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China upset by US Republican platform on South China Sea, Tibet


Aug 19, 2015
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Viet Nam
Viet Nam
China upset by US Republican platform on South China Sea, Tibet

By claims in the East Sea and cutural genocide pratice in Tibet.[/paste:font]
China's government has generally avoided making direct comments about the election, wary of being seen to interfere, though in April Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei called Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump an "irrational type" due to his tariffs proposal on imported Chinese goods.

In an English-language statement issued via the official Xinhua news agency on Thursday, the ministry said the Republican platform contained "accusations about China on issues related to Taiwan, Tibet, trade and the South China Sea [Vietnam's East Sea]" and are an interference in China's internal affairs.

"All political parties in the United States should view China's development in an objective and rational manner and correctly understand the issues that emerge in bilateral ties," the ministry said.

"We hope relevant parties stop their groundless accusations against China and interference in China's domestic affairs and contribute more to bilateral trust and cooperation," it added.

The platform, adopted on Monday, says China has been asserting "preposterous"claims to the South China Sea to distract its people from economic problems, practices "cultural genocide" in Tibet and Xinjiang, and reaffirms a commitment to sell weapons to self-ruled Taiwan.

China's foreign ministry said promoting stable growth in relations serves the interests of both countries and the peace and development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world, and "both sides should adhere to this right direction".

Chinese officials admit to knowing little about Trump compared with his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, who had extensive dealings with China when she was secretary of state.
Those who think Chinese leaders in Zhong Nan Hai will give a fck about the pre-elected candidates said about China then they're just retards, All previous American president such Bill Clinton, Bush all liked to bash China in their electoral campagne....once they won, they all crawled to Beijing begging for friendship and investments,..and Bill even sold high rocket tech to China as the way to pay respect and begging for forgiveness from China.:rofl:
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