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Chinese carrier born fighter - J15


Feb 5, 2010
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It's quite well known among Chinese military fans that the SF developed carrier born J-15 took maiden flight in the end of August, 2009. The J-15 was constructed based on J-11B and an Ukraine T-10 design (prototype Su-33).

J-15 flight photo: http://image.club.china.com/twhb/1011/2010/2/3/1265169592087.jpg

J-15 is being flight tested in Xian AVIC facility and will be certified for production before the end of 2010.
How many J's are chinese making.

I mean J-10A,J-10B,J-10C,J-11B,Strong rumors of J-13 and J-14 and now this J-15.

You guys have quite a lot of money.
How many J's are chinese making.

I mean J-10A,J-10B,J-10C,J-11B,Strong rumors of J-13 and J-14 and now this J-15.

You guys have quite a lot of money.

It'd better that we use the money than to lend it to US and to be bullied by US at the sam time because our weaker military strength.

J-10A is the baseline fighter. There are two upgrades: one is being developed for Pakistan and export, the other is for deployment in PLA. They might both be called as J-10B. J-10C does not exist so far.

J-11B is the basic Chinese heavy fighter and fighter bomber. A large number of J-11B and twin-seater J-11BS are being ordered. They are meant to defend coastal lines and Tibetan area of China.

J-15 is an upgraded carrier version of J-11B.

J-13 and J-14 are terminated projects. The codenames of 4th G fighter projects are still not revealed to the public.
No, China does not have any Russian Su-33. The J-15 looks very similar to it.
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