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China urges India to maintain peace in border areas

I fully support China on this issue.
We the people of Pakistan stand shoulder to shoulder with China.

I personally really hope your dream will come true,

It will be like an invitation to PLA for another nice cake walk.


We really hope that your Army comes here expecting a cakewalk,Over confident and headstrong :china:...It will make Indians Army's job easy
We really hope that your Army comes here expecting a cakewalk,Over confident and headstrong :china:...It will make Indians Army's job easy

Then, if India is as tough as you claim, why chicken out and stop

building the road ? Because.....:smitten::pakistan::china:

Face the reality, like your honest countrymen said=the "Fact" you

are being push to the corner......:smitten:
Then, if India is as tough as you claim, why chicken out and stop

building the road ? Because.....:smitten::pakistan::china:

Face the reality, like your honest countrymen said=the "Fact" you

are being push to the corner......:smitten:

Man the building of a road was done by the state government not the central government..Do you have any idea the difference between these two??try to get some facts before trolling okz
India made the mistake that it allowed China to take Tibet then....now its too late....
India will not take such a stand in nearby future...... the relations are not that bad between the two countries....
but it could be a reality in future if... India were to be really pushed into doing it by the chinese....
Man the building of a road was done by the state government not the central government..Do you have any idea the difference between these two??try to get some facts before trolling okz

Yup the building of road was under EGS ( Employment guarantee scheme) for poor by state government, state government did know how to react so it stopped the construction hope it resumes soon.
Wishful thinking, reality= GOI never will able to fulfill your dream.

Sorry, i guess truth hurt ?:smitten::pakistan::china:

I dont know what truth you are talking abt but pls do some home work and find some truth yourself :toast_sign:
:pakistan::china:Thank you, PK brother!
I have been a member in this forum for alomost two years, but I posted very few.
This is my favorite foreign forum ever.
I would everyone can have a enjoyable dispution here, to understand each other better.
plus: we can be polite to our indian friends here, it's nice to communicate with them.
India made the mistake that it allowed China to take Tibet then....now its too late....
India will not take such a stand in nearby future...... the relations are not that bad between the two countries....
but it could be a reality in future if... India were to be really pushed into doing it by the chinese....

my indian friend, nice to see you here.
India didn't make any mistake, whether it ALLOWED China to take tibet or not, this is a fact that all the mainpower in the world admit that tibet it part of China, for example: USA INDIA UK FRANCE GERMANY JAPAN ...
By the way, now its not too late. That's true that we have dispution about border, that what we are going to overcome.

The most people of those two great countries want peace, in the ancitipated period of view, there will be no war between those two countries. this is the main stream, also the trend of development.

China and India are two biggest developing countries, both have many big developing problem to fix, we can collabated with each other, to make a flourish ecomic, trying the raise the average level of the peoples' lives.

And to my PK friends, the most valuable thing needed is a long peroid of social stability. so the country can concentrate on social development, and raise the tatol power of the country.

First, Pakistan should have a stable socity, then China can supply with all technologies and finance aide needed for development.

I really hope India and Pakistan can solve the issues in a peaceful way, and get developed as soon as possible.
:taz: i hope they start to develop again..i think thats the right thing to do...they thinking of peace with China....but i think chinese govt dont understand language of peace(though commom chinese like common indians will be mostly peaceloving)...they policies are not in line with peace... yes peace will come but it will have to come on the strength of the barrel of the gun....

but i do hope India-China does live peacefully...coz common Indian-Chinese surely want love n peace.... but than it doesnt have anything to do with foreign policy.......so even though i want to see peace b/w India-China but that doesnt mean any relaxation on the front of development within India's boundries or listening to any chinese crap about interference in Indian matters....we should develop our own areas as per our own will.....
chinese have got nothing to do with it............and if chinese govt think its wrong for india to develop its own regions than they are free to attach India.... we will be a good host...

I agree with you that common Indian-Chinsese surely want peace, but I also believe that both goverment of the two sides want peace also, and they are also claire for that. We are two biggest developing countries , we all need a stable environment for that. I am sure that in an expected future, there will be no war between the two, the only way to solve the border issues is the pratically negociation and communication.

I hope the main midiea of both sides can understand that, and act a positive and encouraging role, stop set fire on the bi-relationship with each other. :welcome:

my indian friend, nice to see you here.
India didn't make any mistake, whether it ALLOWED China to take tibet or not, this is a fact that all the mainpower in the world admit that tibet it part of China, for example: USA INDIA UK FRANCE GERMANY JAPAN ...
By the way, now its not too late. That's true that we have dispution about border, that what we are going to overcome.

The most people of those two great countries want peace, in the ancitipated period of view, there will be no war between those two countries. this is the main stream, also the trend of development.

China and India are two biggest developing countries, both have many big developing problem to fix, we can collabated with each other, to make a flourish ecomic, trying the raise the average level of the peoples' lives.

And to my PK friends, the most valuable thing needed is a long peroid of social stability. so the country can concentrate on social development, and raise the tatol power of the country.

First, Pakistan should have a stable socity, then China can supply with all technologies and finance aide needed for development.

I really hope India and Pakistan can solve the issues in a peaceful way, and get developed as soon as possible.

I agree with you that common Indian-Chinsese surely want peace, but I also believe that both goverment of the two sides want peace also, and they are also claire for that. We are two biggest developing countries , we all need a stable environment for that. I am sure that in an expected future, there will be no war between the two, the only way to solve the border issues is the pratically negociation and communication.

I hope the main midiea of both sides can understand that, and act a positive and encouraging role, stop set fire on the bi-relationship with each other. :welcome:

nuaamachao i appreciate your feelings for peace n development.....:tup:

Yes its welcome development for India and China to live peacefully....:tup:

also India should just develop its own areas...its India's internal matter....

China has developed its border areas really well.... whereas India has not so well...

So i think that is wrong on chinese govt part to object if we develop our border areas..... i hope u will agree on this...coz this kind of attitude creates ill will unnecessarily when what is required is to develop together n not useless confrontation...

as far as border issues are concerned they will be resolved in talks...it doesnt have anything too doo with development.... chinese govt uncessarily behaves like a oversensitive kid there.....i mean how can a road built for ppl to travel from one place to another be a cause of concern to chinese army so as to object....the road is not going to stand up n fight against the pla.... so that was uncessary on part of chinese govt... common we both develop areas we have n let others develop their areas.. so that ppl on both sides live a better life....chinese govt should not oppose development on Indian side....they themselves developed so many of there areas....so china has NO RIGHT in opposing to India developing its own areas.... only if they themselves dont develop border areas will their concern be genuine....or else its crap... and also India should just develop its areas and not pay any heed to it....

development (like road construction etc...) for the betterment of public life anywhere should always be a welcome move....:cheers:

regarding tibet:

i think India made mistake in 1950-51 when they allowed China to take tibet...if tibet were there in between India and China there would be no fight/border dispute...when i say this i am saying this only from a indian strategic point of view, without taking any pot shot on my fellow chinese....so that surely was a strategic mistake... no doubt...

but India has a long standing view and accepts it as part of China.... (though China has not done anything for India in return for this gesture on international stage..).... and i think the stand of Indian govt on tibbet is unlikely to change in the near future... i dont see it happening....if relations b/w both countries improve greatly it will be gr8.....:tup:
but if the relations do not improve n in fact deteriorate than one can never say and might be pushed to change its stand on Tibet....
but i hope the relations improve b/w the two countries....also chinese govt should stop its interference in Indian developmet works if its intentions are genuine...words for peace n friendship should be matched by deeds also.... instead both countries should focus on ways to find to co-develop and to improve friendship...borders will become irrelevent.... :cheers:
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