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Chinese Gen.: "“If a US carrier enters the Yellow Sea it will become a living target"

i don't think so that any country can attack on us carrier even china..may be they have anti-ship missile. but they can't attack on us carrier even they enter into the yellow sea. whatever Chinese gen said it doesn't matter.
S.Korea to stage joint naval drill despite China protest
Updated at: 0935 PST, Friday, July 09, 2010

SEOUL: South Korea said Friday it would stage a naval exercise with the United States in the Yellow Sea to deter North Korean "provocation", despite strong protests from China about the drill.

"The date and methods have not yet been decided but the South Korea-US joint military exercise will be carried out," said defence ministry spokesman Won Tae-Jae.

"The joint exercise in the Yellow Sea is being planned as North Korea carried out an illegal provocation, the sinking of the Cheonan."

The South, citing the findings of a multinational investigation, accuses the North of torpedoing the warship in March with the loss of 46 lives. The North angrily denies responsibility.China warned the United States and South Korea Thursday against holding the war games near its waters, and urged them not to worsen tensions with its ally North Korea.

S.Korea to stage joint naval drill despite China protest

Economically, China can bankrupt US! We are buying bond to keep them afloat!

Of course, China savings will be vaporized and we lose our big customer. At least China is still intact.

Calm down bro, there are a lot of things China can do, and in reality she will be doing, as I've said in another thread...

- donate some special "humanitarian aid" to "Ta1iban", which will make USA soldiers work harder...
- veto some sanctions on certain middle-east country to show unhappiness...
- grab some resources in USA's backyard - south America, take over a few energy/mining companies...
- restrict rare-earth mineral export which makes essential parts of missiles and satellites, China has 97% of the world’s supply anyway...
- influence certain central Asia countries to close off US bases, reduce its sphere of influence...
- sell the US treasury bonds and depreciates the currency RMB Yuan, which surely will drive Dow Jones Indexes plunging, rub salts on wounds for a shaky economy is far worse than disposing a few hundred soldiers, instead hundreds of millions will get affected in that way.
This is all just media hype.I don't think the current Chinese Govt is interested to get into such mess.

Had this been Chairman Mao's era,we could expect some tensions.
They way I see it, the war between China and USA started long time ago. Just look at it, USA "invaded" China with western lifestyle and Hollywood-cultured capitalist ideology, they are flourishing in China nowadays, and people just don't want to go back to the old ways; whereas China "invaded" USA with extremely competitive everyday goods and insanely amount of treasury bonds, and the USA wants to keep it that way without sacrificing US industries; it's a dilemma. Both countries are enjoying having a piece of each other. If this doesn't look like certain type of customers paying for the "happy-time" services, I don't know what this is.
Calm down bro, there are a lot of things China can do, and in reality she will be doing, as I've said in another thread...

- donate some special "humanitarian aid" to "Ta1iban", which will make USA soldiers work harder...
- veto some sanctions on certain middle-east country to show unhappiness...
- grab some resources in USA's backyard - south America, take over a few energy/mining companies...
- restrict rare-earth mineral export which makes essential parts of missiles and satellites, China has 97% of the world’s supply anyway...
- influence certain central Asia countries to close off US bases, reduce its sphere of influence...
- sell the US treasury bonds and depreciates the currency RMB Yuan, which surely will drive Dow Jones Indexes plunging, rub salts on wounds for a shaky economy is far worse than disposing a few hundred soldiers, instead hundreds of millions will get affected in that way.

USA can also retaliate by sending more arms to Taiwan.
Recognise the Dala Lama.
Restrict Technology to China.
Restrict the sale of Chinese products to USA.
Americans can boycott Chinese Goods.
Encourage others to boycott Chinese Goods.
Print more american money.
Increase the broadscasts by voice american into China.
Point out to the Chinese with the present level of censorship
that they are being treated like mushrooms by being kept in the dark and being fed crap.
I think China does not want the US & Korea drill to be carried out in fear of angering North Korea.

We all know NK is like one crazy animal and the drills are nothing more then a show of force to try and piss off NK. If NK really declares war on South Korea (especially since NK has nothing to lose) who is going to clean the mess? The US is already engaged in two wars plus a economic recession are they prepared to get embroiled in another one? Since we have so many China basher please have a show of hands which country will send in some troops besides the US to assist?

Also there will be millions of refugees flowing across the border any volunteers on who like to take care of them too?
Can anybody confirm if this Chinese General is the same "shchinese" that we have used to have in this forum?

Its very much possible, there are so many Chinese here.
Nice going China. How would the USA react if China offered to do a joint exercise with Cuba in the Atlantic rim?
Nice going China. How would the USA react if China offered to do a joint exercise with Cuba in the Atlantic rim?
We would welcome it. Our observational powers are greater than China's and we would learn much about the PLAN...:lol:
We would welcome it. Our observational powers are greater than China's and we would learn much about the PLAN...:lol:

So CCP should not fear Chinese Democracy activists.

Most Chinese Democracy activists are pro-USA.

However, if USA invades China, most Chinese people must support CCP, Chinese Democracy activists automatically become Traitor and Minions.

Yellow Sea is our backyard. :china:

You Indian do allow Chinese navy to enter backyard? :)

I would only regard the territorial water to be backyard.. If its a international water, then it should be open to all ships. There is no such a thing as a backyard in the international water.
So CCP should not fear Chinese Democracy activists.

Most Chinese Democracy activists are pro-USA.

However, if USA invades China, most Chinese people must support CCP, Chinese Democracy activists automatically become Traitor and Minions.

Theres no danger of USA invadeing China, I would say there is some danger of China invadeing Russia what some Chinese have called their Norther Resouce Area.

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