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Chinese public views Pakistan very favorably and Pakistanis view China very favorably as well

I doubt they would care, most Chinese don't know much about or have contact with Indians.

Well of course on a government level they have great relations but most Chinese in general have very negative views on Muslims and Islam. They just don't say it to your face as its considered rude in their culture
It seems that you Indians know Chinese better than we Chinese.

The Chinese people have a positive attitude towards all Muslim countries except Turkey. Especially in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Central Asian countries, the Chinese people have a high appreciation for these countries. At the same time, the Chinese have a negative attitude towards Israel.

Why do you think this is only at the govt level?
A lot of them believe that they dont treat the Uyghurs harsh enough, now that says a lot
I have sympathy for my Muslim brothers but we need to remember some of them are CIA sponsored separatists. I have sympathy for the innocent people who have to undergo surveillance and other BS but I don't have any sympathy for the separatists, they should be dealt with a heavy hand
A lot of them believe that they dont treat the Uyghurs harsh enough, now that says a lot
First of all, the Uygur issue is mostly a lie and hype of western countries.

Secondly, I would like to remind you that there are 30million Muslims in China and only 9million Uighurs. There are also many Muslim ethnic groups in China, such as the Hui (mixed Arab and Han descendants), the Tajik (Persian descendants), and so on. Have you heard of their remarks against the Chinese govt?

If you want to equate China's attitude towards Uighur separatist organizations with China's attitude towards ordinary Uighurs, Chinese Muslims and the Islamic world. Then you are either stupid or have ulterior motives.

BTW: If you see anti Muslim comments in Chinese forums, please pay attention to their IP addresses (since this year, the IP addresses of speakers have been displayed in major forums in China). You will find that most of their IP addresses come from Taiwan and Hong Kong, their attitude towards Muslims is greatly influenced by the western media. Don't think that only people from Chinese Mainland use Chinese. There are not only people from Chinese Mainland, but also people from Hong Kong, Taiwan and even non Chinese on China Forums.
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First of all, the Uygur issue is mostly a lie and hype of western countries.

Secondly, I would like to remind you that there are 30million Muslims in China and only 9million Uighurs. There are also many Muslim ethnic groups in China, such as the Hui (mixed Arab and Han descendants), the Tajik (Persian descendants), and so on. Have you heard of their remarks against the Chinese govt?

If you want to equate China's attitude towards Uighur separatist organizations with China's attitude towards ordinary Uighurs, Chinese Muslims and the Islamic world. Then you are either stupid or have ulterior motives.
Funny part is that that other member posing to be a Pakistani, which I doubt he is, what about USA's unconditional support for Israel?

lol hypocrites!
I beg to differ, the Chinese users on this forum are a prime example of hiding their true feelings and thoughts. They just see what's best for them, Chinese are like a more advanced and sophisticated version of Indians. Pakistani and heck even Indian users on here would be utterly shocked to see what the Chinese in private say on their own Chinese forums.
Chinese are very different from Indians both culturally and in world views. Chinese have very different views from Indians on Muslims especially Pakistanis. I think Chinese positive feelings toward Pakistanis are genuine. Don't equate us with the Indians. Are you self an Indian disguised Pakistani ?
the Chinese have a negative attitude towards Israel
Lol on Weibo its a different story, they love Israel over there because of how they deal with Muslims. And i've come to believe a good amount of Chinese think like that, but of course it would be rude of me to generalize and imply all Chinese think like that.
That's surprising, Chinese have very negative views on Muslims in general. Especially ultra-religious ones like the ones you see in Pakistan, maybe it's just from a government standpoint where they positively view the country.


I had a friend go to China sometime ago in Shangai and he said there was Halal restaurants there.

I had a friend go to China sometime ago in Shangai and he said there was Halal restaurants there.
Not only in cities, the Chinese Ministry of education even stipulates that every university canteen must have halal restaurants.


China generally takes a positive attitude towards Muslim countries, and China and Muslim countries have been good neighbors in history. 2000 years ago, the Chinese princess married the prince of Persia. There is no cultural conflict with Muslim countries.
If a country likes China, the Chinese will also like it, and if a country is hostile to China, the Chinese will also resent this country.
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That's surprising, Chinese have very negative views on Muslims in general. Especially ultra-religious ones like the ones you see in Pakistan, maybe it's just from a government standpoint where they positively view the country.

As expected, the Indian jumps into a thread about China and Pakistan.

I doubt you are a Pakistani. lol.

He is an Indian and not even a Muslim. Most of his posts are anti-Pakistan, anti-Muslim, anti-China, and pro-India.

You can see in this very thread.

There is a difference between dislike/hatred and just having a very negative view of a country and/or its government. I doubt Chinese actually hate India as a country, they just have problems with the government.

I doubt you know anything about Pakistan, Muslims or China except your brainwashing in Indian media.
Your arguments are not convincing. Despite the above you chose to move to Canada. It proves freedom is superior to tyranny. Try moving to China and publicly bad mouth China and it's communist party.
Freedom of speech is publicly bad mouth ... OMG, Western countries are wonderful :D
Freedom of speech is publicly bad mouth ... OMG, Western countries are wonderful :D
It is normal and expected to criticize the government and ruling party without fear whatsoever in a true democracy, but it is very threatening in totalitarian China, so much so that that you will become a political prisoner. So you lash out and mock others, this behaviour is predictable.
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