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China’s founding general, Ye Fei(叶飞): Philippine-Chinese dual citizenship PLA Army General


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China’s founding general, Ye Fei(叶飞): Philippine-Chinese dual citizenship PLA Army General
2019-05-08 17:58:00
In 1975, China and the Philippines established diplomatic relations. Philippine President Max visited China and sent a number of boxes of cigars to Premier Zhou Enlai. The Prime Minister took a box and transferred it to General Ye Fei, saying: "Comrade Ye Fei is a Chinese general and the son of the Philippines.”


China’s founding general, Ye Fei(叶飞)
Ye Fei, formerly known as Ye Qiheng, used the name Ye Hao. It is a famous general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. It is known for its brave and good warfare. It is known as the Sanye "Powerful general" and enjoys a good reputation both inside and outside the military. He served as commander and political commissar of the first column of the East China Field Army, commander of the 10th Corps of the Third Field Army, commander of the Fuzhou Military Region, first political commissar, commander of the navy, and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Among the republican generals awarded in 1955, only Ye Fei has dual citizenship status. General Ye Fei’s legendary military career is still being talked about today.

Committed to the revolution, arrested and imprisoned, parents rescued
On May 7, 1914, Ye Fei was born in a mountain town on Luzon Island, Philippines. Father Ye Weiwei, a native of Nan'an, Fujian Province, crossed the sea in 1900 and made a living in the town of Yawangwang, Quezon Province, Philippines. Later, the native of the country, Miss Mercato, married two sons, Ye Fei was the second son, and the Philippines was named Sisto McAlto Diungo. When Ye Fei was five years old, he left his mother and returned to his home in Jintao, Nan'an County, Fujian Province with his father.

At the age of 14, Ye Fei was studying in Xiamen. The "four-one-two" coup launched by Chiang Kai-shek made the beautiful Ludao all the wind and rain, and Ye Fei became the youngest revolutionary in the underground party in Xiamen. Shortly after joining the revolution, Ye Fei was arrested by the reactionaries. Because he did not reveal his identity, he was sentenced to one year in the name of the suspect and was rescued by the party organization.


Young Ye Fei

When the mother learned that her son was arrested, she gave up everything in her family and worked hard with her father to ask the Philippine authorities to extradite. According to Philippine law, if you have a Philippine birth certificate, you have Philippine citizenship. In order to save your son from jail, the mother, after the authorities promised to extradite, personally took a boat to China to pick up his son. Ye Fei has been released from prison when his mother arrived in Hong Kong. He took a telegram to his mother and said that he would go to Japan to study and ask his mother to go back to the Philippines. Since then, Ye Fei has joined the revolution and has not been able to contact his mother. But Ye Fei has always treasured a diamond ring and a photo left by his mother.

The bullet remained in the chest for 66 years and was taken out until the death.
Admiral Ye Fei is a famous warrior of our army and a famous blessing. In the revolutionary war years, although Ye Fei was in distress five times, but because he has the courage and dedication, he can save his life every time.

At noon one day in the winter of 1933, Ye Fei, who was inspected in the east of Fujian Province, went to the Lion House Inn in Fu'an County and a comrade joint, and was accidentally stalked by the Fuan County Kuomintang spy. Ye Feigang went to the second floor of the inn, and the three spies swarmed up and dropped them to the ground. Ye Fei strongly resisted. A spy is a shot at Ye Fei’s head. Ye Fei was shot in the head, but his head was very clear, lying on the ground and pretending to die. After a while, Ye Fei heard the voice of the agents going downstairs, thinking that they were all gone, so they struggled to look up. Unexpectedly, the spy was still leaving a person at the scene. Seeing that Ye Fei was not dead, he shot three shots at Ye Fei, respectively, and hit Ye Fei’s head and chest. Ye Fei is really hard, and his mind is still clear. He accepted the last lesson and was lying still in the pool of blood. After a long time, the agents left, and Ye Fei opened his eyes. However, due to excessive blood loss, several efforts did not stand up. After a short break, he survived a short break and climbed upstairs to the downstairs. He climbed to a small ditch outside the inn until he finally passed out due to lack of physical strength.

Fortunately, the party branch sent people to the inn to investigate the situation and found that Ye Fei fainted beside the ditch and lifted him back. The party branch also asked Ye Fei for a doctor. Due to limited conditions, the doctor could only clean the wound and could not take out the bullets in Ye Fei. So, the next day, the party branch sent Ye Fei to the guerrillas on the nearby hills for surgery. The doctor found that the bullet hitting the head of the flying head was originally from the left ear side, but after hitting the skull, the direction moved down and ran to the lower face of Ye Fei's right face, so it was very easy to take it out. However, the bullet in the chest cannot be removed due to conditions. This bullet stayed in General Ye Fei for 66 years until he died before he was taken out of the ashes.

Good at catching fighting opportunities, playing hard, and making great achievements
After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Ye Fei served as the head of the Sixth Regiment of the New Fourth Army and resolutely implemented the instructions of the CPC Central Committee to develop towards the enemy. In May 1939, he led the ministry to the Sunan area of the Sundial invading army. He attacked the Suzhou Shushuguan Railway Station in the night, causing the Nanjing-Shanghai Railway to be transported for three days, and then approached Shanghai, broke into the Hongqiao Airport and destroyed the enemy plane. Four of them shocked the enemy's puppet army and invigorated the Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou anti-Japanese people. Since then, the reputation of the new Fourth Army has spread to China and foreign countries. In December 1939, Ye Fei led the department into northern Jiangsu. In February 1940, the smashing of the Japanese smashed the "sweeping". In March, the aided half-tower set, together with the Jidong brothers, smashed the anti-communist offensive of the Kuomintang diehards. In June, he triumphantly commanded Guo Cun to defend the battle, defeating the siege of the 13th Regiment with two regiments; then he took part in the Yellow Bridge decisive battle and continued to fight with the strength of the three regiments. The Brigade and the 89th Army and the 34th Brigade have made significant contributions. In March 1944, he commanded the famous battle of the axles and destroyed more than 500 people in the Japanese invaders. The book "The Eighth Route Army New Fourth Army in the Eight Years of the War of Resistance Against Japan" prepared by the General Political Department of the Eighteenth Group Army said: "In the history of the war of resistance, this is one. Four or four years ago, the Japanese army captured the most in a battle."


In May 1939, Ye Fei (middle), deputy commander of "Jiang Kang" and secretary of the East Road Working Committee, was on Yangcheng Lake.

During the War of Liberation, from 1946 to 1948, Comrade Ye Fei served as commander and political commissar of the first column of the East China Field Army. Whether it is the division of the division, the reinforcement of the reinforcements, or the role of the frontal offensive, they have accomplished the task well. In the Battle of Northern Jiangsu, the Sixty-ninth Division of the Entrepreneur Division and the Eleventh Division of the Compilation of the Enemy were boldly interspersed, and the eleventh division, known as one of the "Five Major Forces", was indiscriminately disrupted the enemy command system and accelerated all Enemy the process of reorganizing the Sixty-ninth Division. In the battle of Laiwu, Ye Fei took care of the overall situation and sacrificed a column to clamp down more than 40,000 enemy troops. This battle enemened more than 56,000 enemies. In the summary of the campaign, Deputy Commander Hua Ye Su Yu said: "In the vertical cooperation, one vertical is the most difficult. Although it has not been captured, it has played a decisive role in the entire campaign and should be counted as the first."


In January 1947, the East China Field Army led together. From left: Ye Fei, Ding Qiusheng, Wei Guoqing, Deng Zihui, Chen Yi, Tang Liang, Su Yu, Chen Shizhen,

In the famous Battle of Meng Liangzhu, under the leadership of Comrades Chen Yi, Su Yu, and Tan Zhenlin, Ye Fei was temporarily ordered. The first column was changed from the general reserve team to interspersed troops, splitting strong enemies, and participating in the organization of the general attack. The 74th Division of the enemy "Ace Army" made a major contribution and made a heavy blow to the Kuomintang reactionaries.

In March 1949, he served as commander of the 10th Corps of the Third Field Army. Leading the ministry to participate in the cross-river battle, breaking through the Kuomintang army defensive positions in one fell swoop, and fighting for the Jiangyin Fortress Kuomintang army uprising, played an important role for our military to successfully break through the Yangtze River natural danger. Subsequently, the department liberated Danyang, Changzhou, Wuxi, cut off the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, and occupied Suzhou. In May, the department participated in the Shanghai campaign. After the liberation of Shanghai, the Tenth Corps marched into Fujian, and successively organized and directed the Battle of Fuzhou and the Battle of Xia (State), killing more than 100,000 KMT troops.


[In August 1949, Liu Peishan, director of the Political Department of the Sanye Ten Corps (from left), political committee member Wei Guoqing, commander Ye Fei, deputy chief of staff of the headquarters, Chen Tiejun, and Chen Chaoyu, director of the political department directly under the regiment, were in Fuzhou. 】


In October 1951, Yang Yong (from left), Zhang Aiping, Wang Ping, and Ye Fei were in the Korean battlefield.

Chairman Mao: I finally met the true face of Lushan
In October 1953, Ye Fei arrived in Beijing on the same day, that is, with the leaders of East China and the East China Military Region, such as Chen Yi and Zhang Dingyu, came to Zhongnan Haishuniantang. Thinking of seeing the great leader Chairman Mao, Ye Fei’s heart could not be calm for a long time. He just sat down, and Chairman Mao was accompanied by Peng Dehuai, who presided over the work of the Military Commission, and strode in. Chairman Mao nodded to Chen Yi and Zhang Ding, and went straight to Ye Fei: "You are Ye Fei?"

Ye Fei got up and made a report: "Chairman, I am Ye Fei."

Mao Zedong esotericly grasped Ye Fei’s hand and looked at him: “I have been dealing with it for so many years, and today I finally met the true face of Lushan.”

In a short sentence, there was a warm current in Ye Fei’s heart.

After Mao Zedong greeted everyone to sit down, he asked Ye Fei to report on the progress of the Xiamen seawall. Mao Zedong listened earnestly and repeatedly praised the Xiamen Seawall Project for its vision. It is a hundred-year plan. It is not only for the current preparations for war, but also for immeasurable significance for future economic construction.

Then, Ye Fei reported on the strategic deployment of the Fujian front line. Mao Zedong said: "Dongshan Island fights well. They (KMT) may be honest for a while, but they will not always be honest. They must be vigilant and have a mental preparation for war. But in any case, the opportunity to fight in the future. It is much less, and we must concentrate on production and construction."

Speaking of this, Mao Zedong swept a glance at everyone and said: "Hiccup, we have experience; if we are building, we must re-learn, learn from the Soviet Union, learn from practice, learn from all the insiders. In addition, we must sink Studying under the heart, not only reading political books, learning Marxism-Leninism theory, but also reading some history, but also reading some technical knowledge books."

Ye Fei remembered this in his heart, read a lot of historical books, and used to quote the classics in his speech.


In 1950, Ye Fei accompanied Chen Yi to inspect the Fujian position.


On August 2, 1979, Ye Fei (from left), Deng Xiaoping, Rao Shoukun, and Du Yide were on the deck of the 05 ship.

Promoted Shenzhen "OCT"
Shenzhen has an overseas Chinese city, which is well known in the overseas Chinese and tourism circles. Its fame is brought out by two tourism projects, one is “Jinxiu Zhonghua” and the other is “Folklore Culture Village”. When visitors are lingering in the beautiful village of Sims, they may not know that the proponents and decision makers who exploited this land are Ye Fei. Even the name "OCT" is the original of Ye Fei.

At that time, Ye Fei was the vice chairman of the National People's Congress and the director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress. He was entrusted by the Central Committee and also managed the Overseas Chinese Affairs Association and the entire overseas Chinese affairs. In order to attract overseas Chinese to return to China, Ye Fei and the governor of Guangdong Liang Liangguang agreed to set up an area for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and build an “OCT” in Shenzhen as a window for overseas Chinese to return to China. Overseas Chinese investing in China can first set up industrial projects in OCT, and then expand to the mainland after success. In addition to the role of the window, this also serves as a model for overseas Chinese to return to China, and it can also be said that it is a test field for overseas Chinese to return to China. The practice of OCT proves that Ye Fei’s idea is very valuable.

From the Party Central Committee and the State Council to the local provincial and municipal leaders, they attach great importance to the construction of OCT, and they have high hopes and strong support. Hu Yaobang, then General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, personally wrote the title of "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone". In October 1989, China’s first micro-tourism scenic spot “Jinxiu China” was officially completed. Less than a year after the opening, all the investment was recovered. Then, the new theme park tourist attractions “Chinese Folk Culture Village”, “Window of the World” and “Happy Valley” were also opened and opened. Through investment promotion, not only the original few enterprises before 1985 achieved rapid development, but also quickly established a number of new joint ventures, cooperative enterprises and projects.

China-Philippines common pride
Ye Fei served as the vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and received parliamentary delegations from the European Parliament and Nepal, Australia, Thailand, Turkey and other countries. He received Chinese, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese leaders from five continents. And celebrities, it is difficult to count. However, he only visited the country twice, and it is a place where overseas Chinese are relatively concentrated. One was in December 1984, the National People's Congress delegation visited Myanmar, Thailand, and once in January 1989, led a delegation to visit the Philippines. Both visits have been a complete success and have had a great impact at home and abroad. In particular, the visit to the Philippines has caused unprecedented sensation in the community and left a glorious page in the history of Sino-Philippine friendship.

In January 1989, Ye Fei, at the invitation of the Philippine Senate President Shalonga, led a delegation of the National People's Congress of China to visit the Philippines. This is the first time he returned to the country where he raised him 70 years later. Ye Fei reported to the Central Committee about his family situation in the Philippines and proposed to sweep the graves for his parents during his visit to the Philippines to show that the Chinese Communists did not abandon their parents. The central government agreed to his arrangement and informed the Philippine side. The Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives attached great importance to Ye Fei’s visit and made special arrangements. Ye Fei’s government found the birth certificate and baptism registration record of Ye Fei and rebuilt the tomb of Ye Fei’s parents. Wang Yingfan, the Chinese ambassador to the Philippines, invited Ye Fei’s younger brother to the embassy to be a guest, and assisted the Philippine side in arranging all the activities of Ye Fei’s return to his hometown on January 29. All news newspapers and magazines published prominently on Ye Fei’s article and Ye Fei’s upcoming visit to the Philippines.

On January 25, Ye Fei led a delegation to the Philippines. The Philippine side gave Ye Fei second only to the courtesy of the head of state. The reporter surrounded Ye Fei and asked him to talk about his feelings. Ye Fei said: "Small and small, the boss left home, the sound of the country has not changed, but I don’t understand the sound of the township."

On January 29, Ye Fei and her daughter accompanied by the husband and wife of Ambassador Wang Yingfan went to the town of Diwangwang, 70 km from Manila, to sweep the graves for their parents and meet relatives and friends. Deyangwang Town is located in the middle of the mountainous area. The scenery is very beautiful among the coconut trees in the mountains. Ye Fei and his entourage came to the cemetery. It was already crowded with people. The people from the whole town came out. Many people from Manila wanted to see the local-born Chinese general. Ye Fei wore a white suit and led the whole family to the tomb of his parents, and presented a large bouquet of yellow roses.

Through this visit to the Philippines, Ye Fei became a well-known Chinese leader in the Philippines.


[In October 1983, Ye Fei (middle), vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and president of the Overseas Chinese University, Yang Chengwu (first from left), vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, visited the Chen Jiagen Memorial Hall. 】


In 1988, Ye Fei cordially met with representatives of the "Huazhi" returning delegation.

At the beginning of 1990, the Philippine ambassador to China, Mali Lanan, just arrived, and first came to visit Ye Fei. The conversation between the two was relaxed and active, filled with strong nostalgia.

On April 18, 1999, Comrade Ye Fei died in Beijing due to illness at the age of 85.

After the death of Ye Fei, the Philippines established the "Ye Fei General Memorial Park" and "Ye Fei School" in Ye Fei's hometown, and erected a bronze statue of Ye Fei in the "Ye Fei General Memorial Park" and held it. The unveiling ceremony of the bronze statue of Ye Fei. The Governor of Quezon Province of the Philippines, the representative of the Fiji Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the Ye Family Clan Association, relatives of Ye Fei and the Philippine community attended the ceremony. Qian Shugen, chief of staff of the Philippine Army and deputy chief of staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, presented a flower basket to the bronze statue of Ye Fei.

The Philippine people carved two lines of words on the bronze base of General Ye Fei:

Filipino son of Chinese hero, Chinese son of Filipino hero

(This article is based on the compilation of historical data of the motherland network. If reproduced, please indicate source.)
原创 祖国网 2019-05-08 17:58:00























1951年10月,杨勇(左起)、张爱萍 、王平、叶飞在朝鲜战地





























菲律宾的儿子中国的英雄 中国的儿子菲律宾的英雄


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