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China's ambassador to Bangladesh offers to take part in clinical trial of China-made COVID-19 vaccin


Oct 13, 2018
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China's ambassador to Bangladesh offers to take part in clinical trial of China-made COVID-19 vaccine
By Leng Shumei Source: Global Times Published: 2020/7/23 0:38:28


Vaccine Photo: VCG

China's Embassy to Bangladesh confirmed with the Global Times that Ambassador Li Jiming has said that he would be willing to be the first volunteer for the upcoming phase III clinical trial of a vaccine candidate developed by Chinese company Sinovac Life Sciences Co., Ltd. in Bangladesh.

The Bangladeshi government has not officially approved the trial, the embassy said in an email to the Global Times on Wednesday.

A COVID-19 vaccine candidate developed by the Beijing-based SINOVAC has received preliminary approval in Bangladesh for phase III clinical trials, the company said Monday.

The company told the Global Times on Tuesday that the Bangladeshi drug administration will officially approve the trial this week and the trial could begin in August.

Yan Hualong, Deputy Head of Mission, Chinese Embassy in Dhaka told Bangladeshi media UNB that he would like to be the second volunteer for the trial as he has "no chance to win against (Ambassador Li)."

On Tuesday, a phase III clinical trial on the SINOVAC candidate started in São Paulo, Brazil, making it the third COVID-19 vaccine candidate made in China that has entered phase III clinical trial. The other two were developed by China National Pharmaceutical Group.

São Paulo governor Joao Doria said on Tweet on Tuesday that he thought the SINOVAC candidate is one of the most promising candidates under development.

A recombinant vaccine candidate also reportedly would enter phase III clinical trial by the end of July after proving safe and effective in previous trials.

China's Embassy to Bangladesh confirmed with the Global Times that Ambassador Li Jiming has said that he would be willing to be the first volunteer for the upcoming phase III clinical trial of a vaccine candidate developed by Chinese company Sinovac Life Sciences Co., Ltd. in Bangladesh.
However, WHO Secretariat says there are 4 Chinese companies/institutions that is going for the 3rd stage of trial. I also saw in another news that the UK has successfully completed the 2nd stage of trial. May @UKBengali send us the update news? Click the link below to see the video on China progress:

However, WHO Secretariat says there are 4 Chinese companies/institutions that is going for the 3rd stage of trial. I also saw in another news that the UK has successfully completed the 2nd stage of trial. May @UKBengali send us the update news? Click the link below to see the video on China progress:

There are many options. But this vaccine should be allowed in bangladesh for trial asap. Canada already allowed this one...so did many other countires like brazil and UAE. In canada Montreal hospitals rolling it out for phase 2 i think.

Hasina goverment should not make it a political issue like indian influence....not go for this option etc etc.

The UK one if we go that option we have to import from India as they got the contract manufacturing for devloping countires.

Plus if we test sinovac vaccine on our own population and if its effective we surely can start rolling out to wider population.
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Waiting eagerly for the best outcome from the 3rd stage trial involving also Bangladesh. It is disgusting to wear masks whenever out of the house. BD people are more vulnerable because the country is poor.

By the way, one Japanese engineer told me the main reason behind the difference in infections between the USA and Japan. It is because not all people in the USA are covered by medical insurance and all residents of all ages are covered by insurance in Japan.

So, the US citizens do not like to visit a doctor because treatments are very expensive. The USA needs an Universal Obamacare that was pushed out of the table by the greedy political stakeholders. What is the use of higher GDP when people have to die of pandemics without the ability to seek medical help?

This is why someone told me that USA is a good country for the rich, and Japan is good for all, rich and poor.
Obamacare was never Universal healthcare, it was still a winfall for the private insurance companies. The only politician that pushed for Universal healthcare was Bernie Sanders, and the entire corporate Democrats, including Obama, rallied to make sure he lost the nomination to the senile Biden. But lack of universal healthcare is not the only reason the US got hit so hard, UK and Italy also has universal healthcare, the main reason why the US failed miserably is that Trump initially called the Virus a hoax, and his entire cult like following, followed right along. ffs in his last rally, Trump actually boasted the he made sure testing was kept low to keep the positives lower, and his cult followers cheered! Fox News also pushed this line, there's an entire section of the US population that believes in conspiracy theories such as anti-vaxers. It's not surprising that Brazil is also getting hit hard, Bolsonaro is basically Trump's lapdog and initially dismissed the pandemic as "nothing but the flu". Bolsonaro tested positive. Sad for there populations that a section of their society elected two utter buffoons.
So, the US citizens do not like to visit a doctor because treatments are very expensive.
That is one part of it. But I think a bigger problem is the anti science sentiment amongst a big portion of the population.
A lot of people here still thinks it is a hoax invented by democrats to undermine Trump. The president himself called it a hoax, wearing a mask has been politized, and public health officials have been antagonized.
Also the general stupidity of the people can't be underestimated, some of the educated folks with graduate degrees I met still thinks the earth is flat:hitwall:.
Grocery store clerks get threatened with a gun for asking people to wear a mask.
Americans also have an obsession with alternate medicine, a part of it is due to actual health care is so expensive, selling miracle cures without FDA approval is perfectly legal and a billion dollar industry as long as the said cure 'supports healthy blood pressure' instead of 'lowers blood pressure'.
There is a lot of similarities between rural Bd and rural US, except for the fact that bd people may actually agree to be vaccinated without threatening you with a gun.
I say go ahead but not if it’s not transparent with it’s test results. Vaccine development is dangerous and our people shouldn’t be treated as guinea pigs
I say go ahead but not if it’s not transparent with it’s test results. Vaccine development is dangerous and our people shouldn’t be treated as guinea pigs
It is your choice not to participate in voluntary 3rd stage trials in BD. But, other BD people may think differently because the 1st and 2nd stage trials were already run successfully with the Chinese guinea pig participation.
It is your choice not to participate in voluntary 3rd stage trials in BD. But, other BD people may think differently because the 1st and 2nd stage trials were already run successfully with the Chinese guinea pig participation.
yeah. i guess bd populace will look for a quick way to get back to work and socialize so they may get into it without actually realizing what they're signing up for
yeah. i guess bd populace will look for a quick way to get back to work and socialize so they may get into it without actually realizing what they're signing up for
Some people love to live for themselves and some for others and humanity. UK research companies have also went through 2nd stage of trial with volunteers from the British society. Now, the UK people will soon go through 3rd stage trials with volunteers selected among them.

Many developed countries have found willing volunteers among their own populace selected from young men with good general health who have a strong immunity. It is not that the researchers go out to a street and do random trial vaccination. I have heard many research doctors also choose a possible death for the sake of humanity.

In such a situation, it is no good if we only seek the benefits from their efforts and we ourselves do not contribute. So, the 3rd stage trials with BD volunteers should be welcome as it will cause our nation to contribute. It is a good opportunity.
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yes but unauthorised and unethical.
No, it is unethical when they accept a terminally ill patient's request to end his/her life. It is neither unethical nor it is illegal when a research doctor volunteers himself to the trial of a medicine.
No, it is unethical when they accept a terminally ill patient's request to end his/her life. It is neither unethical nor it is illegal when a research doctor volunteers himself to the trial of a medicine.
Debatable, illegal yes.. but euthanasia is not unethical. Most doctors feel the same way, I know I would after I’ve seen so,e horrible cases

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