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China slams Japan for attempting to turn India against it



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Beijing: Piqued over Japan's warm ties with India, a Chinese daily today said New Delhi's wisdom lies in dealing with its disputes with Beijing calmly, undisturbed by "internal and international provocateurs".

As Prime Minister Manmohan Singh undertook a visit to Tokyo amid reports of defence deals between the two sides, the ruling Communist Party's mouthpiece, the People's Daily, today lashed out at Japanese politicians, terming them as "petty burglars" on China related issues.

China is locked in a maritime dispute with Japan and the two countries are currently at loggerheads over the disputed islands in the resource-rich East China Sea.

"Before Premier Li Keqiang's visit, the China-India border standoff was hyped up by international media.

The divergence and contradictions between the two countries were also exaggerated as if the Sino-Indian ties had been strained suddenly," said in an article titled 'Sino-Indian diplomatic miracle embarrasses Japanese politicians'.

"But what surprised the media was that China and India properly solved the issue in a short time. During Li's visit the top leaders of both countries had sincere and candid talks and came to a series of strategic consensus and cooperation.

The shift of Sino-Indian ties in such a short time is a miracle.

"In the development of Sino-Indian ties there are several divergence and contradictions. Some countries see these differences as an opportunity to provoke dissension," it said.

"China and India have great vision and great wisdom," it said, adding that "India's great wisdom lies in dealing with ties with China in a calm way, undisturbed by internal and international provocateurs."

Referring to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe call to Japan, India, Australia and the US to jointly form a "Democratic Security Diamond" to compete with the ascendant China, the paper said Abe also made visits to countries in China's neighbourhood.

"Some politicians just made themselves petty burglars on China-related issues," it said.

"The so-called 'Democratic Security Diamond', 'Strategic Diplomacy' and 'Values Diplomacy' among other new terms seem very strategic. But in fact they unveiled the narrow-minded diplomatic thoughts of Japanese government. The conspiracy of these petty burglars is doomed to fail," it said.

Its sister publication, Global Times highlighted the reports of India and Japan close to signing a deal to supply amphibious US-2 planes to India during the visit of Singh.

Lu Yaodong, a researcher at the Institute of Japanese Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, suggested it would mark a strengthening of the alliance between Japan and India in terms of defence and military cooperation, and that Japan is trying to take advantage of the border conflicts between India and China and to contain the latter with the possible sale.

The Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea which Japan controls but Beijing claims as its own and calls the Diaoyu Islands. Diaoyu means fishing in Chinese.

The Chinese-Indian War (1962) arose over a border dispute along the Himalayan Mountains in Ladakh and Aksai Chin in the west and the North East Frontier Agency (NEFA) in the east.

The westernmost, Aksai Chin, is claimed by India as part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir and region of Ladakh but is controlled and administered as part of the Chinese province of Xinjiang. It is a virtually uninhabited high altitude wasteland crossed by the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway.

The other large disputed territory, China's South Tibet, the easternmost, lies south of the McMahon Line. It was formerly referred to as the North East Frontier Agency, and is now called Arunachal Pradesh in India. Arunachal Pradesh is claimed by China but administered by India. The McMahon Line was part of the 1914 Simla Convention between British India and Tibet, an agreement rejected by China.

Japan wants to strengthen its alliance with India to contain China while India takes advantage of the territorial disputes between China and Japan for economic and technological benefits.

Japan aims to strengthen of the alliance between Japan and India in terms of defence and military cooperation, and that Japan is trying to take advantage of the border conflicts between India and China and to contain the latter with the possible sale.

India is taking advantage of China-Japan disputes to gain economic and technological benefits though it has been restrained in developing close defence ties with Tokyo to avoid any negative influence on Sino-Indian relations.


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Yeah....because India was soooo pro-China before....
LOL, timing of the article is based on Shinzo Abe's visit to India, it's kind of a veiled warning or caution to India.
I didn't get it either, what's happening in the 3rd pic? What's the Japanese view?

China slams Japan for attempting to turn India against it | NDTV.com

Keywords: seduction, fishing...try to use your imagination to make up an idea with these two words. :coffee:

And I know it's from Indian Media ..can't believe to post such old article :lol: ...This article was wrote to counter China's Gwadar port deal because Indians couldn't get over with the fustration and need such article to relieve themself of the pain.
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Keyword: seduction, fishing...try to use your imagination to make up an idea with these two words. :coffee:

But those words are in english, and the cartoon seems to be Japanese. So would the double meanings of words like 'fishing' apply? And is the naked lady in the picture supposed to be Chinese, or Japanese?
But those words are in english, and the cartoon seems to be Japanese. So would the double meanings of words like 'fishing' apply? And is the naked lady in the picture supposed to be Chinese, or Japanese?

If I understand correctly that picture, Japan is trying to catch a big fish by cozy and seduce India wiht any means such saling amphiban plane, investment and hope India to take the bait.
If I understand correctly that picture, Japan is trying to catch a big fish by cozy and seduce India wiht any means such saling amphiban plane, investment and hope India to take the bait.

Just to let you know, they are not the only ones benefiting from the relationship.

Keywords: seduction, fishing...try to use your imagination to make up an idea with these two words. :coffee:

And I know it's from Indian Media ..can't believe to post such old article :lol: ...This article was wrote to counter China's Gwadar port deal because Indians couldn't get over with the fustration and need such article to relieve themself of the pain.[/quote]

Gwadar port is under range of IN.so it is not that much problem to us.We also have Chahbahar port.So dont worry
Just to let you know, they are not the only ones benefiting from the relationship.

We know what India can gain out of this, but your gain will never be at our expense, we're not running out of opions with India.
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