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Cleanliness drive reaches Pakistan

Putting the blithering idiots in the western media in their place, William Dalrymple, celebrated scholar on South Asia and author of numerous best sellers, such as The Last Moghul and White Moghuls, talked about the differences between Pakistan and India as part of a recently held IQ2 discussion forum.

Dalrymple has been living in India for 20 years and has visited Pakistan on numerous occasions. I was unfortunate to have missed his last series of talks in Lahore, connected with the launch of his most recent book. Suffice to say, his first-hand knowledge of the sub continent is uncontested.

He goes on to talk about the infrastructure in India and Pakistan and says that he finds Pakistan far more developed in this area. He praises Pakistani roads and airports, calling them “infinitely better” than those in India. Talking on security, Mr. Dalrymple says that he felt completely safe in Pakistan and other than FATA and some areas in the Frontier, “you can go anywhere… drive anywhere” and be completely safe.

Dalrymple explains how the insurgency currently going on in India (Maoists and Naxalites), is just as “dangerous” as the Taliban violence connected to the border areas of Afghanistan/Pakistan. That the area under control of the Maoists is actually 3 times larger than what the Taliban influence in Pakistan. Yet, the media has lost complete perspective of this truth.

More people in the west, unfortunately misled by the macabre mixture of pseudo-news and entertainment, courtesy Fox and CNN, need to hear from Dalrymple; someone who actually knows Pakistan and India. For those of you who run software and IT companies with foreign customers, consider sending a link to the below if the subject of security in Pakistan comes up. In my own personal experience, having hosted dozens of Americans and Europeans, once they’ve visited the country they absolutely love it. For those of my guests and business associates that have also been to India, I get the exact same feedback every single time. That Pakistan is far more developed, cleaner, less crowded and equipped with better infrastructure than India.

William Dalrymple on Pakistan and India | TechLahore

Neutral source. :partay:
Lahore waste management company to help make Amritsar clean - The Times of India

AMRITSAR: After having failed to successfully run its much hyped solid waste management (SWM) project, the Amritsar Municipal Corporation has now sought help from Lahore Waste Management Company to make the holy city clean.

"We are here to share our experiences with officials of municipal corporations of Punjab and explain how we have been successful in running SWM project in Lahore" said the general manager, Lahore Waste Management Company Wasim Azmal while talking to TOI on Monday.

Wasim along with the general manger and manger of company Khalid Mazid and Asif Iqbal respectively had arrived in India to share their experiences and guide MC officials on SWM project. He said Turkish companies had invested more than 80 million dollars in Lahore and have brought in special vehicles, washers and other specialized machinery for collecting and disposal of waste.
Too Pessimistic..uhh. It is your country man!! Just encourage them!!

It's about the mentality of the people changing. I've seen people throw shit on the ground even if there is a waste bin right in front of them.
i dont get it ranjit why give such news so much covrage just because a good looking chik has tweeted about it .... as they say choore ki dhi chamaro ke jaye .. sannu ki :azn:


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