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‘COAS, not PM, decides how US-Pak ties shape up’


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‘COAS, not PM, decides how US-Pak ties shape up’

Anwar Iqbal Published November 23, 2022 Updated 10 minutes ago

<p>Lisa Curtis (top left), Douglas London (top centre), Marvin Weinbaum (top right), Javid Ahmad (bottom left) and Hussain Haqqani (bottom right) participate in a seminar organised by  Middle East Institute on Tuesday. — Screengrab via MEI YouTube</p>

Lisa Curtis (top left), Douglas London (top centre), Marvin Weinbaum (top right), Javid Ahmad (bottom left) and Hussain Haqqani (bottom right) participate in a seminar organised by Middle East Institute on Tuesday. — Screengrab via MEI YouTube
WASHINGTON: Former prime minister Imran Khan’s return to power — or not — will not have much impact on the future of US-Pakistan relations as such decisions in Islamabad are taken by the army chief, not the prime minister.
This view was expressed at a Monday evening seminar in the US capital.
“I don’t think the future of US-Pakistan relations hinges on who will be the PM in Pakistan… more important is who will be the chief of army staff,” said Lisa Curtis, who looked after South and Central Asian affairs at the Trump White House, adding it was the army that controlled decision-making on issues important to the US, such as the nuclear programme, Pakistan’s relations with India, and counter-terrorism.
But Ms Curtis also said this kind of hybrid democracy would not be good for Pakistan as it’s “an inherently unstable form of government”.
Trump-era official says should Imran return to power, there will be ‘effort to make amends with Washington’
When asked how Mr Khan’s return to power could influence the US-Pakistan relations, she said: “Even though Imran Khan very unhelpfully used the US as a scapegoat when he lost power, were he to be reelected, there will be a certain amount of pragmatism that might become part of the equation.” She believed there would be “an effort to make amends with Washington”.
Douglas London, a former CIA operative and analyst; Javid Ahmad, a former Afghan ambassador to the UAE; and Hussain Haqqani, Pakistan’s former ambassador to Washington also participated in the discussion. Marvin Weinbaum, director of Pakistan/Afghanistan Studies at the Middle East Institute (MEI), Washington, moderated the session hosted by his institute.
Both Ms Curtis and Mr Haqqani believed Pakistan and the US were not as close as when America was still in Afghanistan. Ms Curtis said the US wanted to ensure Pakistan did not get closer to China and that negative views about Islamabad regarding Afghanistan still prevailed. The US, she added, “wants Pakistan to support it in Ukraine”.
Mr London noted that tensions between the two countries had reduced since the US withdrew from Afghanistan, and Washington didn’t want to lose Islamabad completely as it was a nuclear state. Now, he remarked, there was “more openness” between the intelligence and military services of the two countries, but “little substance”.
Mr Ahmad observed Pakistan had “all ingredients to self-destruct at any time”. Mr Haqqani noted the US-Pakistan relationship began as an economic necessity for Islamabad after the Partition, but its leaders paid little attention to the economic aspect. He added “the sustenance of relations must be economic and not military”.

Ms Curtis said America’s main concerns for Pakistan were “nuclear safety and possibility of a failed state”. Mr Ahmad said the US had become a party in Pakistan’s current political infighting because of Imran Khan’s allegations, while Mr London warned Pakistan “could go up in flames” any time if elections were not held and some sort of consensus formed.
Mr Haqqani thought the army was still trying to influence political developments, but from behind the scenes. Ms Curtis commented that the army did not expect the massive support for Imran Khan after he was removed and now the political situation would be “an “enormous challenge” for the next army chief, who “must first rebuild consensus” within the institution.
Mr Haqqani predicted the PTI chief “may win, but not sweep” the next elections as he was not as popular as it seemed. Mr Weinbaum and Mr Ahmed disagreed though with the latter adding that PTI supporters will continue to be a “big challenge” for the military.
“Imran Khan has charisma and is capable of tempering anti-American sentiment if he wants to,” remarked Ms Curtis.
Published in Dawn, November 23rd, 2022
Pakistanis (majority), US, others all know that COAS and Establishment are knee deep in politics and political engineering but we have our boys here who refuse to see the obvious.
Mere khayal se ab baat insaano ke hath se nikal chuki hai.
Tragedy ... @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @muhammadhafeezmalik khush hoo !!!!!!!!

Hussain Haqqani is big dishonest bull shitterrz ....his claim Imran Khan rallies are smaller then Nawaz and Banazir .... lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... fvckin liar son of biatchh... how he lie bluntly ..

The most ill informed panel ...who are totally unaware what Taliban recently did in border region of KPK...
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When Imran Khan talks about self respect and standing up on your own feet, this is a basis for cleaning up the whole mess.

With these 2 principles, you are getting rid of the corrupt, controlling establishment overtures, getting your economy in order and living within one means.

Outgoing chief thief of Sicilian mafia will be giving sermon
Somehow Pakistan's COAS doesn't find it least bit strange that a military official addresses the nation. In normal countries, generally the President (who is also the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces) or the Prime Minister address the nation on important issues. Is it common in Pakistan for COAS to address the nation? How frequently does the President or the Prime Minister address the nation? In U.S., the military chiefs are available for press conferences for interviews or questions, especially if there is some activity involving the military. But I have never heard of an address to the nation. It is always by the President.
Somehow Pakistan's COAS doesn't find it least bit strange that a military official addresses the nation. In normal countries, generally the President (who is also the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces) or the Prime Minister address the nation on important issues. Is it common in Pakistan for COAS to address the nation? How frequently does the President or the Prime Minister address the nation? In U.S., the military chiefs are available for press conferences for interviews or questions, especially if there is some activity involving the military. But I have never heard of an address to the nation. It is always by the President.

Our Chief Thieves collectively have more experience of addressing then nation then civilian presidents / prime ministers.
Just like turkey...the bastard generals need to be in barracks. Their access to money monitored and accounted for. Their wives and kids watched.
These useless basteds lost East pakistan and Siachen and have achieved nothing re Kashmir.
They join the army only for money.
Just like turkey...the bastard generals need to be in barracks. Their access to money monitored and accounted for. Their wives and kids watched.
These useless basteds lost East pakistan and Siachen and have achieved nothing re Kashmir.
They join the army only for money.
Ironically diplomatically it seems they have offered little against India as well given they are really running the country.
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