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China’s new world order is taking shape with Xi Jinping

You forgot your medication today

Yes Western Europe will never be on china’s side but as long as they largely stay out of the fray, it’s a win for China.

Also current interests are far more important than history. Russia was also a past aggressor but now it’s an ally of China. France and Germany are no longer imperialist powers in china’s periphery, so there really is no conflict of interest. The US is constantly interfering with china’s issues of sovereignty and actively engaging in containing China and that’s why China is leading the global shift in power away from the US.
The EU policy on China shifted after China acted against EU interests. Before then, relations between China and EU were cordial. There is no going back the damage cannot be undone.
The EU policy on China shifted after China acted against EU interests. Before then, relations between China and EU were cordial. There is no going back the damage cannot be undone.
No it shifted after the US applied pressure on the EU to take an anti China stance years ago. Of course you have no capability to view things from a Chinese perspective so you constantly apply all aggressive actions on Chinas part when in reality it’s the west that wholly initiated this Cold War starting with DC even before trump during the Obama administration.
No it shifted after the US applied pressure on the EU to take an anti China stance years ago. Of course you have no capability to view things from a Chinese perspective so you constantly apply all aggressive actions on Chinas part when in reality it’s the west that wholly initiated this Cold War starting with DC even before trump during the Obama administration.
Have you forgotten what China did to Lithuania? Have you forgotten the insults and threats made by Chinese ambassador to France Lu Shaye? Have you forgotten H&M? And yet you claim European attitudes changed because of US pressure.
I get politics, and politics is almost always about domestic optics. Macron is extremely unpopular in France now and so he is posturing in China to improve his ratings at home. The things he said to politico resonates with French values of independent foreign policy and gets his constituents distracted from trash filled streets and widespread protests. However, France and Germany are the lynchpin of a century of humiliation heaped upon China. They haven't forgotten and neither has China. Western Europe will always be weary of China regardless of what their politicians say in Beijing.
Marcon is probably done after this term, he is too much trying to play both side and people in France think he simply ignore any domestic issues (hence this trip to China is seen as an extremely unpopular move in France)

He went all out trying to be the dipolmat of the lifetime, but in the end, he can't solve the Russian-Ukraine issue, and he probably not going to solve the China-Taiwan issue, that's why people hate him.

By the way, this is actually what he said

It's stuff like that make people hate him.
I get politics, and politics is almost always about domestic optics. Macron is extremely unpopular in France now and so he is posturing in China to improve his ratings at home. The things he said to politico resonates with French values of independent foreign policy and gets his constituents distracted from trash filled streets and widespread protests. However, France and Germany are the lynchpin of a century of humiliation heaped upon China. They haven't forgotten and neither has China. Western Europe will always be weary of China regardless of what their politicians say in Beijing.
If you don't understand Chinese history, please don't talk nonsense at will.

China's century long humiliation has little to do with Germany, and its relationship with France is also at a relatively low level.

The top country on the list of Chinese people's century long humiliation is the United Kingdom. Next are Japan and Russia. France's position is already very backward, it only caused China to lose Vietnam, but in the end, the French also left Vietnam.

As for Germans, we are even grateful to Germany. Because it was Germany's military assistance that allowed us to resist the Japanese attack in the early stages of the China Japanese War. At that time, the main force of China was the new military that the Germans helped us train, and the USA was still selling military materials to Japan.

Have you forgotten what China did to Lithuania? Have you forgotten the insults and threats made by Chinese ambassador to France Lu Shaye? Have you forgotten H&M? And yet you claim European attitudes changed because of US pressure.

Why would China target Lithuania without Lithuania offending China first? You apparently don't think China should care that other countries are purposely giving Taiwan diplomatic recognition because "**** China" that's why.

This attitude is exactly why China finds no reason anymore to even cooperate with the West and since it has nothing to lose anymore, it will just establish it's own world order and the US will lose out because of it, mark my words.

There really is no point in even discussing this as you've made it clear yourself that Chinese people are not deserving of even self-defense even when they are viciously attacked. Even when it is clear Chinese people are being assaulted, you do mental gymnastics to somehow paint them as the offender. So we already know where you're coming from.

The reality is that it's already too late. Because the US and many of its allies have allowed themselves to act hysterically against China, both underestimating China's actual capabilities and also not understanding China's intentions, the West will only lose to China regardless of what path it takes. If it cuts a deal with China today, which will not happen, but if it did cut a deal, the West will still lose its primacy. If it continues down this path of endless confrontation, the US and its Western allies who adopt the same stance, will lose even more and will probably meet disaster.

You think I'm exaggerating? Keep watching.
I get politics, and politics is almost always about domestic optics. Macron is extremely unpopular in France now and so he is posturing in China to improve his ratings at home. The things he said to politico resonates with French values of independent foreign policy and gets his constituents distracted from trash filled streets and widespread protests. However, France and Germany are the lynchpin of a century of humiliation heaped upon China. They haven't forgotten and neither has China. Western Europe will always be weary of China regardless of what their politicians say in Beijing.

In the list of Chinese people's century long humiliation, only three countries are truly recorded. UK, Japan, Russia. There is no Germany, the USA, or France(after the French left Vietnam).

The contradiction between China and USA is the conflict between the economy and the world order. China's economy relies on trade, and trade requires a peaceful and stable world. And the US economy relies on domestic demand, with war being the biggest source of domestic demand. This is the root cause of the conflict between China and the USA.

The disputes between China and Europe mainly come from Africa, and China and France are competing for Africa's economic interests.

As for Russia, first of all, Tsarist Russia has already perished, and secondly, we helped USA destroy the Soviet Union, causing the Russians to fall into disaster in the 1990s. The hatred between the two ethnic groups has been resolved.

What truly owes us now are the UK and Japan.
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kill the true Muslims
نہ پتر نہ۔
Keep this bullsh*t to white race.
We prefer being labelled anti-semite/uncivilised-animals/terrorists/1400-year-old-savages. This democracy world order was built on the dead bodies of Muslims.
Why would China target Lithuania without Lithuania offending China first?
I'm telling you* why sentiment in the EU changed, I didn't say one or the other was responsible for the debacle. Ignoring the rest of your emotional outburst.
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I'm telling why sentiment in the EU changed, I didn't say one or the other was responsible for the debacle. Ignoring the rest of your emotional outburst.
The problem is that the west has groomed their population to act like malignant narcissists where they do not have to respect the feelings or interests of other countries and they purposely misconstrue any act of self defense as an act of aggression, because that’s what narcissists do.

That attitude worked for many decades when the west was just blowing up Muslim peasants or African villagers and labeling those who resisted as “terrorists”, but like most malignant narcissists who are detached from reality, they’ve picked a fight with someone who can actually punch back and trust me, China’s been holding back all these years but they won’t any longer and that’s why you are seeing these massive moves happening so rapidly which will reorder the entire global balance of power.
Marcon is probably done after this term, he is too much trying to play both side and people in France think he simply ignore any domestic issues (hence this trip to China is seen as an extremely unpopular move in France)

He went all out trying to be the dipolmat of the lifetime, but in the end, he can't solve the Russian-Ukraine issue, and he probably not going to solve the China-Taiwan issue, that's why people hate him.

By the way, this is actually what he said

It's stuff like that make people hate him.
he was meant to play good cop to Ursula's bad cop and got carried away and played idiot cop instead. :lol:
The sentiment in France is that of deep embarrassment especially since it's contrary to Macron's own G7 declaration last year.
The problem is that the west has groomed their population to act like malignant narcissists where they do not have to respect the feelings or interests of other countries and they purposely misconstrue any act of self defense as an act of aggression, because that’s what narcissists do.

That attitude worked for many decades when the west was just blowing up Muslim peasants or African villagers and labeling those who resisted as “terrorists”, but like most malignant narcissists who are detached from reality, they’ve picked a fight with someone who can actually punch back and trust me, China’s been holding back all these years but they won’t any longer and that’s why you are seeing these massive moves happening so rapidly which will reorder the entire global balance of power.
First of all regarding warfare. The problem with the wars is that the western forces did not conduct themselves ruthless enough.

As for the oil profiteering and neo-colonialism, I actually agree with you somewhat: But much of this "narcissistic" mindset is generational; the petrodollar and banking and oil controls were implemented in the 1970s/80s when the main adult generation was the baby boomers who have always had a childlike addiction of comfort and goods provided on the cheap. The Current adults and Youth are generations who spent their whole lives under deprivation caused by baby boomer policies. The reason the policies continue is because the boomers are still in charge and in many cases refuse to retire when they age out effective stewardship age (see biden as exhibit).

When The Boomers retire or are forced out of office or die and younger people are in charge: many of the policies traditionally associated with western political behavior and current geopolitical behavior and footprint, many of those policies would rapidly go to the wastepaper basket. In short you would see a very different western world politically and ideologically once the boomers retire.
First of all regarding warfare. The problem with the wars is that the western forces did not conduct themselves ruthless enough.

As for the oil profiteering and neo-colonialism, I actually agree with you somewhat: But much of this "narcissistic" mindset is generational; the petrodollar and banking and oil controls were implemented in the 1970s/80s when the main adult generation was the baby boomers who have always had a childlike addiction of comfort and goods provided on the cheap. The Current adults and Youth are generations who spent their whole lives under deprivation caused by baby boomer policies. The reason the policies continue is because the boomers are still in charge and in many cases refuse to retire when they age out effective stewardship age (see biden as exhibit).

When The Boomers retire or are forced out of office or die and younger people are in charge: many of the policies traditionally associated with western political behavior and current geopolitical behavior and footprint, many of those policies would rapidly go to the wastepaper basket. In short you would see a very different western world politically and ideologically once the boomers retire.
I agree to an extent. However and unfortunately, that change in mindset will not happen due to an enlightening but rather because future Americans will be forced to face a far less desirable future and will have no choice but to actually face harsh facts and not this propagandized self aggrandizing fantasy that the boomers continue to live in, and which they could afford to live in because for so long, the times were indeed good.
I could not voluntarily live in China for a single day. China is a full dictatorship (like America and the EU) except the people in the country are completely under control and have no rights. China is nothing more than a model built and run by a few internationalists (Just read UN documents from the 70's) Americas demise is intended and China will take Americas position in the short term, but only to carry the model out into the world and then imprison or kill the true Muslims (as well as the true Christians) like in China. Then power will be handed over to Israel. I dont know, but I believe that God creates people whose facial features can read the character and traits of man. And when I look at Xi Jinpings face, I dont see a solid personality, just a two-faced puppet.

Does anyone care what I wrote? Probably not, but I wrote it anyway, because the desire was there. I do not care about the rest.
Why dont you delusuonal war criminal Germans start WW III to save the world from tyranny then ? This time dont screw up so you can save yourselves from sins.

The EU policy on China shifted after China acted against EU interests. Before then, relations between China and EU were cordial. There is no going back the damage cannot be undone.
LOL, Its the other way around, its EU being an US lapdog that follows American lead to go against Chinese interests with all the sanctions and slandering in European society all the time.
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