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CIA Agent Exposes How Al-Qaeda Dosen't Exist

Michael Scheuer is mot just an agent but the "Chief of CIA Bin Laden Unit", now tat is something straight from the horses mouth.
A must watch and forward video for everyone!
Thanks for sharing.

Not sure why he himself exposed everything detailed even though the US department is watching him. Maybe someone will assassinate him.
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Not sure why he himself exposed everything detailed even though the US department is watching him. Maybe someone will assassinate him.
You guys have completely misunderstood what Scheuer said and he set the proper context of his interview between time stamps 00:50 to 01:00. Scheuer did not meant that al-Qaeda does not exist at all, rather he meant the version of al-Qaeda that we believe to be does not exist. The version that HE believe to be the proper one is religiously motivated and in that, Scheuer is correct and there are many who believe him.

Americans at large have convinced ourselves that this is a secular war but that is a front. Underneath is an uncomfortable suspicion that after communism, the West is experiencing a religious confrontation and it is political correctness gone amok that is keeping this suspicion suppressed. Scheuer pretty much said so near the end of the interview, that this is a religious war. Scheuer is doing everyone a favor by calling this conflict for what it is.
You guys have completely misunderstood what Scheuer said and he set the proper context of his interview between time stamps 00:50 to 01:00. Scheuer did not meant that al-Qaeda does not exist at all, rather he meant the version of al-Qaeda that we believe to be does not exist. The version that HE believe to be the proper one is religiously motivated and in that, Scheuer is correct and there are many who believe him.

Americans at large have convinced ourselves that this is a secular war but that is a front. Underneath is an uncomfortable suspicion that after communism, the West is experiencing a religious confrontation and it is political correctness gone amok that is keeping this suspicion suppressed. Scheuer pretty much said so near the end of the interview, that this is a religious war. Scheuer is doing everyone a favor by calling this conflict for what it is.

You are choosing to ignore the parts of Scheuer's interview that you disagree with. Like the part where he suggests we get the hell out of the Middle East and let the people there deal with Islamist terrorists.
You are choosing to ignore the parts of Scheuer's interview that you disagree with. Like the part where he suggests we get the hell out of the Middle East and let the people there deal with Islamist terrorists.
Buddy, I watched that interview several times. There is NOTHING new in what Scheuer said. Foreign policies are inevitable, even the Taliban had some measures of them. Foreign policies are two-way streets, meaning no one can force anyone to get into a relationship. So if we should get the hell out of the ME, you may consider what happen to the ME if we insist the reciprocal: That the ME should get the hell out of our world. And finally the ME may get what the Islamists want: The return to the 7th century. Inshallah.
You are choosing to ignore the parts of Scheuer's interview that you disagree with. Like the part where he suggests we get the hell out of the Middle East and let the people there deal with Islamist terrorists.

Interference into any country is wrong till the effects spill over to our country, then the only likely solution remains is to get involved to a certain degree to safeguard our cities and our people.
Buddy, I watched that interview several times. There is NOTHING new in what Scheuer said. Foreign policies are inevitable, even the Taliban had some measures of them. Foreign policies are two-way streets, meaning no one can force anyone to get into a relationship. So if we should get the hell out of the ME, you may consider what happen to the ME if we insist the reciprocal: That the ME should get the hell out of our world. And finally the ME may get what the Islamists want: The return to the 7th century. Inshallah.

America was interfering in the Middle East for decades before the WTC bombing. So the ME should be allowed that much time to reciprocate to an American withdrawal from interference in the ME.
He says we are fighting a religious war. Who would that be? Islamic terrorists? No such thing. Al Qaeda does not exist. The attacks on 9/11 is not response to support of Israel and our presence in Saudi Arabia.
He says we are fighting a religious war. Who would that be? Islamic terrorists? No such thing. Al Qaeda does not exist. The attacks on 9/11 is not response to support of Israel and our presence in Saudi Arabia.

In essence you guys hate Muslims?
In essence you guys hate Muslims?

He says we are dealing with people who has declared Jihad on us. I never said that. If we hate Muslims you guys wouldn't have exist right now would you in the states.
He says we are dealing with people who has declared Jihad on us. I never said that. If we hate Muslims you guys wouldn't have exist right now would you in the states.

Things could change. Anyways most of the jihadis you are fighting right now are in their own respective countries and have never attacked America prior to WOT.

Taliban never attacked America. You even invited the guys over a couple of times before 9/11. They were your friends remember. According to Reagan they were equal to the Sons of Liberty. :D

You guys betrayed Saddam over oil like a drug deal gone wrong. I mean he was the US's right hand man against Iran. Still he never attacked US soil.
Things could change. Anyways most of the jihadis you are fighting right now are in their own respective countries and have never attacked America prior to WOT.

Taliban never attacked America. You even invited the guys over a couple of times before 9/11. They were your friends remember. According to Reagan they were equal to the Sons of Liberty. :D

You guys betrayed Saddam over oil like a drug deal gone wrong. I mean he was the the US's right hand man against Iran. Still he never attacked US soil.

Friends can become enemies. Taliban refusing to hand over Osama Bin Laden and Saddam's invasion of Kuwait.
Friends can become enemies. Taliban refusing to hand over Osama Bin Laden and Saddam's invasion of Kuwait.

They were willing to turn him over for a trial in a neutral country, but I wonder why that did not appeal to the US?

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