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Cold Start Doctrine - Pakistani Response. By Jhungary

See, in my post..I brought up all technical points...while you couldn't respond to any one of them.

And then you jumped to typical rhetoric of all 4 "successful" wars that india supposedly fought :lol:

Signing an agreement of ceasefire with a seven times smaller nation is, offcourse, a "successful" war for india ..

Anyways, I have laid out technical parameters of why a limited war with Pakistan will only result in indian losses and won't worth a cost for india. You haven't responded to any argument of mine but just went on to typical BS that fanboys spout on this forum all the time.

Good bye

Again, no response on technical arguments raised by me. Only gibberish of an insecure indian.

Yeah, we are really "scarrrreeeddddd" of india.....who retreated in humiliation last time two forces came at a stand-off on borders.


I aalready posted in this thread both technical and logisitical .I dont want to repeat it again.Noone can say anything about the technical points in your post.(some weird self consuming technical points).

November 2014

By Jaganath Sankaran

In April 2011, Pakistan declared that it had tested a short-range battlefield nuclear missile, the Nasr.1 Since then, prominent purveyors of Pakistani nuclear doctrine, including Lieutenant General Khalid Kidwai and former diplomat Maleeha Lodhi, have portrayed the Nasr missile as a counter to India’s “Cold Start” war doctrine.2

That doctrine supposedly aims at rapid but limited retaliatory incursions into Pakistan by the Indian army to seize and hold narrow slices of territory in response to a terrorism event in India involving Pakistanis. The rationale is that the seized territory would be returned in exchange for Pakistani extradition of extremists inflicting terrorism onto India. The doctrine is based on the assumption that Pakistan would not resort to the use of nuclear weapons in response to a limited Indian incursion, thereby offering space for conventional conflict even in a nuclearized environment.

Pointing to this Indian war doctrine, Pakistani decision-makers now argue that the deterrent value of their current arsenal operates only at the strategic level. According to this line of reasoning, the gap at the tactical level gives India the freedom to successfully engage in limited Cold Start-style military operations without fear of nuclear escalation. Development of the low-yield, tactical battlefield nuclear weapon, the Nasr missile, is seen as the solution providing “flexible deterrence options”3 for an appropriate response to Cold Start, rather than massive nuclear retaliation against India. Nasr proponents argue that by maintaining “a credible linkage between limited conventional war and nuclear escalation,” the missile will deter India from carrying out its plan.4

This approach might appear to be sensible, but it suffers from two important flaws. First, the Cold Start doctrine has not been actively implemented and therefore does not seem to represent a genuine threat to Pakistan. Second, battlefield nuclear weapons are a key part of the proposed solution, but it may be extremely difficult to establish a command and control system that would effectively preclude the possibility of an accidental or unauthorized launch.

Is Cold Start Real?

The genesis of the Cold Start doctrine goes back to a conference of Indian army commanders held in April 2004. The media claimed at the time that a new Indian war doctrine was presented at that conference. These sources added that although the full details of the doctrine remained classified and many issues were still being fine-tuned, a briefing by a senior officer had mentioned the concept of eight integrated battle groups being employed in place of the existing three large strike formations. Yet, there is no evidence of an unveiling at the conference of the Cold Start doctrine as it stands now with its various operational details. In fact, the Indian army doctrine document released in October 2004 following the conference makes no mention of the Cold Start doctrine.5

How did the purported Cold Start doctrine gain so much currency? One of the two prime sources to which all writings on the Cold Start doctrine refer is an op-ed piece by Firdaus Ahmed, a writer on security affairs.6 Writing in May 2004, without citing any evidence, he claims that the doctrine comprises two important elements. The integrated battle groups, being smaller than the current strike corps, could be deployed more quickly, and these groups would be able to undercut Pakistan’s nuclear doctrine of first use by striking at narrow pieces of territory along the Indian-Pakistani border that do not necessarily compel Pakistan to cross its nuclear threshold. Ahmed points out that there was no indication that the idea had originated in the Integrated Defence Staff—the joint body serving as India’s unified armed services headquarters—suggesting that the idea did not have the endorsement of the three services. The other prime source to which all later discussions of the Cold Start doctrine refer is an article by Subhash Kapila, a strategic affairs analyst.7 In his piece, Kapila suggests that, in the absence of more details, some aspects of the strategic conceptual underpinnings of India’s new war doctrine can be assumed. One key assumption that he makes is that three of the army’s existing strike corps may be reconstituted and reinforced into eight or so integrated battle groups to launch multiple strikes into Pakistan. Another assumption is that India’s strike corps elements will have to be moved well forward from existing garrisons usually situated deeper inside India. Here again, the author makes assumptions about what he believes to be the elements of an as-yet-undeclared doctrine.

In trying to outline what Cold Start could be, these two sources were at best providing opinion rather than facts. Yet, these pieces have endured and have ended up propagating an idea that apparently does not have support from the armed forces or the political class in India. Recently, the Indian government and military have been striving to deny that Cold Start is an approved doctrine.8 Timothy Roemer, U.S. ambassador to India from 2009 to 2011, noted in a leaked assessment that “several very high level officials [including the former Indian national security adviser M.K. Narayanan] have firmly stated, when asked directly about their support for Cold Start, that they have never endorsed, supported or advocated for this doctrine.”9 The Obama administration apparently raised the issue of Cold Start in November 2009 when Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited Washington. In a subsequent comment, Indian Defense Secretary Pradeep Kumar said, “We don’t know what Cold Start is. Our prime minister has said that Pakistan has nothing to fear.”10 Similarly, General V.K. Singh, who retired in May 2012 as Indian’s chief of army staff, said in 2010, “There is nothing called ‘Cold Start.’ As part of our overall strategy we have a number of contingencies and options, depending on what the aggressor does. In the recent years, we have been improving our systems with respect to mobilization, but our basic military posture is defensive.” He has further said, “I think that ‘Cold Start’ is just a term bandied about by think tanks and media. It is neither a doctrine nor a military term in our glossary.”11

The origins of the Cold Start doctrine therefore are highly suspect. More importantly, there have not been any subsequent observable Indian efforts to operationalize the doctrine. In fact, elements of the Indian army and the Indian air force substantially disagree on how to do this and on whether the doctrine needs to be operationalized at all. The presumed Cold Start doctrine, by design, ties down Indian air force units to missions of close air support in a spatially limited theater of operations in which the army operates rather than allowing the air force to exploit the quantitative and qualitative advantages it possesses against its Pakistani counterpart and launch a wider campaign of strategic attrition and air supremacy.12

The doctrine also underplays strategic bombing, which is a preferred mission for the air force. The Indian air force has balked at this idea, suggesting that its role in the supposed Cold Start is an artificial and gross underutilization of air power. Making this point, Kapil Kak, a retired air vice-marshal who is deputy director of the air force’s Center for Air Power Studies, has said that “there is no question of the air force fitting into a doctrine propounded by the army. That is a concept dead at inception.”13 Furthermore, Kak has argued that there is little necessity for the air force to divert its frontline fighter aircraft to augment the army’s firepower. That task, he says, can be achieved by the army’s own attack helicopters and multiple rocket launchers that now have a 100-kilometer range. Yet, the army’s airborne assets are inferior to those of the air force. In particular, if the Pakistani air force brings its top assets into action in response to a Cold Start-style incursion, the Indian army’s airborne assets will not be able to provide cover for the invading army. Will Cold Start then be implementable?

In addition, Indian military forces have not undertaken any of the changes needed to execute an operation along the lines of Cold Start. The Indian army still maintains its three large offensive corps stationed in the middle of the country, whereas the Cold Start doctrine advocates breaking them into smaller integrated battle groups deployed at the Indian-Pakistani border.

Furthermore, the Indian army has not equipped its forces in a manner that would enable them to mount rapid and aggressive campaigns against Pakistan. For example, main battle tanks—a good indicator of progress—increased in number only slightly between 2003 and 2014 from an estimated 3,898 to approximately 4,000 tanks in working condition. Similarly, in 2003, the army had 320 armored personnel carriers. In 2014, there are approximately 336 active armored personnel carriers. The number of armored infantry fighting vehicles was estimated at 1,600 in 2003 and 1,445 in 2014.14 Although equipment numbers do not always represent military intent, the constancy in equipment inventory again points to a lack of concerted effort to actualize Cold Start.

This lack of effort to re-engineer the Indian military along the lines envisioned in the Cold Start doctrine reflects to some measure the limits of coercive military power. For example, after the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack, Prime Minister Singh had apparently decided against military action. It is believed that Singh had worried that if India were to launch selective strikes, they would likely only deepen Pakistan’s internal turmoil and probably escalate into a war that could include nuclear deployments, which may be precisely what the terrorists hope to provoke. That is a significant problem to which the Cold Start doctrine has no remedy.

Additionally, India possibly recognizes, given the recent spate of terrorist attacks within Pakistan, that Pakistan is now able to exert much less control over the jihadi elements operating inside its territory. Speaking on the limits of military action after the Mumbai attack, Lalit Mansingh, a former Indian ambassador in Washington, said that “there is no military option here. India had to ‘isolate the terrorist elements’ in Pakistan not rally the nation around them.”15

The absence of official approval, the divergent interests of the various branches of the armed services, and the lack of observable military progress toward implementation of the Cold Start doctrine in India should give Pakistani leaders pause with regard to further developing and deploying the Nasr missile. These issues, however, are only part of the reason that battlefield nuclear weapons are a poor choice for Pakistan. The difficulties in managing battlefield nuclear weapons are an equally important aspect.

Pakistani Command and Control

The possession of short-range battlefield nuclear weapons poses one major challenge to Pakistan: effective command and control. The Nasr, which has a short range of about 60 kilometers, is a quick-dispersal system that can be forward deployed near the Indian-Pakistani border, thereby providing ready access to the field commander when he needs it. Although a forward-deployed system could give field commanders quick access and obviate the risk of a communication failure with the political leadership in the midst of combat, ensuring such operational readiness might also require the devolution of command and control to the local field commander and possibly even a prior authorization to use nuclear weapons. That poses the risk of unauthorized or unnecessary use.

A field commander has no way to forecast the outcome of a battle; there is a constant risk of being overrun. He has no way to be absolutely sure that all conventional options have been exhausted and that he is using nuclear weapons only as a last resort. Lacking the overall picture, a regiment or a battalion commander could always be tempted to utilize all his available weapons. While at Harvard University, Henry Kissinger argued that when a commander is hard pressed and facing the prospect of eventual defeat, he would need “superhuman discipline to refrain from using a weapon that he believes may tilt the outcome of the battle in his favor.”16


President Barack Obama (left) and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh participate in an arrival ceremony at the White House on November 24, 2009. During Singh’s visit, the U.S. side reportedly raised the issue of India’s “Cold Start” war doctrine. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Even when a local commander has correctly evaluated that he is about to lose, his defeat would not necessarily imply that Pakistan would lose the war. Winning all the battles is not a requirement for winning the war. For example, in the last major Indian-Pakistan war, in 1965, Pakistan suffered a major defeat in Kasur near Lahore. Yet, the next day it won an important battle in Sialkot, thereby bringing the war to a standstill. If the same situation were to unfold in the future, would a Pakistani commander decide to use battlefield nuclear weapons? If so, would India escalate with nuclear retaliation? How would that affect the outcome of the war? Pakistani military decision-makers should explore these questions and determine how they affect the command and control arrangements of the Nasr.

Pakistan’s political and military leaders also should worry about the validity and integrity of any distress signal they would receive in an emerging military crisis or during a war. To illustrate, two days after the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack began, someone pretending to be India’s foreign minister telephoned Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and threatened war unless Pakistan acted immediately against the perpetrators of the attack. Zardari immediately contacted the country’s military leadership, and the country’s army and air force went to their highest alert status.

In subsequent comments to the Dawn newspaper, a senior Pakistani official defended the high-alert status during the incident, saying that “war may not have been imminent, but it was not possible to take any chances.” Zardari also initiated a diplomatic campaign with the United States to put pressure on India to withdraw the apparent threat. Pakistani leaders warned the United States that if the Pakistani government felt threatened, it would move troops engaged in anti-terrorism operations in the Afghanistan border region to its eastern border with India. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had to intervene. Rice called Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee in the middle of the night to ask him about the call and inquire about the threatening message. Mukherjee reassured Rice that he had not spoken to Zardari.17

A year later, a report in Dawn revealed that an investigation in Pakistan concluded that the call to Zardari was made by Omar Saeed Sheikh, the terrorist held for the murder of American journalist Daniel Pearl at the Hyderabad prison in Pakistan. Sheikh also seems to have reached General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the chief of army staff.

Apparently, Sheikh was using a cellphone with a SIM registered in the United Kingdom.18 It is still unknown if powerful elements within Pakistan were involved in planning the hoax call. How did the call get through without due diplomatic checks?19 Was it just an oversight, or was there internal involvement? Suggestions were made in India that Zardari was “suckered” into taking the call, hinting at the involvement of “elements” in Pakistan that wanted the situation to escalate.20 Tempting as it may be to characterize this incident as an isolated occurrence, it is not. A number of similar incidents have occurred.21 Given these miscommunications, how can a Pakistani decision-maker be sure that a request to approve use of battlefield nuclear weapons is valid and necessary? Pakistan’s discordant military-civilian relationship also poses challenges to the sensible and safe command and control of forward-deployed battlefield nuclear weapons.22

An Alternative for Pakistan
Two factors should compel Pakistan to reassess its plans for further development and deployment of the Nasr. First, the validity and viability of Cold Start—the primary reason for Pakistan’s development of the Nasr—has been highly overrated. There is no evidence to suggest that it is an official doctrine drawing broad political support or generating interservice enthusiasm. Second, operating a battlefield nuclear weapon such as the Nasr in the absence of a real and current Cold Start threat imposes unnecessary additional stresses on the management of Pakistan’s nuclear command and control.

Click image to enlarge.

If Pakistan nevertheless intends to possess a limited battlefield nuclear weapons capability, its current nuclear arsenal can perform that function. There is no particular need to develop new missiles or warheads. Pakistan’s current missile inventory and nuclear arsenal in combination can perform all the intended functions of a battlefield nuclear weapon. Its current long-range missiles can be launched on a lofted trajectory23 to reach locations near the Indian-Pakistani border where the Nasr is meant to be employed. For example, the Abdali missile, which has an optimal range of 180 kilometers, can travel 60 kilometers, the range of the Nasr missile, when launched at a lofted angle of approximately 80 degrees (fig. 1). Similarly, the Ghaznavi missile, which has an optimal range of 290 kilometers, can be launched at a lofted angle of 84 degrees to travel the same distance as the Nasr.24 Another option would be to launch the Babar cruise missile and shut off its booster earlier in the flight to achieve a 60-kilometer range.

Similarly, Pakistan’s current nuclear warheads could be used to produce explosive effects that are similar to those of low-yield nuclear weapons. A typical five-kiloton low-yield weapon, for example, produces an air blast with an overpressure of 20 pounds per square inch (psi)25 felt to a distance of approximately 480 meters when detonated at an altitude of 310 meters. Weapons with higher yields can be made to produce the same overpressure effect by increasing the altitude at which they are detonated.

For example, a 15-kiloton nuclear device can be made to produce the same 20 psi overpressure felt to a distance of approximately 480 meters by exploding it at an altitude of 523 meters. Usually, the maximum distance on the ground to which 20 psi overpressure is felt for a 15-kiloton nuclear device is 690 meters when exploded at an altitude of 450 meters. Therefore, by increasing the explosion altitude, a 15-kiloton weapon is made to function like a five-kiloton weapon. Similarly, a 30-kiloton or even a 50-kiloton weapon could be detonated at a particular altitude—725 meters and 1,200 meters, respectively—to replicate the air blast radius of a five-kiloton device.

The options described above show that Pakistan’s current arsenal already intrinsically possesses the capability to perform the functions of battlefield nuclear weapons. If Pakistani military and government officials decide that the country should have such a capability to offset a sudden invasion by India, they therefore have no need to pursue the development of the Nasr missile.

The larger point of the above analysis, however, is that there is no evidence of a requirement for such a capability. The main impetus for the development of the Nasr was India’s Cold Start doctrine, but it does not appear that this doctrine was fully formed. Perhaps more importantly, India has not taken the key steps for its force posture that would be necessary to implement the doctrine. Pakistan therefore should desist from further pursuit of the Nasr program. Such an action would not only save Pakistan money, but also would help avoid spurring a new nuclear arms race in tactical nuclear weapons in South Asia.
@jhungary I doubt that you were drunk while writing this article or maybe you were-However, Miss.Jhungry kept you awake:D
Anyways, interesting read-
I want you to take a look at this very interesting article posted above by me-it covers the Genesis of exsistance as well as validity of it's implementation-

The last para of the article sum its up all.
Pakistan spent millions of dollars for an outdated concept of TBM for a non existent CSD doctrine.Same things happened to the USSR in the name of non existent star war.
That happened in 2001 and 2008...what happened then? Do you realize the massive advances PAF and Army have made since then? Actually, the best time for India to go on a military adventure was 2008....Pakistan had no credible Early warning and control assets, old rusty P3c with Navy, outdated F-16s with Airforce and limited number of Al Khalids with Army. No proper SAM coverage...nothing to face India. Basically Pakistan was as weak as it could be....despite the fact Indians possessed the su30mkis in numbers.

Today there are more than 100 BVR fighters that can take on anything India has one on one....with network centric capability......which is only going to increase.

Second thing, an attack on India by terrorists is one thing....but military launching an attack is totally another thing. You don't go to war to avenge death of hundreds and get thousands killed in the process. That's the way of USA.......but then you should read their war history.

Don't be stupid. Cold Start would lead to a hot start from Pakistan. Nobody wants that in the region. There is enough non-sense in the world going on.


Thank you very much for your post---. The Russia / U S example holds true if the enemy is thousands of miles away---but when the enemy is one step from across the border and the nuc missile flight time to important cities is from 30 seconds to 10 minutes for both the sides----none of those examples would work.

Wars between india are normally fought during winter time because the rivers and canals are not flooded----a winter war is equally problematic for india----even if the war goes nuc---- @jhungary ---the winds blow south at that time---ad as most of india is downwind from Pakistan---india will take a double whammy----Pakistan will be out----but india won't survive as a whole due to radiation---.
I aalready posted in this thread both technical and logisitical .I dont want to repeat it again.Noone can say anything about the technical points in your post.(some weird self consuming technical points).
The last para of the article sum its up all.
Pakistan spent millions of dollars for an outdated concept of TBM for a non existent CSD doctrine.Same things happened to the USSR in the name of non existent star war.
I beg to differ-in a sense that maybe the genesis of CSD does not exist and maybe India does not intend to initiate warfare in the first place. However, if we analyze the factor due to which India does not intend to initiate any warfare is b/c of such "unnecessary attempt" to build BM.
Pakistan's reason might be wrong as you claim my dear however Pakistan's attempt is correct b/c of many other reasons besides India herself.
I dream for the day when Pakistan and India stop recognizing each other as a threat and began to resolve their issues via round table conference-but it is just a day light dream,to be vary honest
I beg to differ-in a sense that maybe the genesis of CSD does not exist and maybe India does not intend to initiate warfare in the first place. However, if we analyze the factor due to which India does not intend to initiate any warfare is b/c of such "unnecessary attempt" to build BM.
Pakistan's reason might be wrong as you claim my dear however Pakistan's attempt is correct b/c of many other reasons besides India herself.
I dream for the day when Pakistan and India stop recognizing each other as a threat and began to resolve their issues via round table conference-but it is just a day light dream,to be vary honest

CSD was a mere concept for speedy mobilization of Armed Forces.
But one misreporting cause a creation of new TBM and wastage of millions of dollars on other side .The lost was complete when ShyamSaran clarified even a subkiloton attack on Indian even in Pak Soil will invite massive retaliation.

CSD is not applicable as a deep offensive against Pakistan.
Pakistan doesnt hesitate to use nukes and we know that.

About Indo-Pak peace.Well I dont want to waste my energy
for imagine such a scenario.Because that is not gonna happen.
Our former rulers spend a lot of energy for that and nothing happens.Now our current leaders dont even interested in such a useless exercise.
Then so be it.Let it go this way.
Care to elaborate?

At this point, no.

Well, I don't think that would be a full on offensive. How do you mobilise a full on offensive from Cold to Hot in just 3 days time frame? Even the mighty US cannot do that

US fights in theaters outside it's landmass. It is not a yardstick of mobilization. Your contention of fewer air assets for mobilization in Indian context is an example of how badly you read the situation. Not even US has the air assets for a complete mobilization with exclusive military air platforms. Even they have to use requisitioned commercial aircrafts for carriage. And it remains flawed as you are failing to factor in the differences in mobilization over a continent and over a distance of average of 25 - 50 kms. Continue to use US as a yardstick and you will not go beyond that. Remember that US had the best spy tech at the time of Indian nuclear testing and yet they could not detect it? And that too at a time when the relations between the two were frosty at best? So, please do not make US a yardstick. We are mobilizing over 25-50 kms only. How much time will it take for that? A bloody day? How much turn around time for vehicles? I told you, ask any Pakistani, the troops for the contact are in peacetime in the area. So how much difference will it make when you are already catered for this mobilization and have kept your equipment and stores along with your troops in proximity? Remain stuck with US, and you will remain myopic.

As I said, Lahore is just used as an example, probably a bad one, it is just an example to show you that "outer city limit" concept worth less in the negotiation table.

Your outer city concept being 'useless' is why have come back to Lahore. Ask a Pakistani military forum member if an ingress of 7 to 8 kms takes place in general direction Lahore from Amritsar, what will be the impact on Pakistani government and military thinking!

That's your first problem. Cavalry.

How do you suppose we use cavalry to fight in an urban warfare?

My question back at you, how do you suppose we use cavalry to fight an urban war inside a city in subcontinent where the average street is hardly 50 feet across at its broadest?

And you seems to misunderstood the concept of urban warfare, in the OCS we are taught the closer the battlefield the enemy pull, the more your enemy can negate technology, it's a prime fighting example for the Depleted, Decimated and Irregular Force to fight in urban environment, as that was the closest as you can get between 2 parties. And this would be the preferred choice of battle for the mentioned above.

And history show time and again, it will only make things worse if you flatten the city.
I know this personally because while I was trained as a cavalry commander, I was send to Iraq taking a platoon of foot mobile. And I learn the urban fighting concept the hard way.

Again you guys quote Iraq. What you faced in Iraq, we did effectively in Kashmir in 90s. There is a difference in who you fought in Iraq and what is there in Pakistan - India context. There was a divided and irregular force, poorly motivated and hardly cohesive. Till date you can see this fact if you follow the Iraq crisis now. Even at the best of times the Shias have been found wanting in launching a well coordinated and effective campaign to take on ISIS/IL; this when their survival is based on it. So again your yardstick of your opposing force is a poor example.

Then can i ask what is your background and qualification so you can say that? If you say that, that mean you are in a better position to judge what we said, done and wrote in this topic.

So you have to be better than a Major who have a master in War Science and a PhD in Far East relation and with almost 9 years service with the Swedish military as a junior war planner who serve in 4 different war/campaign across the 9 years career.

I am a mere doctor:(, a senior member of the forum who rarely posts:o: and seemingly is not online usually:what:. I have been a member for not much time, and was only writing about Cold Start in 2009 before got interrupted due to my servuces being required elsewhere, while people were still wondering what it is. My dear sir, suffice to say I have been there and done that. I was writing about cold start much before you came chugging along, go to the topic related threads in the forum rooms elsewhere. And if your rank determined your brains/smarts/brilliance wonder why the hell are majority of generals stupid!

And have a better qualification to a Captain who have 7 years military experience cavalrymen whose CV include Infantry Platoon leader, Battalion Intelligence Officer and served 2 wars in total of 23 months in the middle East, who have a Bachelor degree of international of relation and a Master in International Business.

I don't know if you are a newbie or ignorant, but you are not talking to a newbie or soldier wannabe either..

Since you have taken it personally (my asking about why you quoting your wife; which was a strange thing for a person like me) and made it personal, let me assure you that my credentials will far exceed your parameters as of today. What you are talking of about cold start by observation, I am talking of by experience.

Umm, is that really THAT fluid? I beg to differ.

Please do. I said you are authorized your view and I respect that.

What you are expecting is a smooth battleplan, where your enemy will not know or will not engage you in the beginning phase, but well, that's just what you think. In reality, there are numerous way this doctrine, if follow can go wrong. But then I should also say, when MacArthur wrote the battleplan on landing in Inchon, everything that can gone wrong is there in the battleplan, but the battle of Inchon go accordingly in the end, so I guess there can always be ex caption.

On the contrary we expect it to go off track , as all battles do.

The rest of your post is something that is agreed to. But one caveat, read the Soviet appreciation of Arab armies prior to 6 day war and you will realize that the Soviets were not able to assimilate the Soviet doctrine into the armies. Historically, the arabs have fought as hordes and in a disorganized fashion, and if you carefully study Yom Kippur, you will see that this tendency was evident in it too.
US fights in theaters outside it's landmass. It is not a yardstick of mobilization. Your contention of fewer air assets for mobilization in Indian context is an example of how badly you read the situation. Not even US has the air assets for a complete mobilization with exclusive military air platforms. Even they have to use requisitioned commercial aircrafts for carriage. And it remains flawed as you are failing to factor in the differences in mobilization over a continent and over a distance of average of 25 - 50 kms. Continue to use US as a yardstick and you will not go beyond that. Remember that US had the best spy tech at the time of Indian nuclear testing and yet they could not detect it? And that too at a time when the relations between the two were frosty at best? So, please do not make US a yardstick. We are mobilizing over 25-50 kms only. How much time will it take for that? A bloody day? How much turn around time for vehicles? I told you, ask any Pakistani, the troops for the contact are in peacetime in the area. So how much difference will it make when you are already catered for this mobilization and have kept your equipment and stores along with your troops in proximity? Remain stuck with US, and you will remain myopic.

Not going to reply anything except this.

What you are writing is not mobilisation/mobilising. What you are saying is deploying troop, also known as deployment requirement in Military Science.

Mobilise means you get your troop from Normal status (Whatever status you put your troop in) To combat readiness. Time for mobilisation is different because you put your troop to different status. Mobilisation included (but not limited to) Weapon and Ammo Check, equipment check, personnel reporting, personnel fitness, resource allocation and so on.

Even active soldier cannot get from normal operational effectiveness to combat effectiveness immediately, it's not like what you do is to get dress and take a weapon and line up immediately for transport. In the US, where the existing infrastructure (Roads, bridges, ports and airports) are fully developed, IT can still take around 28 days for a "FULL MOBILISATION" You get your QRF ready to go within 24 hours, light division ready to go within 72 hours, then Armoured Division within a week, then finally the reserve element can take anywhere from 15 days to 30 days to get to combat readiness (Equip them and get them to physically fit ). Well, maybe India a country with less developed infrastructure can achieve higher rate of mobilisation, I don't know.

What you are describing is Deployment time. You deploy your troop once they are mobile, then you fight. You cannot mobilise 25 to 30 km into Pakistan like you said in bold. f you do that mean you are getting ready to go to war in just 25 or 30 kilometres range.

So, for a person, claim to be a doctor, and do not even understand the different between mobilisation and deployment. And just countering my point every which way citing "My own experience" there are possibly nothing else I want to contribute into this argument anymore.

good day :)
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