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China surpasses Belarus as Russia's closest ally, survey finds


Nov 4, 2011
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China surpasses Belarus as Russia's closest ally, survey finds

A survey released on Monday has revealed that Russian citizens see China as the country's closest ally and best friend.

The Russia-based Public Opinion Foundation reported that 62 percent considered this to be the case, with Belarus (60 percent) dropping to second place having topped the chart for the previous three years. Meanwhile, Ukraine came bottom of the ranking, ahead of last year's last placed country, the United States

For the fourth straight year, Russian respondents believed that cooperation with China is crucial for the Russian economy and that its Asian neighbour is their most valuable partner.

In terms of the reasoning behind China’s importance to Russia, a third of respondents were of the opinion that “China is a rapidly developing country with great economic opportunities”, while a quarter thought that the two countries “have close economic cooperation with many contracts concluded, and that Russia has a great trade relationship with China.”

Meanwhile, China and Japan tied fifth in a poll to discover the most attractive tourism destination for Russians, behind Italy, France and Germany.

The annual survey, which was launched in 2014, interviewed 1,500 Russian citizens aged 18 and over.
China has never been and will never be friend of Russia.

They have back stabbed Soviet Russia in the past and will again back stab Russia in the future.
"China and Japan tied fifth in a poll to discover the most attractive tourism destination for Russians, behind Italy, France and Germany."

this tells China's status
China has never been and will never be friend of Russia.

They have back stabbed Soviet Russia in the past and will again back stab Russia in the future.
That's Russians public opinion, we don't have a similar poll in China and you ,an Indian, what makes you think that you can speak for the Russian public?

"China and Japan tied fifth in a poll to discover the most attractive tourism destination for Russians, behind Italy, France and Germany."

this tells China's status
What status? Preferred traveling destination? People love to go where close to them to travel, Korea and Japan top preferred destinations for Chinese tourists. One weekend is enough time for countries that close.
That's Russians public opinion, we don't have a similar poll in China and you ,an Indian, what makes you think that you can speak for the Russian public?

Genetically speaking, Indians have proven to have common DNA with the Russians while Chinese have none in common with Russians. Russo-India relationship is more than about money. Russo-China relationship is purely an economic transaction.
Genetically speaking, Indians have proven to have common DNA with the Russians while Chinese have none in common with Russians. Russo-India relationship is more than about money. Russo-China relationship is purely an economic transaction.
Tell that to Russians , it's their decision on who is their best friends. Indians and Russian show same DNA? I thought all humans share same DNA.
Genetically speaking, Indians have proven to have common DNA with the Russians while Chinese have none in common with Russians. Russo-India relationship is more than about money. Russo-China relationship is purely an economic transaction.

Are you talking about Haplogroup R1A? Russians might have common ancestors with the ancient light-skinned Aryans invaders who conquered the dark-skinned natives of the Subcontinent. But only a minority of high-caste Hindus would have such a tenuous link to Russians via ancient Aryans. Majority of Hindus descend from the dark-skinned natives - they simply adopted the religion of their conquerors

Also, no country makes friends and enemies based on genetics. Otherwise Russians and Ukranians would not be at each other's throats right now.

Anyway you spin it, the survey shows China is the Russian public's most valued ally. Meanwhile, less than a quarter of Russians would even think of India, and that number has been on a downward trend for two years now. How do you explain that?
Are you talking about Haplogroup R1A? Russians might have common ancestors with the ancient light-skinned Aryans invaders who conquered the dark-skinned natives of the Subcontinent. But only a minority of high-caste Hindus would have such a tenuous link to Russians via ancient Aryans. Majority of Hindus descend from the dark-skinned natives - they simply adopted the religion of their conquerors


Also, no country makes friends and enemies based on genetics. Otherwise Russians and Ukranians would not be at each other's throats right now.

Haven't you noticed how Russians bombarded IS in Syria while they did not do the same in Ukraine?

China and Russia share common communist legacy in the past and there's still brotherly feelings harbored among people of old generation towards each other from both sides.

Everyone saw how Chinese communists back stabbed Soviet communists..
the closer you get to US , the further away you alienate Russia, India is the country now back stabbing Russia and they see that.

Your Wish!

Russia is the only country which is Building Nuclear power plants in India, Only country leasing Nuclear subs to India, Only country giving nuclear sub tech to India, Only country which is offering JVs in Cruise missiles and 5th generation tech to India. Only country to give India Engine tech.

Russo-Indian relationship will survive the Indo-US relationship.

Will US-Pakistan relationship survive the Sino-Pakistan relationship?
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