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Spouting rethoric about blocking the Malacca Strait is easy. Any idiot can do that.
But Singapore knows what the consquences of attacking an international trade route and a military blockade on its front door are and whos actually going to pay for it.
Photo taken on Feb. 24, 2021 shows naval forces of China and Singapore conducting a joint drill in waters near Singapore.

Photo taken on Feb. 24, 2021 shows naval forces of China and Singapore conducting a joint drill in waters near Singapore. Joint operations of fleet rendezvous, communication, formation movement and joint salvage were conducted as part of the drill on Wednesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

Photo taken on Feb. 24, 2021 shows naval forces of China and Singapore conducting a joint drill in waters near Singapore. Joint operations of fleet rendezvous, communication, formation movement and joint salvage were conducted as part of the drill on Wednesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

Photo taken on Feb. 24, 2021 shows naval forces of China and Singapore conducting a joint drill in waters near Singapore. Joint operations of fleet rendezvous, communication, formation movement and joint salvage were conducted as part of the drill on Wednesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

Photo taken on Feb. 24, 2021 shows naval forces of China and Singapore conducting a joint drill in waters near Singapore. Joint operations of fleet rendezvous, communication, formation movement and joint salvage were conducted as part of the drill on Wednesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

Photo taken on Feb. 24, 2021 shows naval forces of China and Singapore conducting a joint drill in waters near Singapore. Joint operations of fleet rendezvous, communication, formation movement and joint salvage were conducted as part of the drill on Wednesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

Photo taken on Feb. 24, 2021 shows naval forces of China and Singapore conducting a joint drill in waters near Singapore. Joint operations of fleet rendezvous, communication, formation movement and joint salvage were conducted as part of the drill on Wednesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

Photo taken on Feb. 24, 2021 shows naval forces of China and Singapore conducting a joint drill in waters near Singapore. Joint operations of fleet rendezvous, communication, formation movement and joint salvage were conducted as part of the drill on Wednesday. [Photo/Xinhua]


Oil price is going up, why wasting on fuel?
I hope to see warships to be powered by solar cells or wind mills. If going to war we should keep at least the environment clean.

They have money, oil is nothing according to rich countries like them
Spouting rethoric about blocking the Malacca Strait is easy. Any idiot can do that.
But Singapore knows what the consquences of attacking an international trade route and a military blockade on its front door are and whos actually going to pay for it.

Yeah, only idiot people with IQ 72. Dare to barking to blocking Malacca strait from Chinese Shipping.

Trade is a two way economic lifeline.
If someone stupid enough, dare to block Chinese Shipping, not only China will take action.

But it will prompt other nations to take actions against that.
Electrical Equipments products from Germany and Italy, Salmon products from Norway & Finland, Oil products from Saudi Arabia, UEA, Iraq & Iran, Minerals products from Algeria & Tanzania, Iron ore from Brazil & Argentina. All goes to China

And those countries will take hostile action against anyone that idiot enough to block Chinese shipping in International trade way

Not only that, Chinese bound trade also using many International shipping companies like COSCO and Chinese Shipping Lines (China), CMA CGM (France), Maersk (Danish), and many others.

And if any idiot country want to capture & sink any Chinese bound ships, those countries will not stand idle. And prompt them to taking hostile action against any blockade

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Even US doesn't dare to blockade, any Iranian Tankers sending Oil to Chinese Ports
Singapore Changi Naval base, and also where US base is. The sector on the left can park an entire aircraft carrier.


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