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China's Worst Nightmare? Japan May Sell India Six Stealth Submarines


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
For years China has excelled at antagonizing Japan. Now Tokyo may have the chance to extract some revenge.
According to Indian news outlets, the Narendra Modi government has approached Japan about building it six stealth submarines.

“New Delhi has forwarded ‘a proposal’ to Tokyo to ‘consider the possibility’ of making its latest diesel-electric Soryu-class submarines in India,” Times of India reported on Thursday, citing unnamed sources.
New Delhi’s Project-75-India to acquire six advanced diesel-electric submarines will be worth more than Rs 50,000 crore ($8 billion), and likely much more. France’s DCNS, Germany’s HDW, Russia’s Rosoboronexport and Spain’s Navantia are all expected to compete for the contract. Since the submarines will be built in India, foreign companies that wish to compete for the contract are expected to form a joint venture with an Indian shipyard.

India’s proposal comes at a time when New Delhi and Tokyo have been steadily strengthening ties under the leadership of Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Modi and Abe, both nationalistic leaders seeking to expand their respective countries’ regional profiles, are seen as enjoying a close relationship, which could help Tokyo’s chances in the competition. That being said, France, Germany and Russia have all built submarines for India in the past, TOI noted.
The proposal also comes at a time when Japan is seeking to break into the global arms market following the lifting of a decades-old, self-imposed ban on selling weaponry abroad. Since the ban was rescinded, Japan has already discussed selling India ShinMaywa US-2i sea-and-rescue amphibious planes.

Tokyo is especially keen on breaking into the global submarine market, which is currently dominated by countries like Russia, France and Germany. Defense analysts believe Tokyo’s Soryu-class submarines will be a highly competitive alternative to their Russian, French and German counterparts. As frequent TNI contributor Robert Farley noted last September:
“At 4,200 tons submerged, the Soryu-class is considerably larger than either the [German] Type 214, [French] Scorpene, or improved [Russian] Kilo, and can carry a much heavier weapons load. This size also makes them quieter and longer-ranged than the other boats on the market. At current price expectations of around $500 million, the Soryus are not wildly more expensive than the other boats.”

Already, Japan has been engaged in intense discussions with Australia over the latter’s program to purchase 12 diesel-electric submarines. Winning the Project-75-India contract would be a further boon to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, which manufacture the Soryu-class subs.
Still, don’t expect to see India’s Navy operating Japanese subs anytime soon. India isn’t expected to tender a winner for two years, and it will be at least another 7-8 years after that before the first subs start rolling off the assembly line. Given India’s notoriously cumbersome defense acquisition bureaucracy, these timetables should be viewed as the best case scenario.

China's Worst Nightmare? Japan May Sell India Six Stealth Submarines | The National Interest Blog
China and India don't share any seas, South China Sea and Indian Ocean are far away from each other, don't see any Naval confrontation between either. There is a huge border that both share thus there is a possibility of a ground and ariel war between the 2 more than any naval battle.
damn indian media...too much sensitization.........china has got more than 50 subs.......dosn really matter anything ryt now...and second...india's FM is visiting china ryt now so such sensitization is not at all needed ....
For years China has excelled at antagonizing Japan. Now Tokyo may have the chance to extract some revenge.
According to Indian news outlets, the Narendra Modi government has approached Japan about building it six stealth submarines.

“New Delhi has forwarded ‘a proposal’ to Tokyo to ‘consider the possibility’ of making its latest diesel-electric Soryu-class submarines in India,” Times of India reported on Thursday, citing unnamed sources.
New Delhi’s Project-75-India to acquire six advanced diesel-electric submarines will be worth more than Rs 50,000 crore ($8 billion), and likely much more. France’s DCNS, Germany’s HDW, Russia’s Rosoboronexport and Spain’s Navantia are all expected to compete for the contract. Since the submarines will be built in India, foreign companies that wish to compete for the contract are expected to form a joint venture with an Indian shipyard.

India’s proposal comes at a time when New Delhi and Tokyo have been steadily strengthening ties under the leadership of Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Modi and Abe, both nationalistic leaders seeking to expand their respective countries’ regional profiles, are seen as enjoying a close relationship, which could help Tokyo’s chances in the competition. That being said, France, Germany and Russia have all built submarines for India in the past, TOI noted.
The proposal also comes at a time when Japan is seeking to break into the global arms market following the lifting of a decades-old, self-imposed ban on selling weaponry abroad. Since the ban was rescinded, Japan has already discussed selling India ShinMaywa US-2i sea-and-rescue amphibious planes.

Tokyo is especially keen on breaking into the global submarine market, which is currently dominated by countries like Russia, France and Germany. Defense analysts believe Tokyo’s Soryu-class submarines will be a highly competitive alternative to their Russian, French and German counterparts. As frequent TNI contributor Robert Farley noted last September:
“At 4,200 tons submerged, the Soryu-class is considerably larger than either the [German] Type 214, [French] Scorpene, or improved [Russian] Kilo, and can carry a much heavier weapons load. This size also makes them quieter and longer-ranged than the other boats on the market. At current price expectations of around $500 million, the Soryus are not wildly more expensive than the other boats.”

Already, Japan has been engaged in intense discussions with Australia over the latter’s program to purchase 12 diesel-electric submarines. Winning the Project-75-India contract would be a further boon to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, which manufacture the Soryu-class subs.
Still, don’t expect to see India’s Navy operating Japanese subs anytime soon. India isn’t expected to tender a winner for two years, and it will be at least another 7-8 years after that before the first subs start rolling off the assembly line. Given India’s notoriously cumbersome defense acquisition bureaucracy, these timetables should be viewed as the best case scenario.

China's Worst Nightmare? Japan May Sell India Six Stealth Submarines | The National Interest Blog
India Media at its best trying to scare China a country which has around 50 Submarines and building lot more Grow up Indians.
I dont think that is big nightmare fot China.But Japan breaking in to global arms market would be a certain nightmare for China.Entire world knows the capabilitity of Japan in Technology.
Onceif they are successful in Australia and India.You can expect same in Vietnam and other SCS nation. Trouble for China.


India Media at its best trying to scare China a country which has around 50 Submarines and building lot more Grow up Indians.

And they have USN and JMSDF in SCS .50 sub is nothing compared to them.
Our fleet is at the verge of collapsing and here we have already intimidated China by some talks that are just a freaking thought so far...Other side has not even acknowledged leave aside accepting our proposal...and even if t fructify nothing in horizon for atleast a decade...morons!!
India Media at its best trying to scare China a country which has around 50 Submarines and building lot more Grow up Indians.
So according to you the number alone should scare people.. Let me enlightened you here.. May be a moment of Epiphany for you!! US has around 69 and you know who has the most.. North Korea!! 78... !!

China is worried about Indian plans to deploy submarines in the Himalayas to take back Aksai Chin.

The plan is to roll the subs down the mountain on the PLA soldiers and tanks below. Devious!
See when you have a picture of an ape as an avatar .. you talk like one too..!!
So according to you the number alone should scare people.. Let me enlightened you here.. May be a moment of Epiphany for you!! US has around 69 and you know who has the most.. North Korea!! 78... !!

See when you have a picture of an ape as an avatar .. you talk like one too..!!
But, sir Chinese subs are nothing like North Korean ones.
To scare China at all we would need more SSNs and SSBN.
Otherwise in IOR our geography is more than enough to dominate Chinese Navy.
But, sir Chinese subs are nothing like North Korean ones.
To scare China at all we would need more SSNs and SSBN.
Otherwise in IOR our geography is more than enough to dominate Chinese Navy.

I never said anything about quality !! I just said about numbers!! Trust me Chinese military is far ahead of India. I know it.!!

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