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China Is Beating USA In Ideological And Political Battle In Developing Countries For The First Time According To US Media

US is an immigration country, basically everyone is an immigrant, why you or your ancestors went to America?

you think America is evil. you supposedly live in one of the richest and perfect states China. yet you want to immigrate. go figure
you think America is evil. you supposedly live in one of the richest and perfect states China. yet you want to immigrate. go figure
Who told you I want to immigrate? and US is an immigration country, why did you or your ancestors moved to US? US still has more Europeans population than Asians by a large margin, so much more Europeans left their homelands and settled in US than Asians. the question you asked me you should ask yourself first.
What a strange logic! You think people come to this country because it bombs others?
No, people come to the US because we have many things that other countries do not have, cannot have, or not allowed the people to have. Like guns, for example. :enjoy:

How many immigrants do YOU know changed their minds after you showed them how many countries the US bombed? :lol:

What is the implication of this thread? That China now surpassed the US in popularity? That is a laugh. Let us say that average Chinese citizens make $100,000/yr while the average US citizens make $75,000/yr. Cities in China are modern, bright, and clean. US cities? Either a mess or just above tolerable. No contest. China win.

But the US is an immigrant country and China is not. China's wealth and prosperity are restricted to Chinese, while American opportunities are opened to anyone willing to work hard. If I can change my status from making $1,000/yr to $40,000/yr, or just 1/2 of what the average American make, while knowing that I will never be able to access Chinese opportunities, where do you think I would go? My government is corrupt to the core. My president/PM liking China and taking Chinese bribes does nothing for me. No matter how much my PM praises China, I will still make only $1,000/yr. I will probably at best be average in America, but my children could be brain surgeons or invent something like 'The Internet'.

The scenario I posited above is not fiction but real. And you know it. Your fellow Chinese countrymen proved it and proved it so well and so repeatedly that now you guys tried to claim credit for China for 'inventing' stuff just because the inventors may have some Chinese DNAs in them. How pathetic is that?
First of all, most, if not all Africa key interest aligned with the United States, Namely Egypt, SA, Morrocco and Nigeria et el.

The other countries were small or regional player, and those country have the habit of taking your money and then nationalise them (Congo, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Uganda and so on) and some are just cluster fuk......(Mali, Niger, Somalia and so on)
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