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China Takes Lead In Race for Clean Nuclear Power


Aug 26, 2010
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China Takes Lead in Race for Clean Nuclear Power
By Richard Martin February 1, 2011 | 5:44 pm | Categories: Energy

China has officially announced it will launch a program to develop a thorium-fueled molten-salt nuclear reactor, taking a crucial step towards shifting to nuclear power as a primary energy source.

The project was unveiled at the annual Chinese Academy of Sciences conference in Shanghai last week, and reported in the Wen Hui Bao newspaper (Google English translation here).

If the reactor works as planned, China may fulfill a long-delayed dream of clean nuclear energy. The United States could conceivably become dependent on China for next-generation nuclear technology. At the least, the United States could fall dramatically behind in developing green energy.

“President Obama talked about a Sputnik-type call to action in his SOTU address,” wrote Charles Barton, creator of the Nuclear Green Revolution blog, on the Energy From Thorium discussion forum. “I think this qualifies.”

While nearly all current nuclear reactors run on uranium, the radioactive element thorium is recognized as a safer, cleaner and more abundant alternative fuel. Thorium is particularly well-suited for use in molten-salt reactors, or MSRs. Nuclear reactions take place inside a fluid core rather than solid fuel rods, and there’s no risk of meltdown.

In addition to their safety, MSRs can consume various nuclear-fuel types, including existing stocks of nuclear waste. Their byproducts are unsuitable for making weapons of any type. They can also operate as breeders, producing more fuel than they consume.

In the 1960s and 70s, the United States carried out extensive research on thorium and MSRs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. That work was abandoned, partly because uranium reactors generated bomb-grade plutonium as a byproduct. Today, with nuclear weapons less in demand and cheap oil’s twilight approaching, several countries — including India, France and Norway — are pursuing thorium-based nuclear-fuel cycles. (The grassroots movement to promote an American thorium power supply was covered in this December 2009 Wired magazine feature.)

China’s new program is the largest national thorium-MSR initiative to date. The People’s Republic had already announced plans to build dozens of new nuclear reactors over the next 20 years, increasing its nuclear power supply 20-fold and weaning itself off coal, of which it’s now one of the world’s largest consumers. Designing a thorium-based molten-salt reactor could place China at the forefront of the race to build environmentally safe, cost-effective and politically palatable reactors.

“We need a better stove that can burn more fuel,” Xu Hongjie, a lead researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, told Wen Hui Bao.

China’s program is headed by Jiang Mianheng, son of the former Chinese president Jiang Zemin. A vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the younger Jiang holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Drexel University. A Chinese delegation headed by Jiang revealed the thorium plans to Oak Ridge scientists during a visit to the national lab last fall.

The official announcement comes as the Obama administration has committed itself to funding R&D for next-generation nuclear technology. The president specifically mentioned Oak Ridge National Laboratory in his State of the Union address Jan. 25, but no government-funded program currently exists to develop thorium as an alternative nuclear fuel.

A Chinese thorium-based nuclear power supply is seen by many nuclear advocates and analysts as a threat to U.S. economic competitiveness. During a presentation at Oak Ridge on Jan. 31, Jim Kennedy, CEO of St. Louis–based Wings Enterprises (which is trying to win approval to start a mine for rare earths and thorium at Pea Ridge, Missouri) portrayed the Chinese thorium development as potentially crippling.

“If we miss the boat on this, how can we possibly compete in the world economy?” Kennedy asked. “What else do we have left to export?”

According to thorium advocates, the United States could find itself 20 years from now importing technology originally developed nearly four decades ago at one of America’s premier national R&D facilities. The alarmist version of China’s next-gen nuclear strategy come down to this: If you like foreign-oil dependency, you’re going to love foreign-nuclear dependency.

“When I heard this, I thought, ‘Oboy, now it’s happened,’” said Kirk Sorensen, chief nuclear technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering and creator of the Energy From Thorium blog. “Maybe this will get some people’s attention in Washington.”

While the international “Generation IV” nuclear R&D initiative includes a working group on thorium MSRs, China has made clear its intention to go it alone. The Chinese Academy of Sciences announcement explicitly states that the PRC plans to develop and control intellectual property around thorium for its own benefit.

“This will enable China to firmly grasp the lifeline of energy in its own hands,” stated the Wen Hui Bao report.
Why is China pursuing a Thorium based fuel cycle ? (doesn't it have lots of Uranium in inner Mongolia ?).

For India it makes sense, for China :confused: ?
This is great..while US is desperately marketing cheap but amputed uranium reactors to India in attempt to boost exports, Chinese cost efficiency in thorium reactors will win them much larger export share and much better arguments in safeguard against America..I love China! :china:
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;1456832 said:
Following that logic, why shouldn't China just use coal? China got lots of coal. Of course because it's better than uranium.

This is a potential area where the Indians and Chinese can co-operate - if we leave behind the apprehensions - because IIRC India already has a Test Fast breeder reactor (albeit a small one) running on thorium and India has about 1/3 of the world's thorium in the monazite sands off the coast of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;1456832 said:
Following that logic, why shouldn't China just use coal? China got lots of coal. Of course because it's better than uranium.

But China does use Coal, mainly (derives 70% of energy from it).

Research into Thorium tech slumped worldwide because of readily available Uranium. France, Russia, USA shut down their research reactors (only India continued because of Uranium shortage+sanctions)

Edit: Apparently China is low on Uranium reserves too, hmmmm
nice article,
in my opinion Pakistan now should stop to building its new reactors.
with the help of china Pakistan should learn know how about TH and concentrate this technology.

clean nuclear energy
Please share something about , why this is called clean nuclear energy ?
Why this source of energy is better then Uranium ?
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But China does use Coal, mainly (derives 70% of energy from it).

Research into Thorium tech slumped worldwide because of readily available Uranium. France, Russia, USA shut down their research reactors (only India continued because of Uranium shortage+sanctions)

Edit: Apparently China is low on Uranium reserves too, hmmmm

It is about being green and producing less harmful wastes. India can do it too if they are capable. As for now, congratulations China :china:
This is great..while US is desperately marketing cheap but amputed uranium reactors to India in attempt to boost exports, Chinese cost efficiency in thorium reactors will win them much larger export share and much better arguments in safeguard against America..I love China! :china:

Well Son, India has the capability to use thorium cycle based processes to extract nuclear fuel.Infact India developed world's first reactor which uses thorium rather than depleted uranium (Kakrapar1)...

So you dont have to drain out your happiness for your Allies Achievement upon us.... Keep it neat and clean...

@ topic:

Its a significant development for China, Kudos to your scientists :cheers:
Well Son, India has the capability to use thorium cycle based processes to extract nuclear fuel.Infact India developed world's first reactor which uses thorium rather than depleted uranium (Kakrapar1)...

So you dont have to drain out your happiness for your Allies Achievement upon us.... Keep it neat and clean...

@ topic:

Its a significant development for China, Kudos to your scientists :cheers:

Well we have around 6 reactors using thorium fuel cycle. It has been noted by IAEA and all are operational as of 2005. The document posted by me is from IAEA.

Sodium cooled Fast breeder reactor.
Wow in 20 years time even the USA has to import nuclear reactors from china , Good news for china and pakistan , bad news for india
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