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China & Russia firmly back Iran on nuke deal


Feb 28, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
China And Russia Firmly Back Iran Nuclear Deal On Eve Of Renegotiations

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China And Russia Firmly Back Iran Nuclear Deal On Eve Of Renegotiations
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Removing sanctions against Iran will reinvigorate global trade.
Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst
Iran has received confirmation of Russia’s and China’s support for negotiations on the nuclear deal that will restart later this month. The resumption of talks can spur Russia and China to seek areas of common interest with the US to create a rare atmosphere of cooperation. Russia and China welcomed Iran’s decision to return to the nuclear agreement after the US unilaterally withdrew from it on May 8, 2018. The nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), still has validity if the US are willing to return to it, something that not only Russia and China encourage, but also the European Union.
Despite this widespread support of returning to JCPOA, China reemphasized its support for the scheduled November 29 nuclear deal negotiations. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also expressed similar views. In a phone call with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Lavrov said that all parties, particularly the US, should restore full compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement. For his part, Amir-Abdollahian noted that in order to accelerate the upcoming nuclear negotiations, the US and Europe should reject any request outside the framework of the 2015 agreement and take a constructive approach.
Meanwhile, in an interview with CNN on November 7, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan accused Iran of showing no desire to resume negotiations. On November 8, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh demanded guarantees from the US that it would not again abandon the JCPOA if the upcoming Vienna talks are successful. He also said that Washington should lift all sanctions imposed by the former US administration.
Khatibzadeh said on Twitter that “Jake Sullivan claims Iran has left JCPOA. Is he unaware that it was the US that left? Path for US return is clear: admission of culpability, end to its ‘max failure’ campaign and guarantee that international law won’t be mocked again. JCPOA fundamentally dictates these basic expectations.”
Russia and China clearly define their position against US sanctions because legitimate sanctions can only be imposed by the United Nations Security Council. Both countries have made it clear that the unilateral sanctions the US imposed against Iran and may impose on other countries are unacceptable. Washington is not ready to lift sanctions against Iran and therefore might not be ready to extend the JCPOA.
However, it is more than likely that compliance with the agreement will resume, although reaching this outcome will undoubtedly be difficult. As Iran is suffering from major sanctions, Washington is hoping that Tehran will make concessions because it can leverage the economic situation. Inevitably though, if Iran makes concessions, the US will likely increase its influence over the country and the wider region.
Although there is a competition and confrontation between China and the US, particularly in matters of technology and control over the Pacific region, there are also many areas where they can cooperate. With negotiations on the Iran nuclear deal only weeks away, China has conducted multi-level talks with Iran, Russia and the US. It is likely that Beijing’s diplomatic activity will increase as a result.
US sanctions on Iran deal a huge blow to the Chinese economy as it targets Iran’s oil exports. Partly for this reason, China wants the restoration of the JCPOA so it can develop comprehensive relations with the Islamic Republic and have more energy security. Iran still exports oil through intermediaries, but this is a difficult process.
China wants Iran to overcome difficulties, especially economic ones, so it can develop relations with Iran unhindered. Iran is one of the key players in the region, and China wants it to be a cornerstone component of its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative.
To improve Iran’s image, China attempts to help the country break free from international isolation through various channels. In one example, China suggested that Iran uses its political influence to solve the Afghanistan problem. In a phone call with his Iranian counterpart, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced that China plans to hold the third meeting of countries that neighbor Afghanistan. The minister said that Beijing intends to strengthen coordination with all parties to make this meeting more successful. Wang Yi made it clear that he wanted to let Iran, as well as other neighboring countries of Afghanistan, to play a constructive role to establish lasting peace and stability – a difficult task with the Taliban in power.
None-the-less, releasing Iran from Trump-era imposed sanctions will not only benefit China and Russia as a major issue in the region is once again resolved, but it will also facilitate global trade as Iran becomes more integrated into the Belt and Road Initiative, but also economic corridors involving the Arab World, Central Asia, India and Europe.
China And Russia Firmly Back Iran Nuclear Deal On Eve Of Renegotiations

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China And Russia Firmly Back Iran Nuclear Deal On Eve Of Renegotiations
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Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst
Iran has received confirmation of Russia’s and China’s support for negotiations on the nuclear deal that will restart later this month. The resumption of talks can spur Russia and China to seek areas of common interest with the US to create a rare atmosphere of cooperation. Russia and China welcomed Iran’s decision to return to the nuclear agreement after the US unilaterally withdrew from it on May 8, 2018. The nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), still has validity if the US are willing to return to it, something that not only Russia and China encourage, but also the European Union.
Despite this widespread support of returning to JCPOA, China reemphasized its support for the scheduled November 29 nuclear deal negotiations. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also expressed similar views. In a phone call with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Lavrov said that all parties, particularly the US, should restore full compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement. For his part, Amir-Abdollahian noted that in order to accelerate the upcoming nuclear negotiations, the US and Europe should reject any request outside the framework of the 2015 agreement and take a constructive approach.
Meanwhile, in an interview with CNN on November 7, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan accused Iran of showing no desire to resume negotiations. On November 8, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh demanded guarantees from the US that it would not again abandon the JCPOA if the upcoming Vienna talks are successful. He also said that Washington should lift all sanctions imposed by the former US administration.
Khatibzadeh said on Twitter that “Jake Sullivan claims Iran has left JCPOA. Is he unaware that it was the US that left? Path for US return is clear: admission of culpability, end to its ‘max failure’ campaign and guarantee that international law won’t be mocked again. JCPOA fundamentally dictates these basic expectations.”
Russia and China clearly define their position against US sanctions because legitimate sanctions can only be imposed by the United Nations Security Council. Both countries have made it clear that the unilateral sanctions the US imposed against Iran and may impose on other countries are unacceptable. Washington is not ready to lift sanctions against Iran and therefore might not be ready to extend the JCPOA.
However, it is more than likely that compliance with the agreement will resume, although reaching this outcome will undoubtedly be difficult. As Iran is suffering from major sanctions, Washington is hoping that Tehran will make concessions because it can leverage the economic situation. Inevitably though, if Iran makes concessions, the US will likely increase its influence over the country and the wider region.
Although there is a competition and confrontation between China and the US, particularly in matters of technology and control over the Pacific region, there are also many areas where they can cooperate. With negotiations on the Iran nuclear deal only weeks away, China has conducted multi-level talks with Iran, Russia and the US. It is likely that Beijing’s diplomatic activity will increase as a result.
US sanctions on Iran deal a huge blow to the Chinese economy as it targets Iran’s oil exports. Partly for this reason, China wants the restoration of the JCPOA so it can develop comprehensive relations with the Islamic Republic and have more energy security. Iran still exports oil through intermediaries, but this is a difficult process.
China wants Iran to overcome difficulties, especially economic ones, so it can develop relations with Iran unhindered. Iran is one of the key players in the region, and China wants it to be a cornerstone component of its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative.
To improve Iran’s image, China attempts to help the country break free from international isolation through various channels. In one example, China suggested that Iran uses its political influence to solve the Afghanistan problem. In a phone call with his Iranian counterpart, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced that China plans to hold the third meeting of countries that neighbor Afghanistan. The minister said that Beijing intends to strengthen coordination with all parties to make this meeting more successful. Wang Yi made it clear that he wanted to let Iran, as well as other neighboring countries of Afghanistan, to play a constructive role to establish lasting peace and stability – a difficult task with the Taliban in power.
None-the-less, releasing Iran from Trump-era imposed sanctions will not only benefit China and Russia as a major issue in the region is once again resolved, but it will also facilitate global trade as Iran becomes more integrated into the Belt and Road Initiative, but also economic corridors involving the Arab World, Central Asia, India and Europe.

I doubt that China and Russia wantbtge crazy mullahs to have nukes. Both, China and Russia did nothing against sanctions, even complied with them....
I doubt that China and Russia wantbtge crazy mullahs to have nukes. Both, China and Russia did nothing against sanctions, even complied with them....
I personally believe that the mullahs have handled the whole nuclear issue very poorly and caused Iranian people a lot of pain by having one of the longest and most strict sanctions regime imposed on them (Cuba has longer 60 years plus of sanctions). Iran is a defacto nuclear power and should have tested a nuke in earlier part of the century and the world would have gotten over it. Just like much poorer countries like India, Pakistan and DPRK all without the immense natural resources of Iran have done. The wishy washy Iranian nuclear policy only allowed its enemies more time and made the hardship worse for its people . Iranian nuclear infrastructure is now so advanced that it simply can not be rolled back, even by any new agreement, which I doubt will happen. Indeed, both Russia and China went along with all US sanctions and wars in the region and are only now superficially changing their tune as both have become US and NATO targets as well.
Crazy Mullah? Better than racist kangeroo who gets nuclear with evil US imperialisms blessing for their SSN submarine deal.
Indeed, the hypocritical standards of these warmongers are quite appalling. The little Zionist criminals openly boast about their nukes and kill Palestinians daily and have the temerity to criticize Iran which faces a daily existential threat. In these NATO vassal brainwashed vassal states it is now open season for Sinophobia, Iranophobia and to a lesser extent Russia bashing. Quite a trifecta :-)
Indeed, the hypocritical standards of these warmongers are quite appalling. The little Zionist criminals openly boast about their nukes and kill Palestinians daily and have the temerity to criticize Iran which faces a daily existential threat. In these NATO vassal brainwashed vassal states it is now open season for Sinophobia, Iranophobia and to a lesser extent Russia bashing. Quite a trifecta :-)

Iran was once a respected nation in the world and is now a pariah on the world stage. It deserves better than relgious psychopaths as leadership.
Iran was once a respected nation in the world and is now a pariah on the world stage. It deserves better than relgious psychopaths as leadership.
You think Iran under shah is great? How delusion are u. Most ordinary Iranian live in impoverished and fear! Old shah Iran get respected by western and US for being a US lackey.
Iran was once a respected nation in the world and is now a pariah on the world stage. It deserves better than relgious psychopaths as leadership.
"Respectable" is a subjective term and by whose perspective? In geo-strategic terms Iran today, despite the mullahs is in a far more influential position from Yemen to Syria. It is independent and is more than capable of defending itself. However, I do agree that Iran needs a better form of governance. The population is highly educated now with a thriving civil society, but the religious social restrictions are stifling the population and causing brain drain, not to the extent of the Arab world which is in total chaos from Iraq to Morocco. Iran has a very large educated diaspora of perhaps 6 million who would have returned if these social outdated restrictions had eased.

Secondly, the Shah was popular in the west as long as he did not challenge them. In his last final years, he was quite critical of US and European policies and paid the price. Iran is big enough to stand on its feet as it has the critical core to be a great power i.e huge landmass, immense natural resources and above all a very homogenous and nationalistic population, like the Greeks and Chinese. But the government is not the most optimal, but constant US and Zionist threats have given the mullahs a lease on life. They have lasted 42 years, far more than most expected.
Iran has paid its price, they deserve nukes as every other Sovereign nation.
Eaxctly, your Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was right when he said that "Pakistanis will eat grass but will make the nuclear bomb". Pakistan like Iran faces an existential threat and had no choice. But had a clear vision and did go nuclear and the sky did not fall. Iran should just test a nuke and let the chips fall where they will. There is nothing the US and west can do now that has not been done.
You think Iran under shah is great? How delusion are u. Most ordinary Iranian live in impoverished and fear! Old shah Iran get respected by western and US for being a US lackey.
The Shah's government was corrupt to the core, but he was installed by the CIA and MI6 and was their darling for a long time, until Iran became too big for its boots and started independent streak, just like China is doing now and that sealed his fate and started western animosity towards Iran. Overall, you are correct, the average Iranian under under sanctions is better off. It is a middle income country and massively industrialized.
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You think Iran under shah is great? How delusion are u. Most ordinary Iranian live in impoverished and fear! Old shah Iran get respected by western and US for being a US lackey.

So what changed?

Still most iranians are inpoverished and live in even more fear and nobody respects Iran. Women are treated horrible, a hyper corrupt leadership plunders the country and evrything is stagnant.

I dont see the positive side. And beside that i know, that you see it the same way. Dont tell be China sees a theocratic, backwarded mullah regime as positive. You just ignore it for business.
"Respectable" is a subjective term and by whose perspective? In geo-strategic terms Iran today, despite the mullahs is in a far more influential position from Yemen to Syria. It is independent and is more than capable of defending itself. However, I do agree that Iran needs a better form of governance. The population is highly educated now with a thriving civil society, but the religious social restrictions are stifling the population and causing brain drain, not to the extent of the Arab world which is in total chaos from Iraq to Morocco. Iran has a very large educated diaspora of perhaps 6 million who would have returned if these social outdated restrictions had eased.

Secondly, the Shah was popular in the west as long as he did not challenge them. In his last final years, he was quite critical of US and European policies and paid the price. Iran is big enough to stand on its feet as it has the critical core to be a great power i.e huge landmass, immense natural resources and above all a very homogenous and nationalistic population, like the Greeks and Chinese. But the government is not the most optimal, but constant US and Zionist threats have given the mullahs a lease on life. They have lasted 42 years, far more than most expected.

Eaxctly, your Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was right when he said that "Pakistanis will eat grass but will make the nuclear bomb". Pakistan like Iran faces an existential threat and had no choice. But had a clear vision and did go nuclear and the sky did not fall. Iran should just test a nuke and let the chips fall where they will. There is nothing the US and west can do now that has not been done.

The Shah's government was corrupt to the core, but he was installed by the CIA and MI6 and was their darling for a long time, until Iran became too big for its boots and started independent streak, just like China is doing now and that sealed his fate and started western animosity towards Iran. Overall, you are correct, the average Iranian under under sanctions is better off. It is a middle income country and massively industrialized.

Iranians in my age that i have meet are desperate to always prove me they are not crazy islamists, even so i would never suggest that. I know a iranian girl who is super educated and left because she has no future in iran. I think the country has much potential but not with that regime.
Iranians in my age that i have meet are desperate to always prove me they are not crazy islamists, even so i would never suggest that. I know a iranian girl who is super educated and left because she has no future in iran. I think the country has much potential but not with that regime.

Although the culture is different, because of history and experience, the Chinese people particularly understand Iranians and can also understand the difficulties of the Iranian regime.

Regardless of the ideology, the political system will eventually be tested when solving practical problems in national governance. U.S. sanctions have made it more difficult to resolve internal issues, and external pressure will be transmitted to the internal.

Anyway, the toughest time for Iran is over.
Although the culture is different, because of history and experience, the Chinese people particularly understand Iranians and can also understand the difficulties of the Iranian regime.

Regardless of the ideology, the political system will eventually be tested when solving practical problems in national governance. U.S. sanctions have made it more difficult to resolve internal issues, and external pressure will be transmitted to the internal.

Anyway, the toughest time for Iran is over.

I agree. The Ayatollah is old and half dead. The young people want freedom. I dont think this regime will last long
I agree. The Ayatollah is old and half dead. The young people want freedom. I dont think this regime will last long
I believe both of you are right to a some extent. The Iranian system has to change, but it will be a hybrid change as Iranians have seen the devastation brought about by the US "regime change" in Arab states and are too nationalistic to allow that. The mullahs are waning in power and a new technocratic generation is coming up. Just like post Mao China. The transition will be gradual and as economic conditions improve after the sanctions are gone, the pace of social and political change will accelerate. However, there is no chance of a violent regime change by foreign powers. Iranians historically tend to rally around the flag when threatened and have a historical dislike for US and UK in particular for meddling in the country.
Iran should get nuclear weapons. They should make this happen. Faster they make it happen, the better. It will guarantee the security of Iran.
Indeed, both Russia and China went along with all US sanctions and wars in the region and are only now superficially changing their tune as both have become US and NATO targets as well.

Russia and China agreeing to UN sanctions on Iran is a massive geopolitical mistake. Iran should be built up and armed to the teeth including with nuclear weapons. A strong Iran is great news.
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Iran should get nuclear weapons. They should make this happen. Faster they make it happen, the better. It will guarantee the security of Iran.

Russia and China agreeing to UN sanctions on Iran is a massive geopolitical mistake. Iran should be built up and armed to the teeth including with nuclear weapons. A strong Iran is great news.
That is the only logical option. Iran needs to test a nuke. 90% enrichment is now just a matter of days if it does decide to go that way. But it is a political decision and the mullahs are not clear and send out contradictory messages. This waffling has caused a lot of economic pain for the average Iranian.

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