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Chinese general's spy talk leaked on youtube



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Mar 22, 2011
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Chinese general's spy talk leaked onto YouTube

Footage of a Chinese general discussing sensitive spying cases has been leaked onto video sharing site YouTube, in what appears to be an embarrassing failure of secrecy for the usually tightlipped military.

It wasn't clear when or where Maj. Gen. Jin Yinan made the comments and China's Defense Ministry did not immediately respond Monday to faxed questions about the video. Calls to the National Defense University where Jin is a lecturer rang unanswered.

While some of the cases had been announced before, few details had been released, while others involving the military had been entirely secret.

Among those Jin discussed was that of former Ambassador to South Korea Li Bin, who was sentenced to seven years for corruption. Jin said Li had actually been discovered passing secrets to South Korea that compromised China's position in North Korean nuclear disarmament talks, but the allegations were too embarrassing to make public and graft charges were brought instead.

"In all the world, what nation's ambassador serves as another country's spy?" Jin said.

Similar treatment was handed out to the former head of China's nuclear power program, Kang Rixin, who was sentenced to life in prison last November on charges of corruption. Jin said Kang had in fact peddled secrets about China's civilian nuclear program to a foreign nation that he did not identify, but that was considered too sensitive to bring up in court.

Kang, a member of the ruling Communist Party's powerful Central Committee as well as its disciplinary arm, was one of the highest-ranking officials ever to be involved in spying, Jin said. His arrest dealt a major shock to the party leadership, Jin said.

"The party center was extremely nervous. They ordered top-to-bottom inspections and spared no individual," he said.

Jin also talked about Tong Daning, an official from China's social security fund, who was executed in 2006 after being convicted on charges of spying for rival Taiwan. Jin said Tong had passed information to the island's leaders about China's currency regime, allowing them to avoid massive losses due to exchange rate changes.

Among the cases involving military personnel, Jin said that of Col. Xu Junping, who defected to the United States in 2000, did not involve the loss of any technical secrets.

Instead, Xu relayed to the Americans his knowledge of the military leaderships' personalities, attitudes and habits gleaned from many years accompanying the top brass on trips abroad, Jin said.

The video was also posted on Chinese websites, and while it was removed from most locations, screen shots, audio files and transcripts of Jin's comments could still be found on sites such as Sina Weibo's popular microblogging service.

Jin's presentation, complete with explanatory slides, was typical of how such cases are discussed at private sessions as a warning to Communist Party cadres not to be lured into espionage or corruption. The video posted online appeared to have been taken from an official recording of the session rather than filmed by a member of the audience.

Authorities heavily police the Chinese Internet, but can only remove objectionable content after it is posted and have no control over what appears elsewhere.

While Chinese are enthusiastic users of social media, YouTube and Facebook are blocked inside China and their Chinese equivalents are required to inspect all content and remove politically sensitive material before being ordered to do so.

Read more at: Chinese general's spy talk leaked onto YouTube

Can our Chinese friends shed more light on the incident? maybe you guys have heard his conversation if it was something worth reporting or it was just blown out of proprtions in international media. Thanks.
I cannot find this video anywhere, including youtube. The only reference to this video comes from a Falun Gong website. But have no doubt, it exists. A video of a private meeting where Colonel Dai Xu talked about how the US is trying to break China up like the Soviet Union is also floating around and miraculously has never been deleted, so if this video is true, I should be able to find it somewhere.
Heres the video found on youtube don't know if this is the they are talking in the news. Maybe chinese friends here can verify as I can't understand Chinese.You never know those making propaganda can put twisted translated sud titles in english :)

Another Source from where I got video :
Jin Yinan, Chinese General, Spy Talk Leaked Onto YouTube (VIDEO)
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Similar treatment was handed out to the former head of China's nuclear power program, Kang Rixin, who was sentenced to life in prison last November on charges of corruption. Jin said Kang had in fact peddled secrets about China's civilian nuclear program to a foreign nation that he did not identify, but that was considered too sensitive to bring up in court.

Kang, a member of the ruling Communist Party's powerful Central Committee as well as its disciplinary arm, was one of the highest-ranking officials ever to be involved in spying, Jin said. His arrest dealt a major shock to the party leadership, Jin said.

"The party center was extremely nervous. They ordered top-to-bottom inspections and spared no individual," he said.

I'm surprised this bit of information was actually news to some Western journalists, including generally competent one like New Yorker's Evan Osnos. Here at PDF we've been discussing the fact Kang Rixin was a French spy ever since his sentence late year.
Heres the video found on youtube don't know if this is the they are talking in the news. Maybe chinese friends here can verify as I can't understand Chinese.You never know those making propaganda can put twisted translated sud titles in english :)

Another Source from where I got video :
Jin Yinan, Chinese General, Spy Talk Leaked Onto YouTube (VIDEO)

NTDTV is a well known Falun Gong propagandist organization. They have a rabid hatred of socialism, liberalism, Chinese, China, and Asians in general. They're the typical CIA paid white worshipping losers no different from the Jews who sold other Jews out to the Nazis or the Muslims who sold out other Muslims to the crusaders.
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Chinese general's spy talk leaked onto YouTube

Footage of a Chinese general discussing sensitive spying cases has been leaked onto video sharing site YouTube, in what appears to be an embarrassing failure of secrecy for the usually tightlipped military.

It wasn't clear when or where Maj. Gen. Jin Yinan made the comments and China's Defense Ministry did not immediately respond Monday to faxed questions about the video. Calls to the National Defense University where Jin is a lecturer rang unanswered.

While some of the cases had been announced before, few details had been released, while others involving the military had been entirely secret.

Among those Jin discussed was that of former Ambassador to South Korea Li Bin, who was sentenced to seven years for corruption. Jin said Li had actually been discovered passing secrets to South Korea that compromised China's position in North Korean nuclear disarmament talks, but the allegations were too embarrassing to make public and graft charges were brought instead.

"In all the world, what nation's ambassador serves as another country's spy?" Jin said.

Similar treatment was handed out to the former head of China's nuclear power program, Kang Rixin, who was sentenced to life in prison last November on charges of corruption. Jin said Kang had in fact peddled secrets about China's civilian nuclear program to a foreign nation that he did not identify, but that was considered too sensitive to bring up in court.

Kang, a member of the ruling Communist Party's powerful Central Committee as well as its disciplinary arm, was one of the highest-ranking officials ever to be involved in spying, Jin said. His arrest dealt a major shock to the party leadership, Jin said.

"The party center was extremely nervous. They ordered top-to-bottom inspections and spared no individual," he said.

Jin also talked about Tong Daning, an official from China's social security fund, who was executed in 2006 after being convicted on charges of spying for rival Taiwan. Jin said Tong had passed information to the island's leaders about China's currency regime, allowing them to avoid massive losses due to exchange rate changes.

Among the cases involving military personnel, Jin said that of Col. Xu Junping, who defected to the United States in 2000, did not involve the loss of any technical secrets.

Instead, Xu relayed to the Americans his knowledge of the military leaderships' personalities, attitudes and habits gleaned from many years accompanying the top brass on trips abroad, Jin said.

The video was also posted on Chinese websites, and while it was removed from most locations, screen shots, audio files and transcripts of Jin's comments could still be found on sites such as Sina Weibo's popular microblogging service.

Jin's presentation, complete with explanatory slides, was typical of how such cases are discussed at private sessions as a warning to Communist Party cadres not to be lured into espionage or corruption. The video posted online appeared to have been taken from an official recording of the session rather than filmed by a member of the audience.

Authorities heavily police the Chinese Internet, but can only remove objectionable content after it is posted and have no control over what appears elsewhere.

While Chinese are enthusiastic users of social media, YouTube and Facebook are blocked inside China and their Chinese equivalents are required to inspect all content and remove politically sensitive material before being ordered to do so.

Read more at: Chinese general's spy talk leaked onto YouTube

Can our Chinese friends shed more light on the incident? maybe you guys have heard his conversation if it was something worth reporting or it was just blown out of proprtions in international media. Thanks.

did u ever hear about psycologicial warfare?dont you know that wikileaks is a psysoperation of cia?this is pyschological warfare operation
yea i always wondered who those NTDTV was.

everytime i go to anything china related, that damn NTDTV pops up.

apparently its headquarted in new york.

these falun gong is a terrorist organization.

Hello sir, care to back up your terrorist comment about Falun Dafa? CCP is sscared of people discovering spiritual enlightment.. I personally know people who practise falun dafa.. it is kind of meditaion and yoga combined.. In india we have many school of meditation..

:lol: looks like 56 centers are scrambling!!:chilli:
u need a reliable resource.do not copy&paste when u see something at the first time.that maybe fake news,or one-sided emotional news.
Hello sir, care to back up your terrorist comment about Falun Dafa? CCP is sscared of people discovering spiritual enlightment.. I personally know people who practise falun dafa.. it is kind of meditaion and yoga combined.. In india we have many school of meditation..

:lol: looks like 56 centers are scrambling!!:chilli:

if it was 56 cents we'd outsource this service to India. 2 posts per day would pull half your population out of poverty.
Hello sir, care to back up your terrorist comment about Falun Dafa? CCP is sscared of people discovering spiritual enlightment.. I personally know people who practise falun dafa.. it is kind of meditaion and yoga combined.. In india we have many school of meditation..

:lol: looks like 56 centers are scrambling!!:chilli:

Unfortunately,Falun gong maybe let u down.u compare it to yoga?the truth is,falun gong is more like a circus.and Master Li Hongzhi is really a clown....

i have seen his book.the book is called rotating Falun.in the beginning,he said when he was a child,he played with his friends.they ran across the street,and suddenly his friends saw him flying to the sky.

absurd things like this is everywhere in the book,trying to prove Li Hongzhi is a real god,like Jesus,Muhammad,and Buddha.

i feel wordless about this ‘terrific’ book..cant imagine how supid the man is to wrote a book like that....r they humiliating the IQ of us people?i have to say,they made it.as Li Hongzhi's IQ is so low,he even drag down the average IQ of all Chinese people.... and u compared falun gong with yoga....

now i just keep this book for this book maybe someday rise in value like those famous counterfeit money.the hole book is a joke.but now it is still no more worth than a Toilet paper....
There is indeed such a video. I watched it in its entirety a year or two ago. It was very interesting and informative. Professor/major general Jin Yinan gave a rather informal talk about his book entitled 苦难与辉煌. For those of you interested, do a search with the key word 苦难与辉煌, and you should be able to find more information.
I was checking Li Bin's résumé on the internet and found something really interesting. You know résumé of Chinese official usually begin with name then follow by ethnicity, for example, "胡锦涛, 汉族..." (Hu Jintao, ethnic Han). But Lin Bin's résumé starts with "李滨, 北京市人" (Li Bin, Beijinger). I've this question, which I wondered when I first read the news and reinforced by reading his résumé but it is an extremely politically incorrect question to ask. Is Li Bin an ethnic Korean?

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