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China - Japan dispute intensifies


Aug 4, 2009
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China 'moves drilling equipment' into disputed waters


Japan says China has shipped drilling equipment to a disputed gas field in the East China Sea, fuelling diplomatic tensions between the Asian giants.

China has previously refrained from unilateral drilling at Japan's request.

Both Beijing and Tokyo claim exploration rights over the area.

China scrapped scheduled talks with Japan over joint exploration of the field last week after Japan arrested the captain of a Chinese trawler near disputed islands in the East China Sea.

All have been released except the captain who remains in detention.

The Chinese fishing boat reportedly rammed Japanese coastguard patrol boats which had been trying to intercept it.

Prosecutors have until Sunday to charge or release the captain.

There are unconfirmed reports of anti-Japanese demonstrations in China including Shanghai, Nanjing and Guangzhou this weekend.

Security around the Japanese Embassy in Beijing has been stepped up.

Unresolved issues
Japan's foreign ministry says the drilling equipment has been moved to a platform above a natural gas field, known as Chunxiao in China and Shirakaba in Japan.

Aerial photos taken by surveillance missions by Japan forces showed the shipments and workers engaged in what appeared to be preparations for drilling, Kyodo News reported.

But Japan's Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada, who stepped down on Friday, said Beijing had told Tokyo that the equipment was for "repair work".

He said he "strongly expects" that China would refrain from starting gas extraction.

China started drilling in Chunxiao in 2003, inflaming tensions with Japan, which expressed fears that Beijing could siphon gas from what it considered its own side.

China contends that the gas field falls easily within its maritime zone, but Japan contests this.

The BBC's Michael Bristow in Beijing says it is perhaps a small development - but comes at a time when relations between the two countries are as bad as they have been for several years.

China has made repeated protests over the detention of the Chinese fishing boat and its captain near the uninhabited islands known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan, and warned that it could harm bilateral ties.

Ties between China and Japan have improved in recent years - these two nations are now major trading partners.

But this latest incident is a reminder that there are many unresolved issues between the two countries - issues that have the potential to develop into major disputes, our correspondent says.


Ongoing China - Japan disputes

Gas fields: The countries argue over gas exploration rights in the East China Sea
Disputed islands: Both countries claim ownership of Senkaku/Diaoyu islands
Yasukuni Shrine: Memorial to Japan's war dead which China sees as glorifying war criminals

BBC News - China 'moves drilling equipment' into disputed waters


China's repeated provocation of its neighbors continues.

From construction projects in Pakistani Kashmir disputed with India, to interference in Vietnam's external relations with USA, to the usual military buildup against Taiwan, to continued tacit support for communist North Korea against democratic South Korea, to oil drilling operations in Senkaku islands disputed with Japan.

Unfortunately, peace in Asia remains elusive. So much for the "peaceful rise" theory.
China's repeated provocation of its neighbors continues.

From construction projects in Pakistani Kashmir disputed with India, to interference in Vietnam's external relations with USA, to the usual military buildup against Taiwan, to continued tacit support for communist North Korea against democratic South Korea, to oil drilling operations in Senkaku islands disputed with Japan.

Unfortunately, peace in Asia remains elusive. So much for the "peaceful rise" theory.

You sounds remarkably like an American neo-con, stayed in the U.S for too long?

As your little list of provocations, when did China interfere with U.S-Vietnamese relations? Can you provide a source? I think I've asked this for a few times now. And what's the proof of China 'tacit support for communist North Korea against democratic South Korea'? Yes we're providing support to NK, but none of them is against SK. South Koreans themselves provide NK from food to fertilizers to much-needed hard currencies. And please do read the article you posted yourself, China is not drilling in Diaoyu. Can you even read a map?
The Chinese fishing boat mentioned aboved was just a trouble maker in-purpose for Chinese government.
You sounds remarkably like an American neo-con, stayed in the U.S for too long?

As your little list of provocations, when did China interfere with U.S-Vietnamese relations? Can you provide a source? I think I've asked this for a few times now. And what's the proof of China 'tacit support for communist North Korea against democratic South Korea'? Yes we're providing support to NK, but none of them is against SK. South Koreans themselves provide NK from food to fertilizers to much-needed hard currencies. And please do read the article you posted yourself, China is not drilling in Diaoyu. Can you even read a map?

Generally, people who don't have much to say are the ones who fall to the level of making personal taunts so as to create a diversion. I understand.

#1) "when did China interfere with U.S-Vietnamese relations? "

China sees Vietnam as tilting to the U.S. and thus wants to “teach it a lesson”

Flexing muscle and rhetoric in waters

More recently, China has arrested Vietnamese fishermen, issued threats against multinational oil companies operating in Vietnamese waters, ramped up naval exercises and established a submarine base on Hainan island.

Vietnam, unlikely US ally | Mark Tran | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

#2) And what's the proof of China 'tacit support for communist North Korea against democratic South Korea'? Yes we're providing support to NK, but none of them is against SK. South Koreans themselves provide NK from food to fertilizers to much-needed hard currencies.

Article 2 of the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty declares the two nations guarantee to adopt immediately all necessary measures to oppose any country or coalition of countries that might attack either nation.

Harrison, Selig S. [2003] (2003). Korean endgame: a strategy for reunification and U.S. disengagement. p 322

In this case, the country to be opposed here is obvious.

#3) And please do read the article you posted yourself, China is not drilling in Diaoyu. Can you even read a map?

Playing with words huh? China is drilling oil in the Chunxiao/Shirakaba field which is a part of the Senanku islands dispute between China and Japan since the field lies only 4kms from the Japanese border in Senkaku.

In 2008, Beijing and Tokyo agreed on principles to solve the feud by jointly developing gas fields. Progress has been slow and Japan has accused China of drilling for gas in violation of the deal. China postponed the latest round of negotiations.

Factbox: Ties and tensions between China and Japan | Reuters
You sounds remarkably like an American neo-con, stayed in the U.S for too long?

As your little list of provocations, when did China interfere with U.S-Vietnamese relations? Can you provide a source? I think I've asked this for a few times now. And what's the proof of China 'tacit support for communist North Korea against democratic South Korea'? Yes we're providing support to NK, but none of them is against SK. South Koreans themselves provide NK from food to fertilizers to much-needed hard currencies. And please do read the article you posted yourself, China is not drilling in Diaoyu. Can you even read a map?

It might have been india which instigated Japan during the world war 2 to invade China and indiscriminately slaughter Chinese people, if we try to discover what prompted the Japanese to kill Chinese. I may be wrong though.
Playing with words huh? China is drilling oil in the Chunxiao/Shirakaba field which is a part of the Senanku islands dispute between China and Japan since the field lies only 4kms from the Japanese border in Senkaku.

The seabed between China and Japan are mostly jonit together and unfortunately a little deep blue belt display on the map which refer to a trench just located east to the drilling oil field.
The seabed between China and Japan are mostly jonit together and unfortunately a little deep blue belt display on the map which refer to a trench just located east to the drilling oil field.

If a war breaks out between China and Japan, who is going to profit?

Ask yourself. America.... yes. But apart from US, who else?

Its india.
It might have been India which instigated Japan during the world war 2 to invade China and indiscriminately slaughter Chinese people

Actually we Indians are worse than that, we're barbarians
War is part of our society, its embedded in our history. Invasions, bloody rebellions.

Heck I belong to a family of ex cannibals myself :)

Make no mistake , India is your enemy, we're poor, but extremely jealous and would love to destroy China's prosperity. :devil:

If we go down no problems, we'll take you down with us. The three Gorges Dam will make a mighty fine target :smitten:

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Actually we Indians are worse than that, we're barbarians
War is part of our society, its embedded in our history. Invasions, bloody rebellions.

Heck I belong to a family of ex cannibals myself :)

Make no mistake , India is your enemy, we're poor, but extremely jealous and would love to destroy China's prosperity. :devil:

If we go down no problems, we'll take you down with us. The three Gorges Dam will make a mighty fine target :smitten:


Friend, you are a good person. I have read your posts.

You are not China's enemy, your country's foreign policy makers are. May be you should also not identify yourself with your foreign policy makers.
“But Japan's Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada, who stepped down on Friday, said Beijing had told Tokyo that the equipment was for "repair work".”
this is the answer,Beijing only tell Japan get away.
Q: according to the report, China has may have some sent equipment to the chunxiao , maintenance operations. Please confirm.

A: China has full of chunxiao sovereign rights and jurisdiction, the Chinese in chunxiao activity completely legal.
I usually likes to stay neutral but this time I think that the Japanese were pushing the envelopes and are merely suffering the consequences.

They could've released the fishing boat captain and the crew, which would've been relatively simple. Both sides gets to save face and prevent further escalation.

But Noooooo....

Now the Chinese government has lost face and now a lot of Fengqing in China (I can tell without even checking Tiexue) and a lot of would be Fengqing are probably crying for War with Japan. The timing isn't particularly convenient either (9-18). The government has to do something to placate the angry Chinese people and I do appreciate the fact that they've exercised considerable restraint by only sending some drilling ships over.

If a more assertive (I mean insane) government were in charge we may very well see a joint Mainland-Taiwanese naval mission against the Japanese at the Diaoyu Islands.
Generally, people who don't have much to say are the ones who fall to the level of making personal taunts so as to create a diversion. I understand.

#1) "when did China interfere with U.S-Vietnamese relations? "

Flexing muscle and rhetoric in waters

Vietnam, unlikely US ally | Mark Tran | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

#2) And what's the proof of China 'tacit support for communist North Korea against democratic South Korea'? Yes we're providing support to NK, but none of them is against SK. South Koreans themselves provide NK from food to fertilizers to much-needed hard currencies.

Harrison, Selig S. [2003] (2003). Korean endgame: a strategy for reunification and U.S. disengagement. p 322

In this case, the country to be opposed here is obvious.

#3) And please do read the article you posted yourself, China is not drilling in Diaoyu. Can you even read a map?

Playing with words huh? China is drilling oil in the Chunxiao/Shirakaba field which is a part of the Senanku islands dispute between China and Japan since the field lies only 4kms from the Japanese border in Senkaku.

Factbox: Ties and tensions between China and Japan | Reuters

Good job quoting the same discredited idiot that screamed CHINESE TROOPS IN NORTHERN PAKISTAN!!!
Good job quoting the same discredited idiot that screamed CHINESE TROOPS IN NORTHERN PAKISTAN!!!

Just to note, Selig Harrison is one of the most respected and reputed foreign affairs analyst. Just because he doesn't serve your POV and puts things rather bluntly doesn't mean his assessments should be discarded.
Just to note, Selig Harrison is one of the most respected and reputed foreign affairs analyst. Just because he doesn't serve your POV and puts things rather bluntly doesn't mean his assessments should be discarded.

lol at you, read up on any of the thread here analysing his article. I don't feel like typing everything out again.


It's more like he serve your POV therefore you're less likely to question the validity of his comments.

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