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Common misconceptions about astronomy


Aug 18, 2010
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1) The Big Bang was a huge explosion.

When people are told about a Big Bang they are imagining something like this:


However the Big Bang was not an explosion in space like in this pic, it was a rapid expansion of space itself. Thus it does not have any center and we cant actually imagine it.

2) Universe is a sphere with ~13 bln light year radius.

Its linked to previous point. We know that universe is ~13 bln years old. Thus many people think that its expanded from the bing bang to a sphere with 13 bln light years diameter. But as I noted it was not an explosion. U cant show a point in universe where the Big Bang happened. Simply the space between the galaxies is expanding. Thus the more far is a galaxy the faster it is moving away from us and there is no speed limit. Very distant galaxies are moving from us faster than light! No one knows the actual size of the universe and its shape. We only know its much much larger than sphere with13 bln light years radius, maybe its infinite.

3) Nebulas are dense clouds in space.

In sci fi nebulas usualy look like this, you can hide ur spacecraft inside:


In fact the density of nebulas is extremely low: most dense one have only about 10,000 atoms per cm3. For comparison space at LEO orbit where most satellites are flying has MILLIONS atoms per cm3. From close range u wont see a nebula at all.

4) Flying through asteroid belt is very dangerous.

This misconception is similar to above. Flying through asteroid belt looks like this in sci fi:


Although there are billions of asteroids in asteroid belt, the space is so huge that the average distance between two asteroid is hundreds of thousands km.

5) The asteroid belt might be an exploded planet.

The total weight of asteroid belt is less than 1/2000 of earth's. If u merge all asteroids together they will form a tiny moon, much smaller than our own.

6) Black holes are like giant vacuum cleaners which suck everything around them.

In order to notice the gravitational difference between the black hole and star of same mass u need to come very very close (to star radius). Thus is sun magically collapses into a black hole we wont notice any difference except the lack of light and heat. The orbit will remain the same.

7) Our galaxy rotates because of a giant black hole in its center.

In the center of our galaxy there is indeed a supermassive black hole with mass of 4 million sun. But the milky way galaxy has mass of over trillion suns. If u remove a black hole from our galaxy it will keep rotating as before. Supermassive black hole does not affect the galaxy rotation at all.

8) The moon color is yellow/whitish.

The albedo (reflection rate) of the moon in visual light is only 7%. That's very dark grey close to black. The moon seems bright only compare to black space. If moon was yellow it would be many times brighter.

9) The Sun is yellow.

The sun emits all spectrum of colors, but the peak lies in green! But our eye sees it as clear white in space. And on earth because of atmosphere it seems yellowish to our eyes.

10) Our Sun is very small star.

Although there are stars much much bigger than our sun, the average size of stars in universe is much smaller than our sun.

11) Winter is colder because the orbit is oval and we are further from the sun then.

Winters are colder because of inclination of the earth. In fact in Northern hemisphere we are actually closer to the sun in winters.


You can add other misconceptions u know.
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12) The length of Summer and Winter is same.


Since the orbit of Earth is ellipse, the pass time is a bit different. As I said earlier in winters (for North hemisphere) the earth is a bit closer, thats why it passes faster and winter is 4.6 days shorter than summer.

14) There is no gravity in space.

At LEO orbit the gravity force is about 90% of surface. The reason why astronauts dont feel gravity is because their spaceship is on constant free fall.

13) The energy in Universe is preserved.

Conversation of energy is one of the fundamental laws of physics. In Cosmology however at universe scale energy is not necessarily preserved. Dark energy can grow out of nowhere for example as result of universe expansion.
The word 'Astronomy ' in the title is wrongly spelled as atronomy. please correct it. otherwise all the topics are good.
The word 'Astronomy ' in the title is wrongly spelled as atronomy. please correct it. otherwise all the topics are good.
Thnx, but I cant correct anymore. :/

14) Planets and satellites only consume energy.

Most of planets including the Earth radiate more energy than get from the Sun! This energy comes from preserved heat from planet's creation, nuclear fission, gravitational contraction of planet, tidal energy (if there are big satellites). In case of Brown Dwarfs (somewhere in between stars and planets) there is also a nuclear fusion of deuterium and sometimes also lithium (stars fuse hydrogen, producing much much more energy).

15) Earth's core is hot because of preserved heat.

Earth mass alone is not enough to preserve heat for 4.5 bln years. Nuclear fission of thorium, uranium and potassium isotopes keeps it hot. Note: hot core is extremely important for our survival, because it creates the magnetic field which protects us and earth's atmosphere from cosmic rays and solar wind.
16) Expanding universe as a balloon.


Often in popular science expanding universe is illustrated as blown up balloon. This illustration has 3 major problems however:

1) Balloon has a center, universe does not.
2) Balloon is curved, universe is flat (as far as we can see).
3) When balloon is blown up, the size of galaxies and stars themselves is also growing. It does not happen i reality, only the distance between the galaxies is growing.

The best representation of universe is imaging it as stretched infinite flat fabric with attached beads (galaxies). Like this:


17) Black holes are dark matter.

Black holes are compressed stars, thus consist of compressed regular atoms (protons, neutrons and electrons). The dark matter consists of some other particles, we dont know yet.
6) Black holes are like giant vacuum cleaners which suck everything around them.

In order to notice the gravitational difference between the black hole and star of same mass u need to come very very close (to star radius). Thus is sun magically collapses into a black hole we wont notice any difference except the lack of light and heat. The orbit will remain the same.

Although at earth's distance no difference but at near distances gravity well becomes much more steeper.
Although at earth's distance no difference but at near distances gravity well becomes much more steeper.
Astronauts dont fly that far (except moon Apollo missions).

18) Stars (Sun) are actually huge nuclear reactors.

A nuclear reaction occurs only in Sun's core which is about 20% of total Sun radius. The remaining part of the sun does not make nuclear reactions and does not produce energy. That's one of the reasons why small red dwarfs live longer than large stars like our sun.

19) Black hole image.

Its not popular misconception, but black hole image form praised Interstellar movie:


It shows the accretion disk. While it correctly shows bending due to gravitation lensing, it misses the fact that part the disk which moves towards us must be more bright and bluish and part which moves away from us should be dull and red (Doppler effect). So the correct image of black hole should be something like this:

20) We can't see galaxies which move from us faster than light.

As I noted in 2) distant galaxies escape from us faster than light. That does not contradict relativistic theory, since relativistic theory says that nothing can move faster than light in space, but space itself can expand at any speed. What is interesting that we can see many galaxies which move from us faster than light. This happens because after these galaxies emitted photons billions years ago, expansion slowed down and light began moving towards us instead of escaping.


Most of the galaxies on this Hubble deep field pic move from us faster than light.


The most distant object we detected so far is EGSY8p7 galaxy. Current distance from it is 30.5 billion light years and moves faster than 2 speeds of lights from us! When it emitted the light we see now it was only 3.1 billion light years away from us. But because of universe expansion it took 13.1 billion years for the light to reach us.

You were a tta what happened @500 ?
Here some discussion:

this was really interesting!
Thank you. I will try to add more.

21) The EGSY8p7 galaxy is most distant thing we can observe.

There the list of most distant observed objects in universe:


We can see the EGSY8p7 galaxy I mentioned early. However there is another thing we can observe which is far more distant: its Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB):



The source of these rays on this pic is currently located at 45,5 billion light years! I.e. 15 billion years further than EGSY8p7 galaxy. However this is not an object, there were no objects at that early stage, just atoms. Bright areas on this pic are mass concentrations which later formed galaxies and galaxy clusters, which are now 45.5 billion ly from us.

45.5 billion years is close to edge of observable universe - 46.5 billion years. Light (electromagnetic waves) cant pass beyond that limit (45.5 bln ly), only neutrinos and gravity waves probably.
Here some discussion:

Thank you. I will try to add more.

21) The EGSY8p7 galaxy is most distant thing we can observe.

There the list of most distant observed objects in universe:


We can see the EGSY8p7 galaxy I mentioned early. However there is another thing we can observe which is far more distant: its Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB):



The source of these rays on this pic is currently located at 45,5 billion light years! I.e. 15 billion years further than EGSY8p7 galaxy. However this is not an object, there were no objects at that early stage, just atoms. Bright areas on this pic are mass concentrations which later formed galaxies and galaxy clusters, which are now 45.5 billion ly from us.

45.5 billion years is close to edge of observable universe - 46.5 billion years. Light (electromagnetic waves) cant pass beyond that limit (45.5 bln ly), only neutrinos and gravity waves probably.
dont know how they reach at that decision but your are one of few rational and mostly unbiased member (everyone can be a little bias when when it come to his own country;)) here on PDF.:cheers:
Great thread. I actually believed in some of the mentioned misconceptions.
@Hell hound

Thanks, guys.

22) One millisecond after the Bing Bang the universe was a size of a marble (grapefruit, tennis ball etc)

We often hear such phrase on Discovery channel programs and popular science. They forget to say that its only a size of observable universe (or more correctly what became later an observable universe). Since we dont have a clue of whole universe size today, we cant tell the universe size after one millisecond either.

If universe is infinite now it was always infinite. Except that in the beginning it was infinite and super dense and now its infinite and super spacy.

23) Water in our oceans came from comets.

Water in comets has much higher deuterium percent than water in our oceans. Thus it cant be from comets. Plus there is a strong evidence that Earth had oceans before the comet bombardment.
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