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China removes top leadership contender Bo Xilai from post

Why would Bo send his son to the west for education? Usually pro-western despotic leaders do this!

Because China is like Pakistan, which the military will assume the top position when it is necessary.

For example, if US nukes China, but Hu Jintao refuses to nuke back because his son lives in US, then the PLA top commanders could legitimately remove his position in the military and to push the button without acquiring his nod.

Is this necessary, tiger? Why partake in this degeneracy of posting irrelevant pictures? This really does reflect a cultural revolutioneque small-mindedness.

The thread is about Boshar's politics.

Or so I thought anyway.

Well, i support a lot of his father's policy, you should know that.

Personally, i just don't like Bo's personality and ego.
Well, i support a lot of his father's policy, you should know that.

Personally, i just don't like Bo's personality and ego.

Well then stay on the politics. Yesterday's “连坐” and today's “人肉” are not sterling traditions ...
So Bosollini made the train less tardy, and lowered the fare. Perhaps took out the mafia while he was at it ...

Granted these are no mean feats. But your usual paeans aside, what did he do concretely? If you can't elaborate just leave it.

Lowering inequality, increasing wages and reducing crime are not concrete.

Only slogans are "concrete". Only paranoid fear of the Cultural Revolution to justify political oppression is concrete. You are just like the blacks who say "I'm never gonna get fired, 'cuz if they do I'm suin' 'em for racial discrimination."
Because China is like Pakistan, which the military will assume the top position when it is necessary.

For example, if US nukes China, but Hu Jintao refuses to nuke back because his son lives in US, then the PLA top commanders could legitimately remove his position in the military and to push the button without acquiring his nod.

Well, i support a lot of his father's policy, you should know that.

Personally, i just don't like Bo's personality and ego.

Wrong. There are political commissars at every level of the military whose sole job is to monitor disobedience. They are usually directly promoted from political areas so are totally isolated from the "regular" military. The top commissar is Xu Caihou who sits equally with the "real" general Guo Boxiong. The military is under very firm civilian control.

if they weren't, they would have been able to keep their very profitable businesses in the 90's; they couldn't.
Got replaced by Zhang Dejiang. :tdown: very sad moment.

Singing the red song is not necessary, but killing the corrupt officials and the oligarchs is absolutely essential.

Correct Corruption is causing problems that leads to more sever things, Killing Corrupt Officials and Oligarchs and keeping an Iron Fist is essential.
Lowering inequality, increasing wages and reducing crime are not concrete.

Only slogans are "concrete". Only paranoid fear of the Cultural Revolution to justify political oppression is concrete. You are just like the blacks who say "I'm never gonna get fired, 'cuz if they do I'm suin' 'em for racial discrimination."

You are your own cause's worst enemy. With "vanguards" like you, what hope do the proles have?

And with this level of incoherence, even with a Ferrari, I doubt ...

I have wasted enough time.

You help yourself to the bandwidth.
I know many of the people from Tsinghua. Their thinking is different from people like me. I can't describe it really, their thought process is very different.

Really? We seem to think alike in most of the issues. :azn: The thinking process is shaped way before one goes to college. I don't see any of my classmates change how he/she thinks because of Tsinghua.
You are your own cause's worst enemy. With "vanguards" like you, what hope do the proles have?

And with this level of incoherence, even with a Ferrari, I doubt ...

I have wasted enough time.

You help yourself to the bandwidth.

oh yeah only the corrupt oligarchs do not waste time. maybe you should make friends with the sister of one of them, i heard Xi Jinping's sister is in Canada.

Really? We seem to think alike in most of the issues. :azn: The thinking process is shaped way before one goes to college. I don't see any of my classmates change how he/she thinks because of Tsinghua.

it is not because of Tsinghua itself but the type of people it attracts. i know both ppl from Tsinghua and Tsinghua hopefuls who got rejected; they think EXACTLY alike and very different from how i do. i don't want to offend anyone here.


Thanks, this is the best post of the thread. The tuanpai are totally nonideological. They are in politics to make money.

The most obvious is Wen. The West always praises Wen as a 'reformer' and 'liberal'. Wen is easily the favorite Chinese politician of neocon Americans and indians. If Fairandunbiased doesn't believe that, he can go google those search terms.

Princelings are not perfect but at least they have some leftist ideology, not just straight up pragmatism, aka personal greed. Chongqing model should be encouraged.

And yeah Hu is the tuanpai mastermind. I feel like tuanpai is China's goldman sachs.

The most loyal Chinese leaders are the ones most warlike, because a corrupt leader will always repress internally and submit externally. Late Qing and Nationalist era are examples. Chinese leaders go to war for national interests, possibly even risking his own position of power.

The most warlike leader is Xi Jinping. We saw how he stared down USA enemies while he was visiting there. I am really proud of him, especially after 10 years of Hu Jintao rubbish propaganda about peace and harmony at all costs.

T-Rex, don't worry about China. Some people like Fairandunbiased don't like Xi Jinping because of his domestic politics. But there is no doubt Xi is just as warlike as Bo Xilai against Western imperialism if not more so.
Thanks, this is the best post of the thread. The tuanpai are totally nonideological. They are in politics to make money.

The most obvious is Wen. The West always praises Wen as a 'reformer' and 'liberal'. Wen is easily the favorite Chinese politician of neocon Americans and indians. If Fairandunbiased doesn't believe that, he can go google those search terms.

Princelings are not perfect but at least they have some leftist ideology, not just straight up pragmatism, aka personal greed. Chongqing model should be encouraged.

And yeah Hu is the tuanpai mastermind. I feel like tuanpai is China's goldman sachs.

The most loyal Chinese leaders are the ones most warlike, because a corrupt leader will always repress internally and submit externally. Late Qing and Nationalist era are examples. Chinese leaders go to war for national interests, possibly even risking his own position of power.

The most warlike leader is Xi Jinping. We saw how he stared down USA enemies while he was visiting there. I am really proud of him, especially after 10 years of Hu Jintao rubbish propaganda about peace and harmony at all costs.

T-Rex, don't worry about China. Some people like Fairandunbiased don't like Xi Jinping because of his domestic politics. But there is no doubt Xi is just as warlike as Bo Xilai against Western imperialism if not more so.





Thanks, this is the best post of the thread. The tuanpai are totally nonideological. They are in politics to make money.

The most obvious is Wen. The West always praises Wen as a 'reformer' and 'liberal'. Wen is easily the favorite Chinese politician of neocon Americans and indians. If Fairandunbiased doesn't believe that, he can go google those search terms.

Princelings are not perfect but at least they have some leftist ideology, not just straight up pragmatism, aka personal greed. Chongqing model should be encouraged.

And yeah Hu is the tuanpai mastermind. I feel like tuanpai is China's goldman sachs.

The most loyal Chinese leaders are the ones most warlike, because a corrupt leader will always repress internally and submit externally. Late Qing and Nationalist era are examples. Chinese leaders go to war for national interests, possibly even risking his own position of power.

The most warlike leader is Xi Jinping. We saw how he stared down USA enemies while he was visiting there. I am really proud of him, especially after 10 years of Hu Jintao rubbish propaganda about peace and harmony at all costs.

T-Rex, don't worry about China. Some people like Fairandunbiased don't like Xi Jinping because of his domestic politics. But there is no doubt Xi is just as warlike as Bo Xilai against Western imperialism if not more so.

Li Keqiang is also a Tuanpai member, but he is going to be submissive towards a tough guy like Xi Jinping.
Did bo like the west?

His son is studying in the UK. I've seen pics of his son with a bunch of white sl*ts.

Xi jinping is pro west.

Is there anyone that is anti-western?

Wen jiabao is a weakling.
Did bo like the west?

His son is studying in the UK. I've seen pics of his son with a bunch of white sl*ts.

Xi jinping is pro west.

Is there anyone that is anti-western?

Wen jiabao is a weakling.

In 2005, when the NPC passed the anti-Secession Law, Wen Jiabao gave a speech to Congress.

His closing words were, "The Chinese people do not welcome war, but they are never afraid of war!"

In 1999, Jiang Zemin, the mentor of Xi Jinping, when our embassy got bombed right after we were humiliated by US Navy in 1996, cowered in a corner talking about "reconciliation". Now that's a difference.
In 2005, when the NPC passed the anti-Secession Law, Wen Jiabao gave a speech to Congress.

His closing words were, "The Chinese people do not welcome war, but they are never afraid of war!"

In 1999, Jiang Zemin, the mentor of Xi Jinping, when our embassy got bombed right after we were humiliated by US Navy in 1996, cowered in a corner talking about "reconciliation". Now that's a difference.

Jiang is the mentor of Bo, not Xi.

Still, Bo is not bad in everything.
Thanks, this is the best post of the thread. The tuanpai are totally nonideological. They are in politics to make money.

The most obvious is Wen. The West always praises Wen as a 'reformer' and 'liberal'. Wen is easily the favorite Chinese politician of neocon Americans and indians. If Fairandunbiased doesn't believe that, he can go google those search terms.

Princelings are not perfect but at least they have some leftist ideology, not just straight up pragmatism, aka personal greed. Chongqing model should be encouraged.

And yeah Hu is the tuanpai mastermind. I feel like tuanpai is China's goldman sachs.

The most loyal Chinese leaders are the ones most warlike, because a corrupt leader will always repress internally and submit externally. Late Qing and Nationalist era are examples. Chinese leaders go to war for national interests, possibly even risking his own position of power.

The most warlike leader is Xi Jinping. We saw how he stared down USA enemies while he was visiting there. I am really proud of him, especially after 10 years of Hu Jintao rubbish propaganda about peace and harmony at all costs.

T-Rex, don't worry about China. Some people like Fairandunbiased don't like Xi Jinping because of his domestic politics. But there is no doubt Xi is just as warlike as Bo Xilai against Western imperialism if not more so.

Funny you mention Goldman Sachs because Xi Jinping is personal friends with the oligarchs at Goldman Sachs. Don't believe me, Wikipedia his name. His great friend Wang Qishan is another personal friend of the US oligarchs. The princelings are in bed with Wall Street. They are the 1% and they want to make sure that they will always remain the 1%, and the 99% will never, ever even get to imagine being the 1%. If they come to power, the first thing they will do is get rid of people like you because you're too loud.

Xi Jinping, stares down enemies :lol: he sends his daughter to stare them down perhaps :lol: and cracks a few jokes with the oligarchs. He was called "humorous" by Henry Paulson himself. Behind the scenes they're all laughing at us for being dumb animals. Warlike, lmao. Jiang got his *** bombed twice and humiliated by US navy, and he cowers in the corner. Don't forget, Jiang is personal friends with the princelings and is on their side. Don't forget "If Taiwan is independent, the whole Chinese people won't agree... but I can." Don't forget that it was Hu that sent a nuclear sub to Japanese waters, not Jiang.

The princelings are the enemy of China. They pegged the RMB to the USD, they sold our gold reserves, and it was up to Hu to unpeg the RMB and get our gold back. Only the tuanpai cares about China's financial independence. The princelings will take away all your rights and take away all your welfare, and peg the RMB to USD so foreigners can loot the country with impunity.

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