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Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops


Sep 12, 2008
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Hong Kong
Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops
June 7th, 2010 . By Dan in Concepts and Designs .

There have been many different Train concepts that aim to be the future of transportation, adding more speed, more room, more comfort and more features, but what about a new conceptual design looking to create a train that doesn’t need to stop?This innovative concept train by Jianjun Chen is made up of out of the box thinking and aims to save tremendous amount of time for passengers and train personnel.

Basically, the train is made up of the regular train compartment and also the ‘boarding/unboarding’ compartment. Passengers may board the ‘boarding’ compartment while waiting forthe train to arrive at the station. As the train arrives, it slows down and is located beneath the ‘boarding’ platform, latching on and begining to carry the now boarded compartment. Passengers are then able to go down into the actual train and continue their journey. Moreover, asthe train arrived at the station and picked up a new compartment, the previous station compartment was unlatched and was left at this current station, allowing passengers to board at their own time-constraint and leisure. Check out the video for a demonstration of the Non-stop Train.

Of course, this new Future Train concept is just that…a concept, but it is also an innovative one that aims for increased efficiency and time saving. I guess the major issues would be how to be able and populate tremendous amount of passengers on the small compartments and also what about an inertia problem that could occur whenthe train starts carrying the compartment or letting one go?

Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops | Walyou
It might have problems at major stops where you have say more than half the population wanting to get off
It might have problems at major stops where you have say more than half the population wanting to get off

At those major stops, there also more people are going to get on the train, so it will kind of balance out. They just have to calculate how many compartments have to detach and reattach at each stop.
would be nice if this is worked out, quite a large proportion of energy used is in accelerating and breaking the train.

And also for the same frequency of schedule less train locomotives are required if they run non-stop, since total time to make the whole round is reduced
all of the chinese people on the forum talk with an engineering bent. how is that?
Mao killed god during the cultural revolution so we had to worship at the church of scientism.

hmmmm. ok, i was refering to the fact that the chinese people on this forum talk propertionately more in math/sci/engineering terms than geopolitical / economic or military.

that there is no interest in religion is also something i can see.
hmmmm. ok, i was refering to the fact that the chinese people on this forum talk propertionately more in math/sci/engineering terms than geopolitical / economic or military.

that there is no interest in religion is also something i can see.

Yeah we're the only official atheist state in the world. I didn't encounter religion until I've moved from Europe to America and I didn't really take to it. I do remember contemplating my own mortality at the age of six and being so freaked out at the fact that I may not exist forever that I couldn't come out of the covers for 2 days.

I was a weird kid...

and thanks mike lol
hmmmm. ok, i was refering to the fact that the chinese people on this forum talk propertionately more in math/sci/engineering terms than geopolitical / economic or military.

that there is no interest in religion is also something i can see.

Mod this is offtopic and effort to derail the thread.
Mod this is offtopic and effort to derail the thread.

Nah Whocares means no harm I'm sure. Besides it is a valid point, Chinese members here are largely none-religious and interested in engineering and science.
Mao killed god during the cultural revolution so we had to worship at the church of scientism.

Good thing that he did.

Seeing in US when people want to get rid of Evolution Theory of Darwin and want to put creationism in school instead, I am glad that China is an atheist country.

In Florida there is a museum of creationism, it shows how the earth is only 5000 years old, and Dinosaurs and Human lived together with each other side by side.

There is a documentary "Religulous" by Bill Maher.
You can watch it here. ×ڽ̵ĻÄÃý Religulous_ÔÚÏßÊÓƵ¹Û¿´_ÍÁ¶¹ÍøÊÓƵ ¼Í¼Ƭ ×Ú½Ì ÃÀ¹ú

"The irony of religion is that because of its power to divert man to destructive courses, the world could actually come to an end. The plain fact is, religion must die for mankind to live. The hour is getting very late to be able to indulge in having in key decisions made by religious people. By irrationalists, by those who would steer the ship of state not by a compass, but by the equivalent of reading the entrails of a chicken. George Bush prayed a lot about Iraq, but he didn't learn a lot about it. Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. It's nothing to brag about. And those who preach faith, and enable and elevate it are intellectual slaveholders, keeping mankind in a bondage to fantasy and nonsense that has spawned and justified so much lunacy and destruction. Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that they do. Most people would think it's wonderful when someone says, "I'm willing, Lord! I'll do whatever you want me to do!" Except that since there are no gods actually talking to us, that void is filled in by people with their own corruptions and limitations and agendas. And anyone who tells you they know, they just know what happens when you die, I promise you, you don't. How can I be so sure? Because I don't know, and you do not possess mental powers that I do not. The only appropriate attitude for man to have about the big questions is not the arrogant certitude that is the hallmark of religion, but doubt. Doubt is humble, and that's what man needs to be, considering that human history is just a litany of getting **** dead wrong. This is why rational people, anti-religionists, must end their timidity and come out of the closet and assert themselves. And those who consider themselves only moderately religious really need to look in the mirror and realize that the solace and comfort that religion brings you actually comes at a terrible price. If you belonged to a political party or a social club that was tied to as much bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, violence, and sheer ignorance as religion is, you'd resign in protest. To do otherwise is to be an enabler, a mafia wife, for the true devils of extremism that draw their legitimacy from the billions of their fellow travelers. If the world does come to an end here, or wherever, or if it limps into the future, decimated by the effects of religion-inspired nuclear terrorism, let's remember what the real problem was that we learned how to precipitate mass death before we got past the neurological disorder of wishing for it. That's it. Grow up or die. "

Bill Maher: See, this is my problem, I'm trying - I mean, you're - you're a Senator. You are one of the very few people who are really running this country. It worries me that people are running my country who think - who believe in a talking snake. Um...
Mark Pryor: [Arkansas' Democratic Senator] You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the Senate, though.
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My background is in engineering and I also have an interest in science. But I can also took time to appreciate mother nature cause she's beautiful like no man made structure can compare.

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