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China satellite navigation starts services to Asia

But never for any nefarious intent...No sireeeeee...:lol:

no sir not any worst than existing systems

we have debated over this already, there is no way for the Chinese government to verify that it is in fact you(if you bought it) using the beidu system, unless they

1. planted this thing on you themselves, or

2. they have agents/spies confirming that you are the one using it.
(if your scared of being followed by gps, i doubt you would be using one in the first place thus the point would be moot)

both of which can be done using any gps system

think of it this way, if i bought a beidu device then sold it online, how is the government suppose to know who they're tracking, if in fact they are tracking the systems at all. there is no registration requirements, any one can go to a store and buy a receiver. the receivers are never assigned only to one user.

a user is not require to register the device to them so in reality and not in your twisted mind, such a system poses no more a threat to privacy or whatever than the gps systems already in place.

on the other hand, if ur on a road trip and ur car breaks down in the middle of no where and its -40 out the SMS can potentially save ur life
Tracking equipment by private companies is different than govt accessing the data to oppress it's people and opposition. that's a fundamental difference...

Dude, before you want to debate in such a foolish way, can you please figure it out first whether 64=65? :lol:

back to the topic.

Congratulations on China for introducing a new competition in the market!
Galileo has this also. I wonder if there are any intellectual property disputes in regard to this and if this is the reason China was kicked off the programme without reimbursement.

Europe wasn't interested in helping a potential competitor.

¶2. (S//NF) The official explained that only recently, after the Commission became the owner of Galileo and was able to further stress the importance of protecting the technology, have companies notified the Commission of Chinese approaches and asked how to respond. Prior to the transfer to the Commission, the European Space Agency (ESA) had the technological lead and was much more willing to cooperate openly with the Chinese. China at that time had more access to the Galileo project, which the Commission official expressed was a large mistake. Now, as China develops Compass, its own system, the Commission views China as a competitor, and one which it does not want to help succeed.

Eu Commission Official Details China,s Satellite Technology Acquisition Process In Europe
So how is the pathetic galileo now???

China has no time to waste with EU's in-fights has been already way ahead.

Let's make Beidou a commercial success as well.

Ofcourse, for chi-bots China is always ahead of everyone.

Thankfully, someone still has his head in the right place and can think in mid term, not just short term gains.
Hopefully the trend continues, though in the case of Airbus, they are already making a plant in China to sell jets there, the chi-bots will ofcourse snoop in the after hours and everything will be transfered to COMAC.
Heads should roll......
For such a sunking europe, enjoy yourself while you still can.

Ofcourse, for chi-bots China is always ahead of everyone.

Thankfully, someone still has his head in the right place and can think in mid term, not just short term gains.
Hopefully the trend continues, though in the case of Airbus, they are already making a plant in China to sell jets there, the chi-bots will ofcourse snoop in the after hours and everything will be transfered to COMAC.
Heads should roll......
Just another technology that will be misused by the communist to track its people.

I don't see this going too well with any country that has conflicts with china. Just like their telecom companies being banned because of the lack of integrity on secrurity

Like they say, unless you are a terrorist wanting to destroy the country, you should be fine. Most people don't give a rat *** anyway, they just want conveniences of GPS. How about you try and post terrorist message in the US and see if the Secret Service show up at your door? As if the US isn't tracking everyone already.

If you are Muslim in the US who travels to ME frequently to visit your relative, chances are the US government are already tracking you. In the future, if relation with Indian sour, Indian will be on the receiving American racist policies.

Indian are so deluded to think that US's GPS can't track your every move already. I never met an India as deluded as the people on here. How's all those Anglo countries treating you? At least Indian students in China aren't get the crap beaten out them like they do in Australia and occasionally the US's flyover states.

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