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China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

I do believe that the central government should cancel Hong Kong's special status, Hong Kong is fast falling to beome a second class Chinese city after being overtaken first by Shanghai and then by Beijing. What's the point to keep it special, it's now more of an anti China base camp than anything else. Just give that city back to Guangdong province and let Guangdong deal with it.Deport those Indian Hong Kongers back to India.
I do believe that the central government should cancel Hong Kong's special status, Hong Kong is fast falling to beome a second class Chinese city after being overtaken first by Shanghai and then by Beijing. What's the point to keep it special, it's now more of an anti China base camp than anything else. Just give that city back to Guangdong province and let Guangdong deal with it.Deport those Indian Hong Kongers back to India.

HK would be a better place by applying Mainland laws. Kick those foreign judges out, punish those troublemakers with harsh Chinese laws that will teach those traitors. I don't know why Indians and Viets like to flood into HK when the freedom can only be found in their own country.
Hong Kongers are so spoiled by the central government for decades and behave like a cheeky brat. They curse and attack main lander Chinese shoppers and get hated by the whole Chinese population. It's time to give them so serious spanking.
If these separatists were from any of the ten ASEAN countries instead of Hong Kong, you can bet they will be locked behind bars immediately. Wonder how South Asian countries treat their separatists?
govt of CHINA should just round all the protester and put them on a boat on their way to UK or USA, minus their passport and belonging, these protester is a disgrace to all chinese.
Hong Kong: Large pro-China rally against independence
By Helier CheungBBC News, Hong Kong
  • 13 November 2016

Tens of thousands of pro-China protesters have rallied in Hong Kong, expressing anger at calls for the territory's independence.

Demonstrators waved Chinese flags, and chanted "oppose Hong Kong independence; support Beijing's ruling".

Last week, the Chinese government issued a rare ruling on Hong Kong's law, effectively disqualifying two pro-independence lawmakers from parliament.

Critics say Beijing's intervention has undermined Hong Kong's rule of law.

The row over pro-independence legislators Sixtus Leung and Yau Wai-ching has highlighted deep divisions in the territory, which was handed back to China from the British in 1997, under a promise that it would enjoy a high degree of autonomy.

Organisers of Sunday's pro-China protest say 40,000 people attended the rally outside Hong Kong's parliament, while police estimate 28,500 people were there at the peak of the demonstration.

Maggie Chan, a spokeswoman for an alliance who organised the protests, said she opposed attempts "to separate Hong Kong from our motherland".

"So many people are very angry because the pro-independence force is a destructive force that is against the rule of law in Hong Kong," Ms Chan told the BBC.

Last week, pro-democracy groups organised a march against Beijing's ruling, accusing it of abusing its power to block two democratically elected legislators from taking their seats.

Protest organiser Au Ngok-hin told the BBC that Ms Yau and Mr Leung's actions may be "inappropriate", but that China's ruling would "deteriorate Hong Kong's rule of law".

Organisers said about 13,000 people took part in that march, while police put the number at 8,000 at the protest's peak.

There looks like a generational divide in Hong Kong. The young population is too shallow, too much a stranger to the hardships and bitterness that the older generation went through. Thus their propensity to sell out the Chinese people in the name of false western values. They dont know shit about how good they have it.

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