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China Would Gain Swift Air Superiority Over Taiwan, US Leaks Show


Nov 4, 2011
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China Would Gain Swift Air Superiority Over Taiwan, US Leaks Show

By AFP - Agence France Presse
April 15, 2023


China would probably gain air superiority very quickly in any attack on Taiwan, something Russia crucially failed to do in its invasion of Ukraine last year, leaked US intelligence documents show, according to media reports Saturday.

The classified documents, allegedly leaked by a US national guardsman in the worst US security breach in a decade, reveal that Taiwan's military leaders doubt their air defenses can "accurately detect missile launches," while only about half of their aircraft are capable of effectively engaging the enemy.

China views democratic, self-ruled Taiwan as part of its territory to be retaken one day, by force if necessary. The island lives under the constant fear of a Chinese invasion, and Beijing has stepped up its rhetoric and military activity around it in recent years.

The intelligence reports said that Taiwan fears it could take up to a week to move its aircraft to shelters, leaving them vulnerable to Chinese missile strikes.

In addition, China's use of civilian shipping, including passenger ferries, for military purposes has hampered the US intelligence community's ability to predict when an invasion might be pending, the Washington Post reported.

The Pentagon criticized Taiwan's missile drills as too highly scripted, which could leave their armed forces and leadership unprepared for a "real-world event," the Post said.

President Xi Jinping has undertaken a huge overhaul of China's army to expand and modernize it. The People's Liberation Army is estimated to be 14 times the size of Taiwan's own armed forces.

Taiwan's defense ministry told the Post that its response to recent Chinese shows of force in the vicinity demonstrate that its military is "absolutely capable, determined and confident" it can defend the island.

Last week, Taiwan staged large-scale emergency response drills enacting a wide array of scenarios, including attacks by missiles and chemical weapons.

The drills came just days after China held its latest military exercise around the island, just 100 miles (160 kilometers) off the coast of the Chinese mainland.
Chinese jets and warships continued circling Taiwan even after the conclusion of the massive drills.

Taiwan's defense ministry detected seven Chinese naval vessels and 26 aircraft between Wednesday and Thursday morning.

It said 14 aircraft had crossed the unofficial median line that separates the island from mainland China.

On a visit to Beijing Friday, Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned that "a military escalation in the Taiwan Strait... would be a horror scenario for the entire world."

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"AIr superiority" is a delicate strategy, apparently, because if you deploy or show or maintain it at the wrong times or/and for the wrong or irrelevant reasons in a conflict, you will lose that war- Look at US military in Iraq and Afghanistan- US Air force had "100% confident air superiority" in those theaters....and then lost both wars.

Russia could've gotten air superiority if it really wanted to, but it played it smartly. lets just leave that there.

China Would Gain Swift Air Superiority Over Taiwan, US Leaks Show

By AFP - Agence France Presse
April 15, 2023


China would probably gain air superiority very quickly in any attack on Taiwan, something Russia crucially failed to do in its invasion of Ukraine last year, leaked US intelligence documents show, according to media reports Saturday.

The classified documents, allegedly leaked by a US national guardsman in the worst US security breach in a decade, reveal that Taiwan's military leaders doubt their air defenses can "accurately detect missile launches," while only about half of their aircraft are capable of effectively engaging the enemy.

China views democratic, self-ruled Taiwan as part of its territory to be retaken one day, by force if necessary. The island lives under the constant fear of a Chinese invasion, and Beijing has stepped up its rhetoric and military activity around it in recent years.

The intelligence reports said that Taiwan fears it could take up to a week to move its aircraft to shelters, leaving them vulnerable to Chinese missile strikes.

In addition, China's use of civilian shipping, including passenger ferries, for military purposes has hampered the US intelligence community's ability to predict when an invasion might be pending, the Washington Post reported.

The Pentagon criticized Taiwan's missile drills as too highly scripted, which could leave their armed forces and leadership unprepared for a "real-world event," the Post said.

President Xi Jinping has undertaken a huge overhaul of China's army to expand and modernize it. The People's Liberation Army is estimated to be 14 times the size of Taiwan's own armed forces.

Taiwan's defense ministry told the Post that its response to recent Chinese shows of force in the vicinity demonstrate that its military is "absolutely capable, determined and confident" it can defend the island.

Last week, Taiwan staged large-scale emergency response drills enacting a wide array of scenarios, including attacks by missiles and chemical weapons.

The drills came just days after China held its latest military exercise around the island, just 100 miles (160 kilometers) off the coast of the Chinese mainland.
Chinese jets and warships continued circling Taiwan even after the conclusion of the massive drills.

Taiwan's defense ministry detected seven Chinese naval vessels and 26 aircraft between Wednesday and Thursday morning.

It said 14 aircraft had crossed the unofficial median line that separates the island from mainland China.

On a visit to Beijing Friday, Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned that "a military escalation in the Taiwan Strait... would be a horror scenario for the entire world."

US hates Russia, hence gives China a better grade, although they know that copied and reverse engineered stuff with China does not make it a good military hardware.
US hates Russia, hence gives China a better grade, although they know that copied and reverse engineered stuff with China does not make it a good military hardware.
lol. they can try, even US military now is having trouble to get all made in China components and parts out of US weaponry.

China likely to rapidly achieve air superiority over Taiwan, US leaks say​

Documents among those shared by alleged leaker raise questions over island’s military readiness

Jon Henley

Sun 16 Apr 2023 13.31 BST


China would probably establish air superiority very rapidly in any attack on Taiwan, according to leaked US intelligence assessments that raise disturbing questions about the self-ruled island’s military readiness.

The documents, part of a series allegedly leaked by the US air national guardsman Jack Teixeira, emerged as G7 foreign ministers met to discuss a common China strategy and Beijing briefly halted flights over part of the East China Sea on Sunday.

The classified documents seen by the Washington Post reveal that Taiwan’s military leaders doubt their air defences can “accurately detect missile launches” and that only about half of the island’s aircraft are capable of effectively engaging the enemy.

The documents also said Taiwan feared moving its aircraft to shelters could take up to a week, leaving them vulnerable to missile strikes, and that China’s use of civilian ships for military purposes was hampering US intelligence’s ability to predict an invasion.

Pentagon analysts concluded China’s air force would find it far easier to establish early air superiority than Russia did in its invasion of Ukraine.

China views Taiwan as part of its territory to be retaken one day, by force if necessary. Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, has expanded and modernised the People’s Liberation Army and China’s armed forces are thought to be 14 times the size of Taiwan’s.

Taiwan’s defence ministry said in a statement to the Post that it “respects outside opinions about its military preparedness” but its response to recent Chinese military exercises showed officers were “absolutely capable, determined and confident”.

Taiwan last week staged large-scale emergency response drills enacting scenarios including missile and chemical weapons attacks, after China held its latest military exercise around the island, 100 miles (160km) off the Chinese mainland.

The “Joint Sword” military manoeuvres followed a recent visit by the Taiwanese leader, Tsai Ing-wen, to the US – the island’s main security backer – for meetings with a bipartisan group of lawmakers including the House speaker, Kevin McCarthy.

Flights out of northern Taiwan were delayed on Sunday morning after China launched a satellite rocket that dropped debris into waters north of the capital, Taipei. Taiwan’s defence ministry said the incident posed no threat to “our nation’s territory”.

Taipei said Beijing originally declared a no-fly period spanning parts of three days for the launch of a “new meteorological satellite” from a site in north-western China, but after negotiation the ban was reduced to about 30 minutes.

Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, said on Sunday at the start of the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting in Japan that Europe’s relationship with China would be determined by Beijing’s behaviour – including what happens with Taiwan.

Borrell highlighted two key themes of the three-day meeting: the need for a united approach to China, and growing concerns about Taiwan. “Anything that happens in Taiwan strait will mean a lot to us,” he said.

A senior US state department official also said the G7 foreign ministers would devote much of the meeting to discussing a “common and concerted” approach to China, reflecting “collective concern about a number of the actions that China is taking”.

Germany’s foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, stressed the importance of unity, adding: “As democracies, we are successful in systemic competition with autocratic forces when our partners and friends around the world have confidence in us.”

The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said on Saturday during a visit to the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, that the intelligence leaks – the bigest in the US for a decade – had not affected Washington’s relations with its allies.

“Based on conversations that I’ve had, I have not heard anything that would affect our cooperation with allies and partners,” Blinken said, adding that he had heard “appreciation” for the steps Washington has taken.

Teixeira, 21, is suspected of leaking classified documents including verbatim transcripts and classified documents on a Discord chatroom. He was arrested last week and charged under the Espionage Act.

President Joe Biden said on Friday he had ordered investigators to determine why the alleged leaker had access to the information, which embarrassed Washington by revealing its spying on allies.

US hates Russia, hence gives China a better grade, although they know that copied and reverse engineered stuff with China does not make it a good military hardware.

This is complete delusion/copium. China has far exceeded Russia in defense capabilities, case in point the J-20 far exceeds any Russian aircraft, China is moving towards mass production of the WS-15 while we still see no update on the izdeliye 30, not to mention the amount of warships that China is building is exceeding the pace with with even the US military is commissioning ships(the Chinese are still behind on tonnage and number of ships for now, but the level of production is impressive). Only a fool thinks of China as incapable, or as a state that cannot engineer high tech equipment. Your assessment of China is frankly 30 years behind. China started out reverse engineering the Su-27s and derivatives, but its gotten to the point where the avionics on the Chinese flankers exceed Russian equipment, to the point where there is serious debate with the collapse of the Russian defense with the embargoes and lack of funds whether they may end up buying subsystems and other equipment from the Chinese.
US hates Russia, hence gives China a better grade, although they know that copied and reverse engineered stuff with China does not make it a good military hardware.
Lol, what are exactly copied and reverse engineered aircraft in China now, J 20 or J 10 ?
Thats some of Westerners claim, but no evidence its a copycat of F 35. Just becos they look similar on the outside, then must one copied or reverse engineered the other. I dont think US tech secrets are that easy to get.
Thats some of Westerners claim, but no evidence its a copycat of F 35. Just becos they look similar on the outside, then must one copied or reverse engineered the other. I dont think US tech secrets are that easy to get.

While I wouldn't say its a copy(people who say this are dumb and don't understand the concept of convergent design, there is really not too much when you plug in parameters into a supercomputer to figure out optimal RCS and other matters, its why all 5th gen fighter jets look very similar, with the exception of the russians who seem to have messed up in prioritizing maneuverability over stealth and not really dedicating themselves to an optimal aircraft) there was some espionage of the F-35 program, that much is well known.
While I wouldn't say its a copy(people who say this are dumb and don't understand the concept of convergent design, there is really not too much when you plug in parameters into a supercomputer to figure out optimal RCS and other matters, its why all 5th gen fighter jets look very similar, with the exception of the russians who seem to have messed up in prioritizing maneuverability over stealth and not really dedicating themselves to an optimal aircraft) there was some espionage of the F-35 program, that much is well known.
US did some espionage of Chinese J 20 from one of the Chinese engineers and he was caught by Chinese services later.
US did some espionage of Chinese J 20 from one of the Chinese engineers and he was caught by Chinese services later.

Why would the US need to do espionage on the Chinese jet? to learn how to make inferior engines? lol

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