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Condolences to the US Ambassador Chris Stevens and his staff's families


Jul 15, 2011
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United States
Condolences to the families of the US Ambassador Chris Stevens and his staff. These families lost their loved one's in a tragic event after anti-Islam video got published. RIP to the dead. You died working for your country and you gave your life for America. RIP to others as well who lost their lives in violent protests across the globe.

My muslim friends have asked me to open this thread up as a LOT of muslims understand that the violence wasn't necessary and that violence JUST showed a negative side of the muslim community.
People who denounce violence have prayed for the lost ones and their thoughts and prayers are with every family that lost loved ones during these violent protests. This thread is just an attempt to console and consolidate the message that no matter what, violence serves NO positive purpose to human lives. Patience is the key to win and tolerance is what the world needs today. We denounce the violent acts and the acts that resulted to violence to begin with. We hope that common sense prevails and people avoid going to extreme to hurt others or to retaliate with violence. May God bless the souls of dead and give patience to their families.

Please show your support to this thread. The American media has already seen a lot of burning flags and dead bodies. We can show some solidarity here and comments from muslim folks that show that Islam is not violent and that there are a ton of people who didn't like the way thing went and don't approve violence and the loss of life!
Condolences to the families of the US Ambassador Chris Stevens and his staff. These families lost their loved one's in a tragic event after anti-Islam video got published. RIP to the dead. You died working for your country and you gave your life for America. Your dedication to your duty and your ultimate sacrifice for America will always be remembered. RIP to others who lost their lives in violent protests across the globe.

My muslim friends have asked me to open this thread up as a LOT of muslims understand that the violence wasn't necessary and that violence JUST showed a negative side of the muslim community.
People who denounce violence have prayed for the lost ones and their thoughts and prayers are with every family that lost loved ones during these violent protests. This thread is just an attempt to console and consolidate the message that no matter what, violence serves NO positive purpose to human lives. Patience is the key to win and tolerance is what the world needs today. We denounce the violent acts and the acts that resulted to violence to begin with. We hope that common sense prevails and people avoid going to extreme to hurt others or to retaliate with violence. May God bless the souls of dead and give patience to their families.

Please show your support to this thread. The American media has already seen a lot of burning flags and dead bodies. We can show some solidarity here and comments from muslim folks that show that Islam is not violent and that there are a ton of people who didn't like the way thing went and don't approve violence and the loss of life!

DO NOTE that the US government has nothing to do with this video. It has asked certain people to be considerate but it doesn't, can't and will not change freedom of free speech under these circumstances. And yes, I personally don't think the tape should've been produced or the cartoons needed to be published. All of us are smart enough to know what will bother someone. But if some people don't care about it, they do have a right to say what they want to, even though it may be hurtful or upsetting to others.
In which case, you should just ignore it. In the case here, the same Mohammed in his time ignored a lot of criticism himself and resorted to peace and dialogue. This is in the history
Condolences to the families of the US Ambassador Chris Stevens and his staff. These families lost their loved one's in a tragic event after anti-Islam video got published. RIP to the dead.!

RIP Ambassador. US diplomatic corps has some of the finest and humble people I have ever met. Diplomats, any diplomats deserve full 100% protection from the host nation. If you don't like a diplomat for one reason or the other, ask him/her politely to leave the country. That's it.

Attacking diplomats or their offices or their residence is primitive tribal behavior that shows the lowly nature of the attackers.

I am ashamed to say that us Pakistanis have not done a good job while handling diplomatic staff in our country. Anyways I do not want to divert the discussion away from Ambassador Stevens and his staff. I feel terrible for their families.


see how it is hurtful to see innocents like these become victims of crossfire, so people in fata are no different than them. End your games and world will be better place to live.
Condolences to the families of the US Ambassador Chris Stevens and his staff. These families lost their loved one's in a tragic event after anti-Islam video got published. RIP to the dead. You died working for your country and you gave your life for America. RIP to others as well who lost their lives in violent protests across the globe.

My muslim friends have asked me to open this thread up

please name those members?
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3440467 said:
please name those members?

Why? So you can play MQM with them?? (I see Karachi in your name).
RIP. May their souls rest in peace. Violence and war are problems in themselves.

"I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between Him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Frankly I am humbled by the Libyan people's actions in response to our ambassador's murder, these are the people we should be giving aid to as allies.

Libyan people in Benghazi have set an example for us Pakistanis.

They shouted enough is enough, and every Mullah and Talib ran away like dirty rat.

It boggles my mind that us Pakistanis have become so pathetic that even when we are 1000 times better organized with decent police force, and top notch army, and still we behave like Eunuchs in front of our militias and Mullahs.

Perhaps Libyans know the value of freedom, that us Pakistanis are willingly kicking out of our society.

Those claims may not hold true any longer.

Care to elaborate that point?

Mine was a comparison of Pakistani law enforcement institutions compared to the one in Libya (they do not have much in place don't they?)
Care to elaborate that point?

Mine was a comparison of Pakistani law enforcement institutions compared to the one in Libya (they do not have much in place don't they?)

It is relative Sir. Our law enforcement institutions are increasingly incapable of dealing with the challenges they face. That is all.
It is relative Sir. Our law enforcement institutions are increasingly incapable of dealing with the challenges they face. That is all.

I think we both agree about the conclusion.

Our law enforcement agencies have all the numbers and structure, but no will to fight.

Benghazi people do not have the full placement of law enforcement agencies numbers nor a structure, but a will to fight.

And that's the difference.
I think we both agree about the conclusion.

Our law enforcement agencies have all the numbers and structure, but no will to fight.

Benghazi people do not have the full placement of law enforcement agencies numbers nor a structure, but a will to fight.

And that's the difference.

Look at it this way: They are able to meet their goals, and we fail to achieve them. In the end, that is all that matters.
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