact that the Chinese are very pleased to partner with Russia and have always supported Russia in the UN Security Council, in person, on the sidelines, its diplomats supposedly jokingly hint to their Russian colleagues: you must understand that soon you will have to share the Far East? China has more than a billion people, while Russia's vast territory barely has 150 million.

These dangerous trends - demographic, and as a result, geopolitical - must sound scary to the Russian government, but so far it seems that it is happy with the fact that Beijing makes territorial claims only to Seoul and Tokyo. In 2005 Russia had already given China a bounty in the form of 337 square kilometers of land in the area of ​​Big Island (upper Argun River in the Chita region) and two sites in the vicinity of the islands Tarabarov and Big Ussuri near the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri.

However, none of the leaders of the military departments of ASEAN that includes all debating countries agree to recognize, for example, the fact that Diaoyu belongs to Japan. Instead, the defense ministers of Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, Thailand and Singapore urged the Japanese authorities to proceed with caution and within the framework of the international law. These countries certainly do not need a resolution to the dispute because in that case their territory will be separated from China only by perseverance of the latter.

They are silent about the "Iodo island" (the Chinese version is Suenchzhao. - Ed) in the East China Sea. The sneaky Chinese took the principle of dividing the Arctic as an example and now claim that the underwater ridge of this tiny piece of land is under close control of the Chinese. Since the Iodo is closer to Korea, in 2003 the Koreans built an uninhabitable marine research station there. From the standpoint of the international law, this rock in general should not be the subject of a debate.

In any case, the controversy continues, Japan and South Korea remain to be supported by their all-time ally - the United States. For the US, the unification of Southeast Asian Nations is a chance to save their own economy, because in that case the World Trade Center will move there, where currently there are no transnational corporations in the amount sufficient for the U.S.

The success of the White House in the region does not depend on the strength that America loves to show any chance it has, but rather, diplomacy, as the countries of ASEAN and Asia-Pacific region do not trust each other or anyone outside the regional boundaries. However, Washington is trusted here because of the support of Seoul and Tokyo. However, China has already pushed Japan out of the ranks of the largest economies in the world, and the structure of the region is no longer formed on spatial basis.

Therefore, territorial claims of China, and not Russia, India or, for example, Australia are so important for Washington. Beijing is the only capital of the world, ready to use force in the struggle for the sake of expansion. During the last ten years, while America was blowing up its financial bubble, China has not only developed the industry, but also equipped its area of ​​interest with military equipment. China has placed 38 new diesel and nuclear submarines in the region, purchased four destroyers of class "Modern" from Russia and built another dozen on its own, and has launched a network of ground-based ballistic missiles to destroy naval targets.

Only one other country has done this before - the Soviet Union during the "Cold War". It is no wonder that the Americans are very concerned with the regular quarrels between China and its major allies. Construction of a naval base on Hainan Island does not add confidence to the U.S. The proximity to the Malacca Strait poses a threat to the smooth supply of Washington's main allies in the region - Japan, South Korea and Taiwan - this is the way the US sees the situation. The American senators have already decided that such behavior is a threat to Beijing's regional peace and stability, economic development and even "food security". The international community is well aware what usually follows such wording.

China has territorial claims to nearly 20 countries - English pravda.ru
What border countries does india have friendly relations with again? :oops:
Do you have Obsessive compulsive Disorder??
Why are you bringing an irrelevant matter into discussion??Can't you read the title??(It says China)
What border countries does india have friendly relations with again? :oops:

india has friendly relations with bhutan, maldives,
nepal, myanmar, and dont forget we liberated bangladesh from u
we dont attack every neighbour like them.
we had wars against pakistan as they attacked us(attacking j&k in 1948, operation grandslam 1965,operation chengiz khan in 1971, capturing kargil in 1999).
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