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China sends 3rd ship in standoff with Philippines

We have already digressed from the subject matter involving the Scarborough Shoal Standoff. Let us get back to it shall we?
Said what ever you want Mr. 3/4 vietnamese +1/4 Chinese as you claimed..long long ago
My ancestry have nothing to do with the subjects, whatever they may be. You ever hold a baby girl in your arms, 'little emperor'? Ever feel an overwhelming feeling of paternal protective instinct in such a situation? And to think that we have a society where parents must make a calculus from cultural and political forces to kill off or abandon a human being too weak to fend for herself.
You guys always hijack the topic to your issues with Vietnam. Absolutely uncalled for. Stick to the topic or else stop posting your venom against Vietnam. Let us see how China will get out the standoff. It is testing time for PLA and CCP. What are the choices China has available to her from the long term strategic point of view?
My ancestry have nothing to do with the subjects, whatever they may be.

Gambit is correct, ethnic background does not matter, American is American. Gambit may belong to an ethnic background from Asia, and I have Anglo Saxon background (English/Irish), however, we're still both equally American. E Pluribus Unum (Out of many, One).
My ancestry have nothing to do with the subjects, whatever they may be. You ever hold a baby girl in your arms, 'little emperor'? Ever feel an overwhelming feeling of paternal protective instinct in such a situation? And to think that we have a society where parents must make a calculus from cultural and political forces to kill off or abandon a human being too weak to fend for herself.

Dude...try to keep your moral lesson for yourself...I just replied to your previous post...for mocking Gender inbalance...it's not my intention to humliate the entire human been or any women ...
Gambit is correct, ethnic background does not matter, American is American. Gambit may belong to an ethnic background from Asia, and I have Anglo Saxon background (English/Irish), however, we're still both equally American. E Pluribus Unum (Out of many, One).
I will a bit of background. When and after the Chinese started showing up here in force, they began to make claims about China's latest military achievement -- the J-20 fighter. Many of not most of those claims practically defied the laws of physics. Since aviation and sensors just happened to be my areas of interests, in and out of the military, I began to debunk those claims. I stayed on subject, was polite, and supported my arguments with credible third party sources. People here know I often encourage readers to use keyword searches so they can verify my arguments for themselves. To date, no one ever came back and said my arguments were wrong or misleading.

The Chinese did not like that. Not only does none of them have any military experience but none of them have any relevant experience in the subjects at hand, namely aviation and its related sub-topics. So when they found out they could not refute my debunking of their claims, they got personal. They initially started out assuming that I was a 'white' American with their own stereotyping of an average American so the personal insults were targeted at a 'white' American. Then when they found out I was a Viet, the nasty kitty claws really came out. The insults got more personal and racial. To the Chinese, everything must be viewed through a racial prism. The US is a 'white' country and any non-white ethnic member who claim US citizenship is a racial 'sell-out'. Asia belongs to China, if not politically then racially, meaning the ONLY heavenly mandated representative Asian 'race' to speak for and to dominate Asia and the 'inferior' Asians is the Chinese. It is that whole 'Middle Kondom' thingie from thousands of years ago.

And it deteriorated from there. The Chinese members here are as racially hateful as the worst that the Klan can create. It is sad really but never once have I ever advocate silencing their racially hateful opinions, towards me or to the Indians or to anyone else.
I will a bit of background. When and after the Chinese started showing up here in force, they began to make claims about China's latest military achievement -- the J-20 fighter. Many of not most of those claims practically defied the laws of physics. Since aviation and sensors just happened to be my areas of interests, in and out of the military, I began to debunk those claims. I stayed on subject, was polite, and supported my arguments with credible third party sources. People here know I often encourage readers to use keyword searches so they can verify my arguments for themselves. To date, no one ever came back and said my arguments were wrong or misleading.

The Chinese did not like that. Not only does none of them have any military experience but none of them have any relevant experience in the subjects at hand, namely aviation and its related sub-topics. So when they found out they could not refute my debunking of their claims, they got personal. They initially started out assuming that I was a 'white' American with their own stereotyping of an average American so the personal insults were targeted at a 'white' American. Then when they found out I was a Viet, the nasty kitty claws really came out. The insults got more personal and racial. To the Chinese, everything must be viewed through a racial prism. The US is a 'white' country and any non-white ethnic member who claim US citizenship is a racial 'sell-out'. Asia belongs to China, if not politically then racially, meaning the ONLY heavenly mandated representative Asian 'race' to speak for and to dominate Asia and the 'inferior' Asians is the Chinese. It is that whole 'Middle Kondom' thingie from thousands of years ago.

And it deteriorated from there. The Chinese members here are as racially hateful as the worst that the Klan can create. It is sad really but never once have I ever advocate silencing their racially hateful opinions, towards me or to the Indians or to anyone else.

Thanks for that background information, bro, just from my recent activity (I just registered this week; after some several months of visiting and reading poster inputs on the current ramifications in Afghanistan), and have seen some of the unnecessary racial remarks by some member posters here.

It is a shame that some people here would stoop that low to use retaliatory racial and libelous posts just because they were proven wrong or to deviate from the subject matter.

Well, now that I know that you have a background in the Military, bro, then, let me introduce myself to you here and get acquainted with you. I served 4 years in the United States Navy, after my 4 years service, continued on to medical school, and have been a reservist for the USN. Am a cardiologist on the side, but most probably will remain in reserve till I'm too old to serve, lol. So yes, pleasure to meet you here and looking forward to more insights with you.

See you in the boards bro.
I will a bit of background. When and after the Chinese started showing up here in force, they began to make claims about China's latest military achievement -- the J-20 fighter. Many of not most of those claims practically defied the laws of physics. Since aviation and sensors just happened to be my areas of interests, in and out of the military, I began to debunk those claims. I stayed on subject, was polite, and supported my arguments with credible third party sources. People here know I often encourage readers to use keyword searches so they can verify my arguments for themselves. To date, no one ever came back and said my arguments were wrong or misleading.

The Chinese did not like that. Not only does none of them have any military experience but none of them have any relevant experience in the subjects at hand, namely aviation and its related sub-topics. So when they found out they could not refute my debunking of their claims, they got personal. They initially started out assuming that I was a 'white' American with their own stereotyping of an average American so the personal insults were targeted at a 'white' American. Then when they found out I was a Viet, the nasty kitty claws really came out. The insults got more personal and racial. To the Chinese, everything must be viewed through a racial prism. The US is a 'white' country and any non-white ethnic member who claim US citizenship is a racial 'sell-out'. Asia belongs to China, if not politically then racially, meaning the ONLY heavenly mandated representative Asian 'race' to speak for and to dominate Asia and the 'inferior' Asians is the Chinese. It is that whole 'Middle Kondom' thingie from thousands of years ago.

And it deteriorated from there. The Chinese members here are as racially hateful as the worst that the Klan can create. It is sad really but never once have I ever advocate silencing their racially hateful opinions, towards me or to the Indians or to anyone else.

You can bush1ts what you want and elaborate your lame excuses for been rejected with your theory of aviation...and your knowlege of Science and Physic in Chinese section...tell me Mr. expert in aviation..if you found yourself is been disliked...why sticking yourself in j-20 thread for over few hundred pages...there must be a rational explaination ? :pop:
I will a bit of background. When and after the Chinese started showing up here in force, they began to make claims about China's latest military achievement -- the J-20 fighter. Many of not most of those claims practically defied the laws of physics. Since aviation and sensors just happened to be my areas of interests, in and out of the military, I began to debunk those claims. I stayed on subject, was polite, and supported my arguments with credible third party sources. People here know I often encourage readers to use keyword searches so they can verify my arguments for themselves. To date, no one ever came back and said my arguments were wrong or misleading.

The Chinese did not like that. Not only does none of them have any military experience but none of them have any relevant experience in the subjects at hand, namely aviation and its related sub-topics. So when they found out they could not refute my debunking of their claims, they got personal. They initially started out assuming that I was a 'white' American with their own stereotyping of an average American so the personal insults were targeted at a 'white' American. Then when they found out I was a Viet, the nasty kitty claws really came out. The insults got more personal and racial. To the Chinese, everything must be viewed through a racial prism. The US is a 'white' country and any non-white ethnic member who claim US citizenship is a racial 'sell-out'. Asia belongs to China, if not politically then racially, meaning the ONLY heavenly mandated representative Asian 'race' to speak for and to dominate Asia and the 'inferior' Asians is the Chinese. It is that whole 'Middle Kondom' thingie from thousands of years ago.

And it deteriorated from there. The Chinese members here are as racially hateful as the worst that the Klan can create. It is sad really but never once have I ever advocate silencing their racially hateful opinions, towards me or to the Indians or to anyone else.

What have defied the laws of physics? We've been through this before. Since we don't know much, we can only set upper and lower bounds. I gave my assessment, which I believe was quite informed and rational.
The joker here is our resident enlisted man who talks like General MacArthur on PDF :rofl:

He's had such a miserable life that failing college and ending up as an enlisted is all he talks about all day. That and "Chinese physics" -- remarkable since he's probably never passed grade 12 physics in the first place.
LMAO How you guarantee is a virgin? Should I try it first. LOL

can someone stop this guy pls?

Here enjoy!
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