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China's second unmanned lunar probe, Chang'e-2, blasts off today!






TT&C, ground application systems for Chang'e-2 - People's Daily Online

This undated photo shows a satellite antenna at Kunming station of the National Astronomical Observatories affiliated with Chinese Academy of Sciences in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province. China successfully launched Chang'e II, China's second unmanned lunar probe, on Oct. 1, 2010. The TT&C (telemetry, track &command) system for Chang'e II, mainly designed by Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecom Technology (BITTT), was co-developed by Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC), Xi'an Satellite Control Center, China Satellite Maritime Tracking &Control Department, and Shanghai Observatory, etc.. The ground application system for Chang'e II was mainly developed by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. (Xinhua Photo)



File photo taken on April 29, 2009 shows the Yuanwang 6 Space Tracking Ship. Yuanwang Space Tracking Ships of 3,5 and 6 undertake the telemetry, track and command missions for Chang'e II. China successfully launched Chang'e II, China's second unmanned lunar probe, on Oct. 1, 2010. The TT&C (telemetry, track &command) system for Chang'e II, mainly designed by Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecom Technology (BITTT), was co-developed by Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC), Xi'an Satellite Control Center, China Satellite Maritime Tracking &Control Department, and Shanghai Observatory, etc.. The ground application system for Chang'e II was mainly developed by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. (Xinhua Photo)

Congrats china.... can some one throw light on the actual status of the manned moon mission of china????

Congrats china.... can some one throw light on the actual status of the manned moon mission of china????


It will be 2018 at the earliest and 2025 at the latest. In my opinion that is still too late given how the Orion missions have been postponed indefinitely.


The pieces dropped are found on the ground!







网易新闻:首先非常感谢欧阳老师今天接受我们的采访。因为今年年底我们要发射嫦娥二号卫星,网友比较关心的就是嫦娥二号跟嫦娥一号间隔的这三年里面,中国的探月技术有没有什么进展? 欧阳自远:谢谢广大网友的关心。嫦娥二号在今年年底即将发射,嫦娥二号原本是嫦娥一号的备份器,什么是备份器呢?因为航天是有很大风险的,在嫦娥一号没有发射以前,我们很难确保嫦娥一号不会出现什么问题。 自从嫦娥一号发射成功以后,运行了一年零四个月,圆满的完成了各项探测任务,于2009年3月1号,我们主动控制让它撞击月球表面,结束它的生命。而且在临撞击以前,我们还拍到了它沿途撞击整个的立体的图像1469公里,应该说嫦娥一号圆满完成了它的任务。我再发一个嫦娥二号上去,就等于完全重复了,也没有这个必要,因此嫦娥二号的使命就必须更改。它更改了使命以后,相应的所有的仪器、设备和工作任务、运行轨道都得做相应的改动。因此我们就把嫦娥二号改为嫦娥工程第二期的先导器。 嫦娥一号是绕月飞行,绕月飞行的目标是整体的、全球性的了解月球,这是只有卫星才做得到的。我们嫦娥工程的第二期是着陆在月球上,有一个着陆器来就位探测,就是待在那儿探测。从着陆器里面走出一个月球车来,一边走一边探测,这就需要软着陆在月球上,所以我们要落在月球上,这是嫦娥二期的任务。 完成了这个任务以后,我们还要进行嫦娥(工程)第三期,就是我们不仅要安全的落在月球上,还要在月球上选择一些地方打钻、取样,把样品输送到返回舱里面,最后它在月球上自动发射离开月球,返回地球,这叫嫦娥探月的三期,做完这三期表明了什么问题呢?第一中国人可以到月球、全面了解月球;第二我可以找一个指定的地方安全降落下去,进行精细的探测。第三步我不仅要到达月球,还得把月球上的东西采回来,安全返回地球,这都是无人月球探测,这样的话,下一步我们才能够把中国的宇航员带上去,着落月球,工作以后安全返回,这是无人月球探测,前三步大概是这样的。 嫦娥二期为了着陆月球。嫦娥二号的任务就是作为整个二期降落在月球上的先导。先导,等于就是先去摸清情况,了解情况,对一些必要的情况做一些准备,就是一些开导性的,先导性的,过去打仗用的先锋,他要承担这么一个责任。它要承担这个责任的话,就跟嫦娥一号的任务完全不一样了。因此我们就不能再把嫦娥一号的各种东西原封不动的发射上去,我们就需要改进。 首先第一条,我们要降落的地方,我们的嫦娥一号都探测过,但是嫦娥一号是全球性的工作,因此比较粗略。我们这次要把它降落的地方进行精细的制图、地形、地貌、哪有坑,哪有坡,都要探测的非常的清楚,这样我的着陆器降落下去我就知道降落的位置的地形地貌的情况,假如要达到这个目的的话,我这个照相机的分辨率就要提高了,所以我们的照相机的分辨率提高到小于10米,也许7米,也许8米,也许9米,就是很仔细,很精细。 嫦娥一号上有有一台激光高度机,就是说我一秒往月面发射一束激光,然后我要测量他打的那一点上的高度有多高,一秒钟发射一个,我嫦娥一号飞行了一年多,上千万个点,所以这样月球的地形、地貌,高高低低我都可以做出来,所以我可以集合起来做一个三维的图,那是嫦娥一号的任务,全球做的。我这次得要做我着陆的地方,你得给我做得详细,所以我们就要求这台激光高度计再改造一下,你一秒钟要能给我测五个点。一秒钟五个点,它的高度全测出来,再加上我的照相机的分辨率提高了,那么我降落地区就可以做出一张非常精细的地形地貌图。我准备的不止一个地方,我得准备好些地方,这样的话,不管以后选择究竟降落在哪一个降落区,我的工作都做好了,所以它起了一个想到的作用,这是第一点。 第二点,我们的嫦娥二期的着落器和月球车,不能说从一百公里高度一下栽下去砸下去,那不行的,它必须有一个轨道的调整的过程,它得怎么调?从一百公里高降到五十公里高,甚至某些地方,某些时候要降到十五公里高。降到十五公里高挺危险的了,贴着月面。这样的话,这么一套过程,嫦娥三号是要去做的,我能不能让嫦娥二号给我演习一遍?从一百公里给我降,降到五十公里,我控制的特好,你再给我降到十五公里,我也能控制。那么以后嫦娥三号就将从十五公里的高度逐渐的往下降,但是前面的那一套过程我们心里没底,能不能控制好,能不能达到预期的各种各样的轨道的设计,我们让嫦娥二号做一次演练,你给我表演一番,我证明都能够做了,那么嫦娥三号不就是能够挺顺当的降落下去了嘛,所以这也是它起先导作用的第二个目标。 第三件事情,你知道我们嫦娥一号从地球发射,一直到月亮把它抓住,绕月亮飞行,走了多久呢?十三天,十四个小时十九分,行程二百零六万公里。就转来转去的折腾,为什么要这么折腾呢?因为我们毕竟头一次去呀,所以我们得仔细的控制它,慢慢慢慢到达月球。好了,现在控制的都很好,有经验了。我们用不着再花十三天的时间了,我们就直接把嫦娥二号打到月球的轨道。 会走多久呢?将近五天。嫦娥三号准备这么走,但是也没有走过,你嫦娥二号给我表演一番,我让你不到五天到达月球,然后被月球抓住,最后你再慢慢的绕月球飞,因为嫦娥三号最后降落到月球上,我也得要这么做,所以我们在技术上进行一些演练,使我们能够取得一些经验,怎么去安全的控制它。当他“表演”了这些以后,我们的嫦娥三号就更有把握的实现月球的软着陆了。 当然,还有很多改进,比如说我们的测控能够覆盖到火星的范围,等等有很多很多的改进。主要的是这几点,因此嫦娥二号的使命就不是嫦娥一号那样全球性的探测月球了,不是。重点的把几个地方搞清楚,把技术上这么折腾的演练一番,所有的这些都取得经验,我们就可以更好的使我们的嫦娥三号,确保它能够实现安全软着陆在月球上开展工作,所以嫦娥二号又不能不用,已经做出来了,要用又不能按照以前的办法,所以就改称为月球探测二期的先导器,所以它的使命就是这么来的。 网易新闻:二号的使命就是为三号探路嘛,现在三号降落的地点是由二号去探,还是我们已经选好了几个地点,在这几个地点里面我们的二号都会去探一遍? 欧阳自远:是这样的,每一个国家要降落的地方都是事先有选择的,我们绝对不会选择人家降落过的地方我们再降落下去,没有必要。另外我们的选择也有我们的原则,首先必须能够联系上的,通讯很方便;第二这个地方必须能源供应非常充足,不能说到了一个地方是掉到一个坑里去,太阳能没有了;另外,它还要有比较集中的科学问题,那个地方值得下去,不然的话没有必要随便找一个点下去;还有一些别的因素,比如说我们技术上的一些难度的要求等等,这些事情都是我们选择着陆区的一些根据。 当然,我们绝对不只选一个点,这一个点是绝对不够的。所以我们选了很多个点,嫦娥二号都得飞到它上头,都得给我准备的比较详细,这样的话我们就有更清楚的资料,来选究竟嫦娥三号落在什么地方是最合适的,最方便的,最安全,而且是可以实现的。正如你所说的,我们已经选了很多的地方。 网易新闻:嫦娥二号这次包括高清摄像机等等,有很多先进的技术,这些先进技术都是我们完全是中国的技术吗? 欧阳自远:我们的嫦娥一号所有的八台仪器,包括根据我们的科学目标的要求,探测全月球的图,立体图,测它的成分,你可以把我的拿掉,还有探测整个月球土壤的厚度,探测月球的环境,这些工作都是需要继续做的;我们还可以把嫦娥一号跟嫦娥二号的数据进行对比,来修正。我们现在所改进的这些设备,嫦娥一号全部是我们自己研制的,嫦娥二号我们已经花了很大的功夫,改进相机,改进激光高度计,也改进了其他的一些仪器,有些做的改动比较小,有些是从整体上都要改进。特别是照相机的分辨率,要由120米达到小于10米,那是很艰难的。这些工作应该说确实都是我们中国自己研制的。 网易新闻:刚刚您说到探月的工程是分一、二、三步走,嫦娥二号是第二步的开端,第三个工程的目标就是有一个返回的过程。 欧阳自远:嗯。 网易新闻:之后我们才有可能实现载人登月。您觉得完成这一整套的过程要多久的时间,或者从您的角度来看,中国的探月技术,或者是载人航天的技术我们还要多久才能实现载人登月? 欧阳自远:应该说,这是全国的公众都很关心的事情,大家希望我们中国人早日登上月球,这也是我们共同的愿望。我们也希望中国人早日登上月球。因为现在对这一点来说是非常的紧迫的,印度提出来他们2020年要载人登上月球,一定要赶在中国的前面。我认为印度作为一个大国,他们的国家提出这么一个要求来说,这是人家的事情,我们没有必要说三道四。但是我觉得印度作为一个大国,他也需要振兴自己国民的精神,也需要加速发展,我认为都是可以理解的。至于它能不能实现当然是另外一回事,但是他提的目标是很清楚的:一定要超越中国。 对于我们的看法,我认为人家要提出来超过你,你不能说不让人家超过。假如真的印度超过了中国,只说明一个问题:中国的科学家太无能了,不说明别的。因此也请公众们相信,中国的科学家为了国家的强盛,为了民族的振兴,他们也一定会加快自己的步伐。我想必然是这样的,所以我们应该很大度的说“欢迎你们超过我们,欢迎”你不说欢迎,人家也要去这样做,我认为没什么关系的。 美国宇航局的局长叫格里芬,他有一句话“假如中国人愿意的话,他们是可以实现2020年载人登月的”那是美国人的估计。他的前提是“假如中国人愿意的话”,那愿不愿意在我们,又不是他们决定的,这只是他们的一个估计,就是国际上有这么一种说法。再加上我们在国内也有不同的时间。2020年国际上人家都已经那么唱了,这是一个时间,还有我们空间研究院的叶培建院士,公开提出来2025年是比较合适的,这也是一种说法。第三种说法是中国科学院有一个50 年的发展规划,其中提出2030年中国载人登月。 概括所有的说法,2020到2030,我可以说,我们中国的载人登月的方案、计划,中国的科学家都非常关注,一直在致力于这方面的工作,是没有间断的,一直在努力工作,也希望尽快的完成前面那三步无人月球探测,加快前面的速度,因为前面没有完成,后面是不能做的。为什么?你能去,但是回不来,那哪行?这是不行的,所以一定要把前面的三步做的扎扎实实、稳稳当当,我们才有可能把我们中国的宇航员送上月球。应该说现在国家还没有明确的日程表。也就是说,现在并不是很明确究竟什么时候中国载人登月,但是我也相信会在这个时间段里头,我们自己会加快我们的速度,提前实现我们中国人载人登月的梦想,我也坚信是一定能够实现的。 网易新闻:现在正如您所说,日本和印度都有自己的探月计划,为什么最近一段时间好像各国都纷纷往月球上去,这项工作为何如此重要? 欧阳自远:对月球来说,在上一个世纪,美国和(前)苏联就月球探测展开了最激烈的竞争,一共发射了108次的月球探测器。因为这是空间霸权的争夺,这是冷战的需要。而原来是(前)苏联节节领先,最后肯尼迪总统说,一定要一举击败苏联,他们加速了载人登月的步伐,所以最后在1969年阿波罗11成功的实现了登月,以后大概一共有六次,美国人登上了月球,一共有12名美国宇航员登上了月球。这样的话,整个的击败了苏联,而苏联一个人也没有上去过。 他们发射了一个探测器,发射了三次,机器人取样、返回地球,但是人没有上去过。因此这一场激烈的霸权竞争,美国取得了彻底的胜利,而苏联是完全失败了,这对苏联的影响非常大,甚至影响到苏联,包括它的发展,它的体制的崩溃等等,阿波罗是起到了一定的推动作用的。那是上世纪的事情。以后大约有20年,谁也不搞月球探测了,因为再搞也就这个水平了,而且苏联已经彻底失败了,所以美国把它的重心挪到发展航天飞机,去搞空间站,去搞火星探测等等等等。 我认为美国人已经转移了他们的重心了,自从上世纪末到本世纪初,全世界大约有十三、四个国家提出来,都要去探测月球,也包括中国,为什么?我认为经过详细的研究,很多国家也一定要开展升空探测,比如说欧洲,再加上日本,也包括印度、巴西、英国、德国,也包括韩国,他们都准备要发射探测器探测月球。为什么大家的热情一下子就起来了?因为月球确实是有它独特的地方。等于是我们离开地球的门槛,你要走远,第一步要跨出你的门槛,你连门槛都跨不出去,想要到更遥远的地方是根本不可能的。这是大家的需求。 另外月球确实有很多特殊的地方,月球的资源极其丰富,简直难以想象,有些资源是地球上没法儿比的,但是现在谁也不会开采。为什么?成本太贵,不可能去做。还有月球有极其丰富的能源,月球有一个特点,太阳一出来就是半个月,一到晚上也是半个月,我只要这边和那边都有太阳能电站,永远被太阳照着,而且传输到地球的办法已经解决了,但是月球解决不了全人类能源的需求,所以日本有一个科学家设计,给月球系一个“腰带”,四百公里宽,全部系到赤道上,毫无问题的可以解决全人类今后持续发展的全部的能源,而且是清洁的,但是这个工程太浩大了,也是做不完的。 当时,月球还有另外一种能源,就是将来可控核聚变实现发电的话,这又是三、五十年以后的事情了,这也是很重要的一种资源。另外月球的环境很特殊,有一些东西在月亮上生产,要比地球上好多了,再加上月球是离地球最近的一个天体,它有一个非常特殊的条件就是,它是控制地球的最高的制高点。所有的这些,人们都逐渐认识到,要走出去,就要探测月球,这也是一个练兵,我们中国也得练兵,我要走上遥远的深空,我也得做月球的工作,所以十几个国家都提出来要做,又掀起了一个新的高潮,现在正在这个高潮当中。 但是又在这个高潮当中又出现了经济危机,美国奥巴马政府上台以前,我关注奥巴马的所有演说,谈到航天的问题,他几乎完全支持布什政府的计划,他们规定 2018年第七次载人登月,耗资1081亿美元,这些计划都是布什制订的,奥巴马支持的,等他上台了以后,突然经济危机的到来,他的经济复苏又是如此的缓慢,很难承担如此巨大的开支,所以他组织了一个委员会审查美国的探月计划,感到进展比较迟缓,耗钱带大,所以他干脆就取消了这个计划。 我也问过欧洲、日本、印度他们的首席科学家,我们的关系都很好,什么事都可以商量,都可以了解。他们说他们都不会因为美国的改变,而变更他们对月球的探测计划。他们问到我,我说中国绝对不会因为奥巴马政府的改变而改变中国的月球探测计划,我想我们中国也是肯定的。所以在现在的情况下,竞争是很激烈的。我认为很好,全人类能够更多的了解月球,能够更好的关心整个太阳系的探测,推动人类社会的发展,这将会发生很大的作用。 网易新闻:正如您所说,这种航天以及探月的活动,会一直从科技的方面推动人类的发展,就好像美国的阿波罗计划以及后来的航天飞机,这么多年以来,都是为美国的科学或者科技的发展起了很重要的推动作用。比如一些航空技术的民用,有人说可能美国在航天飞机上投入1美元,就可以赚回9美元。不知道中国在航天技术的民用领域上,在这么多年以来有什么发展? 欧阳自远:对,你提的很对,这也是大家很关心的问题。阿波罗计划当时投资56亿美元,它几乎带动了上世纪六十年代、七十年代二十多年,几乎可以说全部高新技术的发展。它产生了三千多种新的技术,在推广到民用,确实发挥了巨大的作用。阿波罗最早计算是投入1美元有4到5美元的产出,最近他们公布了一个数据,1:14。比你刚才说的那个比例还要大,这都很见效的,这是阿波罗已经运行了四十多年最后统计出来的。这个航天技术是综合性的,各方面的需求都有,所以它必然要全面的影响技术的发展,科学的进步。 我们中国应该说是照样的,我们不光是月球探测,包括我们发射的应用卫星,包括我们的载人航天,也包括月球探测。月球探测也是刚刚做,我们参加的人非常广泛,卷进去的企业也非常多。他们为了适应月球探测的需要,必须突破一些技术难关,改进自己的产品,而且性能提高、成本降低,市场扩大,这是企业追求的最根本的需要,这些都有事例发现。但是我现在还没有确切的数据说明,因为我们刚刚做,美国都做了几十年了,他才统计、分析出来,这要进行很长期的研究的。我不能举一个事例来说明就是怎么怎么样好,这是不行的,必须全面评价,我相信以后一定会更实事求是的来把航天符合推动国民经济的发展,带动技术的进步,这个我认为是必然的事情。但是现在我自己是说不出来具体有多大的比例,我没有这个数据。 网易新闻:除了探月之外,中国还有没有对更遥远的天体的探测计划? 欧阳自远:我想对科学家来说,一直蕴藏着各种各样的计划。因为我们探测月球刚刚跨出门槛,我们开始离开这个摇篮——地球,人类在这里生存了几百万年了,我们开始走出我们的地球,所有的卫星,所有的载人航天他们是没有离开地球的,因为他们只能围绕着地球转,不围绕着地球转,跑出去的,就一个嫦娥一号,所以中国的科学家仍然是希望,中国能够探测更遥远的天体。也就是说一直要把深空探测越做越远,因为人类终究想了解自己这个太阳系是怎么起源的,是怎么形成的,怎么发展的。另外我们这个太阳系里面,有哪些是可居住的,我们这个太阳系里面有没有生命,这是永远要激励科学家去探索的问题。所以关于火星探测,关于小行星探测,这些都在拟定各种各样的方案。 但是要说明,这不是国家当前的、统一的,决定性的意志。但是都鼓励科学家们提出切合实际的方案,这些工作都在做。所以以后可以选择一些方案进行更遥远的深空探测,我估计不会要太长的时间,恐怕很快你们就会知道,一个一个方案会逐步的呈现出来,我想这需要经过严格的论证,而且认真的把它做好。我想这个前景是非常的光辉灿烂的。 网易新闻:最后,您对嫦娥二号的发射有什么寄语或者感言? 欧阳自远:我真的是发自内心的祝愿我们的嫦娥二号会翱翔在地月空间,以及进入月球,来圆满的完成它的使命。因为所有的“嫦娥人”用他们的心血,用他们的智慧,用他们的辛勤劳动,来灌注的这个嫦娥二号,我相信一定会圆满的实现他的目标,为我们国家的发展,科技的进步,为我们民族的振兴,做出它应有的贡献,我祝福(嫦娥二号)万事如意,能够实现目标,谢谢。 网易新闻:谢谢欧阳老师。 欧阳自远:谢谢。

Chinese to English translation
Netease News: First of all thanks Ouyang teacher today for the interview. End of the year because we have to launch Chang'e II satellites, users are more concerned about is the Chang'e lunar probe II with the three-year intervals which, China's lunar exploration technology has made little progress?

Ouyang: Thank you, majority of users care about. Chang'e II end of the year is about to launch lunar probe Chang'e II was originally the backup, what is the backup it? Because space is a big risk, Chang'e I did not launch in the past, it is difficult to ensure that the lunar probe will not be any problems.

Since the successful launch of Chang'e after running for a year and four months, the successful completion of the exploration mission, in March 1, 2009, we take the initiative to control it to hit the lunar surface, the end of its life. And clinical impact in the past, we have photographed along the way it hit a three-dimensional image of the entire 1469 km, it should be said Chang'e I completed its mission successfully. I then made up a Chang'e II, equivalent to not repeat, and there is no need, therefore Chang'e II mission to be changed. It changed the mission after all the appropriate instruments, equipment and work tasks, running track had to change accordingly. So we put into Chang'e Chang'e II pilot Phase II device.

Chang'e is a lunar flight, lunar flight goal is holistic and global understanding of the moon, which is only the satellite was done. The second phase of our moon probe is landing on the moon, to place a lander probe, that is, detection of stay there. Out from the lander, a lunar rover to the inside, walked detection, which requires a soft landing on the moon, so we have to fall on the moon, this is the second phase of the Chang'e mission.

After completing this task, we're going to Chang (Engineering) the third is that we fall not only to the safety of the moon, but also select some places on the moon drilling, sampling, the sample return capsule transported to the inside, Finally, it automatically launches on the moon left the moon, returned to Earth, called Chang'e lunar exploration of the three, done three shows this problem? The first Chinese people can go to the moon, a comprehensive understanding of the moon; the second I can find a safe landing place specified down to fine probe. The third step I not only want to reach the moon, things have taken on the moon back, safe return to Earth, this is an unmanned mission, in which case, the next step we have been able to bring to China's astronauts, landed the moon, After the safe return of the work, which is an unmanned mission, the first three steps is probably the case.

Chang'e moon landing to the second phase. Chang'e II is the task of landing on the moon as the second phase of the pilot. Guide, go find out the situation tantamount to understand the situation, the necessary conditions to do some preparation, is that some enlightened nature, pilot, and the last war with the pioneer, he has to bear such a responsibility. It would have to bear this responsibility, just the task of Chang'e completely different. Therefore we can no longer intact Chang'e launch a variety of things up, we need to improve.

First of all first, where we landed, we have detected over Chang'e, but Chang'e work is global, so sketchy. This time we should be fine where it landed cartography, topography, geomorphology, how can pit, how can Singapore, have detected a very clear, so I landed lander down I knew the location of the land topography situation, if we want to achieve this goal, I will improve the resolution of the camera, so we increased the resolution of the camera to less than 10 meters, maybe 7 meters 8 meters maybe, maybe 9 meters, is very carefully , very fine.

Chang'e I have a laser on a high degree of machine, that I fired a second laser beam to the lunar surface, and then I beat him to measure the height of that point, how high, fired a second one, Chang'e I Flying more than a year, tens of millions of points, so this lunar topography, geomorphology, and the rough I can do it, so I can set up and do a three-dimensional map, it is the task of Chang'e, the world do . I have to do this where I landed, do you have to give me more, so we require that further transformation of laser altimeter, do you have to give me a second test of five points. A second five points, and its height all the test, coupled with improved resolution of my camera, then I can make a landing area is very delicate terrain map. I prepared more than one place, I have to prepare better place, so, regardless of whether the land on which the later choice of a landing area, my work well, so it played a role in mind, this is the first point.

Second, our second phase of the Chang'e lunar rover landed device and can not be said for a download from a hundred kilometers height continue to drop down, it does not work, it must have a track of the adjustment process, it was how to adjust? High down to a hundred kilometers from the high-fifty kilometers, and even some places, certain times to be reduced to fifteen kilometers high. A prominent down to fifteen kilometers dangerous, and close to the lunar surface. In this case, such a process, Chang III is to do, I can not let Chang'e II I exercise again? Give me a hundred kilometers from the drop down to fifty kilometers, my control is especially good, you give me down to fifteen kilometers, I can control. So after the goddess of the moon Three to fifteen kilometers from the height gradually going down, but in front of a process that we lack confidence, can not control is good, can not achieve the desired design of a wide variety of orbits, we Chang'e II to do a drill, you show me something, I can prove that doing so is that it can not quite Chang III landing smoothly down the Well, so this is the pioneering role it played in the second goal.

The third thing, you know we Chang'e launch from Earth, has been to the moon, caught it, flying around the moon, go for how long? Thirteen days, fourteen hours nineteen minutes, travel 2.06 million km. To toss and turn, why be so toss it? Because we are off to the first time, after all, so we have to control it carefully, slowly slowly to reach the moon. Well, now control are very good, experienced. We do not need to spend thirteen days time, we just hit the Chang'e lunar orbit II.

How long will it take? Nearly five days. Chang III ready to go so, but not passed, you Chang'e II show me something, I let you less than five days to reach the moon, the moon and then be caught, and finally you go flying around the moon slowly, because Chang III finally landed on the moon, I have to do that, so we do some exercises in technology, so that we can get some experience, how to secure control of it. When his "performance" of these later, we are more sure III Chang'e lunar soft landing was achieved.

Of course, there are many improvements, for example, we can measure and control the scope of coverage to Mars, so there are many, many improvements. The main problem is these points, it is not the mission of Chang'e II Chang'e lunar exploration as a global, not. Clear focus on the few places to exercise some technical so frustrating, all of which have made the experience, we can better our Chang'e III, ensure that it can achieve a soft landing on the moon to carry out security work, so the Chang'e II can not do, have done it, and use in accordance with previous approaches can not, so we changed to the second phase of the pilot device lunar exploration, it's the mission that way.

Netease News: Three II's mission is to explore the way Well, now is the place of landing by the Three II Qutan, or we have selected several sites in these locations which will go to our II explore again?

Ouyang: Well, every country where land is to be selective in advance, we will not choose the places where people landed landed us go, not necessary. In addition, we also have the choice of our principles, we must first be able to contact the, communication is very convenient; second place to a sufficient energy supply, does not say a place is to fall into a pit, solar nothing; In addition, it also have more focused scientific questions, that place is worth going, otherwise there is no need to go on a random point; there are some other factors, such as we have some difficult technical requirements, etc., these things are what we choose some under the landing area.

Of course, we do not just pick one point, this is absolutely not enough. Therefore, we chose a lot of points, Chang'e II had to fly it on top, had to bring me in more detail, so we have more clear information to choose whether the goddess of the moon where III is the most appropriate fall , the most convenient, safest, and is achievable. As you said, we have elected a lot of places.

Netease News: Chang'e II, including HD cameras, and so this has a lot of advanced technology, these advanced technologies are, that we are China's technology?

Ouyang: Our Chang'e all eight instruments, including the requirements of our scientific objectives, full moon exploration plans, elevation drawings, test its ingredients, you can remove me, but also the entire lunar probe the thickness of the soil, to explore the moon's environment, this work is to continue to do; we can with the Chang'e lunar probe II compared the data to correct. We are improving these devices Chang'e all developed our own, Chang'e II we have spent a lot of effort to improve the camera, improved laser altimeter, also improved some other instrument, and some changes made compared small, some are a whole should be improved. In particular, the resolution of the camera, to be from 120 to less than 10 meters Alameda, it is very difficult. These efforts should be said that we really are developed by China itself.

Netease News: You just said the lunar exploration project is a one, two, three-step, Chang'e II is the beginning of the second step, the third goal of the project is to have a return process.

Ouyang: ah.

Netease News: After that we be possible to achieve a manned lunar landing. Do you think the process to complete the set time for how long, or from your point of view, China's lunar exploration technology, manned space technology or how long we have to achieve a manned moon landing?

Ouyang: It should be said that this is the matter of the public are concerned, we hope that we Chinese people as soon as possible to the moon, which is our common desire. We also hope the Chinese people as soon as possible to the moon. Because this point is very urgent, India proposed that they be manned landing on the moon by 2020, be sure to catch the front in China. I think India as a big country, their country made such a request, it is other people's things, we do not need irresponsible remarks. But I think India as a big country, he also needs to revive the spirit of its own citizens, but also need to accelerate the development, I think that is understandable. As it can not be achieved, of course is another matter, but he mentioned the goal is clear: we must go beyond China.

For our views, I think people want to bring more than you, you can not say let people over. If the real India than China, only explain a problem: Chinese scientists are too incompetent, and not explain anything else. Therefore requested the public believe that Chinese scientists for the country's prosperity, in order to revitalize the nation, they will certainly accelerate our pace. I think necessarily so, so great degree we should say "more than we welcome you, welcome to" You do not say welcome, people are going to do, I think that no relationship.

The Secretary called the Griffin, NASA, he has a word, "If Chinese people want, they can achieve a manned moon landing in 2020," it is an American estimate. His premise is "If the Chinese wish," it would be willing in us, and not their decision, this is just one of their estimate is that there is a saying the international community. Together with our in the country also have different time. 2020 people have been so international singing, this is a time, and our space Ye Peijian Institute Fellow, 2025, raised public is more appropriate, and this is an argument. The third argument is the Chinese Academy of Sciences has a 50-year development plan, which proposed the Chinese manned lunar landing in 2030.

Summarize all of the claims, 2020-2030, I can say that our Chinese manned lunar landing program, program, Chinese scientists are very concerned, has been committed to this work is not interrupted, have been working hard We also hope that as soon as possible to complete three steps in front of an unmanned mission to accelerate the speed of the front because the front is not completed, the back can not do. Why? You can go to, but not come back, that what you do? This is not, therefore, must take three steps to do a solid front, sure hand with piercing, we can hope our Chinese astronauts on the moon. Should be said that the country now has no clear agenda. In other words, is not very clear what is now China's manned lunar landing when, but I also believe that at this time inside, we will accelerate our own speed, ahead of schedule to achieve our dream of the Chinese manned lunar landing, and I also firmly believe that certainly can be achieved.

NetEase News: Now, as you said, Japan and India has its own exploration program, and why all countries have recently seemed to go to the moon, this so important?

Ouyang: on the moon, in the last century, the U.S. and (former) Soviet Union launched a lunar probe to the most intense competition, launched a total of 108 lunar probe. Because this is the competition for hegemony in space, it is the needs of the Cold War. The original is the (former) Soviet Union steadily ahead, the last President Kennedy said, we must defeat the Soviet Union in one fell swoop, they accelerated the pace of manned lunar landing, so I finally in 1969 achieved the success of Apollo 11 lunar landing, perhaps after a total of There were six Americans landed on the moon, a total of 12 U.S. astronauts to the moon. In this case, the whole beat the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union had one person can not go up.

They launched a probe, launched three times, the robot sampling, return to Earth, but people do not go up too. So this a fierce competition for hegemony, the United States has achieved complete victory, but the total failure of the Soviet Union, which has great influence on the Soviet Union, and even affect the Soviet Union, including its development, it is the collapse of the system, etc., Awa Lo is played a certain role in promoting. That is what the last century. After about 20 years, who do not engage in lunar exploration, because this level will then engage in it, and the Soviet Union has been a complete failure, so the focus moved to the United States the development of its space shuttle, space station to engage in, engage in the exploration of Mars and so on and so forth.

I think the Americans have shifted their focus, and since the end of the century to the beginning of this century, the world there are about thirteen, and four countries for years, have to explore the moon, but also including China, and why? I think after detailed studies, many countries must be carried out off detection, such as Europe, plus Japan, but also including India, Brazil, Britain, Germany, also including South Korea, they are ready to launch probe to explore the moon. Why is suddenly everyone's enthusiasm up? Because the moon is indeed a unique place it is. So we leave the Earth and so the threshold, you have to go far, taken the first step to your threshold, you will not even cross the threshold are not out to more distant places you want is impossible. This is our demand.

Moon does have a lot of other special places, the moon's resources is extremely rich, just hard to imagine that some resources than the planet can not children, but who now will not mining. Why? Cost is too expensive, it is impossible to do. There are extremely rich in energy the moon, the moon has a feature that is half the sun came out, one half of the evening is, I just have a solar power station here and there, the sun is always shining, and the transmission approach to the Earth has been solved, but the moon can not solve the energy needs of all mankind, so the design of a scientist in Japan, to the moon Department of a "belt" four hundred kilometers wide, all tied to the equator, there is no problem can be solved sustainable development of mankind in the future all the energy, but is clean, but this was a massive undertaking, but also endless.

At that time, there is another lunar energy, to achieve controlled nuclear fusion is the future generation, then it is three to five years later thing, and this is a very important resource. Another very special environment of the moon, there are some things in the production of the moon, much better than the earth, plus the latest from Earth the moon is a celestial body, it has a very special conditions is that it is to control the Earth's highest high ground. All of these, people have gradually realized that to go out, it is necessary to explore the moon, this is a training, we also have training in China, I have to go far deep space, the moon and I have to do the work, so more than a dozen countries have proposed to do, but also set off a new upsurge, which is now the climax.

But it is the climax of which appeared in this economic crisis, the United States before the Obama administration, I am concerned about all of Obama's speech about space flight, he is almost fully supported the Bush administration's plan, they provided the seventh time in 2018 manned moon landing at a cost of 108.1 billion U.S. dollars, these plans are formulated Bush, Obama supported, and so he came out after the sudden arrival of the economic crisis, his economic recovery is so slow, difficult to undertake such a huge expenditure, so he organized a committee to review the U.S. lunar exploration program, progress was relatively slow, with a large consumption of money, so he decided to cancel the plan.

I also asked Europe, Japan, India, their chief scientist, and our relations are good, nothing can be discussed, can understand. They said they will not change because the United States, and to change their moon exploration program. They asked me, I said the Chinese government will never change because Obama change China's lunar exploration program, I think we Chinese are also positive. So in the present case, the competition is very fierce. I think the good of all mankind to know more about the moon, to better care of the solar system exploration, to promote the development of human society, it will happen a great effect.

Netease News: As you said, this space and lunar exploration activities, will always push from the technological aspects of human development, like the Apollo program and later the U.S. space shuttle, so many years, are for the United States the development of science or technology played an important role in promoting. For example, some civil aviation technology, some say it may invest U.S. $ 1 in the space shuttle, can earn back $ 9. Do not know that China's civilian areas in space technology, in what has developed so many years?

Ouyang: Yes, you are quite right to mention, this is all very concerned about. Apollo 5.6 billion was invested, it almost led to the sixties of last century, twenty years of the seventies, it can be said almost all high-tech development. It produced more than three thousand kinds of new technology, in promoting the civil, did play a huge role. Apollo put the first calculation is 4 to 5 $ 1 dollar of output, recently released a data, 1:14. Than you just said that the proportion is even larger, which are very effective, and this is Apollo has been running for over forty years out of the final statistics. The space technology is a comprehensive, all the needs are, so it is bound to affect the overall technology development, scientific progress.

We should say that China still, we not only lunar exploration, including our satellite launch applications, including our manned space flight, including lunar exploration. Exploration of the moon is just done, we participated in a wide range of people, the volume is also very much into the business. Lunar exploration in order to meet their needs, we must break through some technical difficulties and improve their products, and performance improvement, cost reduction, market expansion, which is the pursuit of business needs of the most fundamental of these are examples of findings. But I have no exact data on, because we just did, the United States have done for decades, he statistical analysis out of it for very long to study. I can not give an example to illustrate how and how well is it does not work, must be fully evaluated, and I believe will be more realistic to meet the space to promote national economic development, promote technological progress, I think it is inevitable that things. But now I can not tell how big a percentage, I do not have this data.

NetEase Information: In addition to lunar exploration, the Chinese also did not detect more distant objects in the plan?

Ouyang: I want to scientists, has been hidden a variety of programs. Because we have just taken the threshold of detection of the moon, we started to leave the cradle of - the earth, human beings to live here for millions of years, we started out of our planet, all the satellites, all of the manned space flight did not leave the Earth they are because they can turn around the Earth, not around the earth, ran out to a lunar probe, so the Chinese scientists are still hoping that China can detect more distant objects. That should have been much bigger and deep space exploration, because humans will eventually want to understand how the origin of their own solar system, is how the formation, how the development. Also inside our solar system, which is habitable, and our solar system there is no life, which is always to encourage scientists to explore the issue. So on Mars, exploration of asteroids, which are in the development of a variety of programs.

But to show that this is not the country's current, unified and decisive will. However, scientists are encouraged to put forward practical solutions, these efforts are doing. So after a number of programs you can choose a more distant deep space exploration, I guess time will not be too long, I fear that soon you will know, one by one, the program will be gradually revealed, I think it needs to undergo a rigorous argument, but seriously do it well. I think this is a very brilliant future.

Netease News: Finally, the launch of Chang'e II you have any message to or reflections?

Ouyang: I really wish from the heart of the Chang'e II we will be flying in the Earth-Moon space, and access to the moon, to the successful completion of its mission. Because all of the "Chang'e people" with their efforts, with their wisdom, with their hard work to perfusion of the Chang'e II, I believe will be successful achieve his goals for the development of our country, science and technology progress, the revitalization of our nation and make its due contributions, I wish (Chang'e II) all the best, to achieve its objectives, thank you.

Netease News: Thank you, Ouyang teacher.

Ouyang: Thank you.
^^^ Thanks for the google stuff... but google is not really that intelligent. :cry:

Let me try to modify a couple of paragraphs:

Ouyang Ziyuan: Should say, this is a thing that the public of the country are interested in, everyone wants us Chinese to land on the moon as soon as possible. This is also our common wish. We also want the Chinese to land on moon ASAP. Now this is very urgent. India says they want to have manned mission on the moon in 2020, and that must be before China does. I think India is a big country, their country puts forth this requirement, and it is their affair. We have no reason to comment on it in a willful way. I feel that India as a big country it wants to revitalize their national spirits, to accelerate their development. I feel it is understandable. As to whether they can realize it (or not) is another different thing; but their goal is very clear: they must surpass China.

As to ask our point of view, I believe if others want to surpass you, you can’t say you won’t let them do so. If India indeed surpasses China, it only proves one thing: Chinese scientists are too inept. Nothing else. So please let the public believe, Chinese scientists, for the sake of country’s strength, for the sake of nation’s revitalization, they will also fasten their steps. I think this must be like this. Therefore, we should say, with a big-heart, that “welcome to surpass us, welcome”. If you don’t say welcome, they will also do so. I don’t think it maters at all.

A NASA chief named Griffin, he said once: “if the Chinese want to, they could sent their manned mission on lunar surface in 2020.” This is the estimation of the Americans. His pre-requisite is “if the Chinese want to”. So it is up to us whether we want to or not, not up to them. This is their estimation, a way of saying in the international community. We domestically also have different timetables. In the year 2020, internationally people have already talked like that. This is one timetable. And in our Space Research Institute, Ye Peijian Academician, he publicly says 2025 is more suitable time. This is another one. The third is that Chinese Academy of Science has a 50-year development plan, where it mentions manned mission to the moon in 2030…
^^^ Thanks for the google stuff... but google is not really that intelligent. :cry:

Let me try to modify a couple of paragraphs:

Ouyang Ziyuan: Should say, this is a thing that the public of the country are interested in, everyone wants us Chinese to land on the moon as soon as possible. This is also our common wish. We also want the Chinese to land on moon ASAP. Now this is very urgent. India says they want to have manned mission on the moon in 2020, and that must be before China does. I think India is a big country, their country puts forth this requirement, and it is their affair. We have no reason to comment on it in a willful way. I feel that India as a big country it wants to revitalize their national spirits, to accelerate their development. I feel it is understandable. As to whether they can realize it (or not) is another different thing; but their goal is very clear: they must surpass China.

As to ask our point of view, I believe if others want to surpass you, you can’t say you won’t let them do so. If India indeed surpasses China, it only proves one thing: Chinese scientists are too inept. Nothing else. So please let the public believe, Chinese scientists, for the sake of country’s strength, for the sake of nation’s revitalization, they will also fasten their steps. I think this must be like this. Therefore, we should say, with a big-heart, that “welcome to surpass us, welcome”. If you don’t say welcome, they will also do so. I don’t think it maters at all.

A NASA chief named Griffin, he said once: “if the Chinese want to, they could sent their manned mission on lunar surface in 2020.” This is the estimation of the Americans. His pre-requisite is “if the Chinese want to”. So it is up to us whether we want to or not, not up to them. This is their estimation, a way of saying in the international community. We domestically also have different timetables. In the year 2020, internationally people have already talked like that. This is one timetable. And in our Space Research Institute, Ye Peijian Academician, he publicly says 2025 is more suitable time. This is another one. The third is that Chinese Academy of Science has a 50-year development plan, where it mentions manned mission to the moon in 2030…

Great.. as long as both countries are able to do it, it would be awesome... Infact, it is welcome to have these kind of "who does it first" races coz that would spur the scientists to achieve...

Healthy competition... :-)
why china not working on spy satellite ?

I don't know this, China government said that China didn't have spy satellite, all of China's satellites are used for "mine searching""atmosphere reoprt""scientific research""radio and message send".

I guess there are two reasons:
One: China hope peace, China don't want to attack other countries, so China needn't spy satellites.
Two: China not a powerful country like USA, from 1970 to 2010, China only launched 130 satellites, but USA has sent out thousands of satellites.
I don't know this, China government said that China didn't have spy satellite, all of China's satellites are used for "mine searching""atmosphere reoprt""scientific research""radio and message send".

I guess there are two reasons:
One: China hope peace, China don't want to attack other countries, so China needn't spy satellites.
Two: China not a powerful country like USA, from 1970 to 2010, China only launched 130 satellites, but USA has sent out thousands of satellites.

You are being naive my friend. Just because you don't call something a spy satellite doesn't mean that it isn't one. The PLA understands the importance of digital surveillance in this day and age.
Well done China. Chine presently occupies the third spot in space capabilities after USA and Russia. Competition with China is healthy and in India's best interests. We need to upgrade our space capabilities and China with its single minded focus on space exploration will show us the way. It is not a game of oneupmanship, but a matter of learning from someone doing rather well. Much better to be sitting with the class topper rather than the back benchers.
congrats China....a small step for china...a giant leap for Asia:cheers:

(and by the way we r also coming)

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