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Contact the Pak Army for asylum of the Afghan Army Commander The Pakistani military sheltered 46 personnel, including Afghan officers

Good going, they abuse ur motjers n sisters all day and call u punjabi daal khor army and u give them asylums.
Good going, they abuse ur motjers n sisters all day and call u punjabi daal khor army and u give them asylums.
We shouldn't make our opinion from few. Those people with bad mouth are past tense. We should engraved it in our minds that the biggest beneficiary of peace in Afghanistan is Pak. Afghan army is divided. There are some very pro to the Kabul and some joined just for money. The faction who defect to Pak was probably belonged to the later.
Aren't these the same Afghans that celebrated the brother house comments directed against Pakistan?

Why do Afghans want to live in Pakistani brothel house?
We shouldn't make our opinion from few. Those people with bad mouth are past tense. We should engraved it in our minds that the biggest beneficiary of peace in Afghanistan is Pak. Afghan army is divided. There are some very pro to the Kabul and some joined just for money. The faction who defect to Pak was probably belonged to the later.

As a pashtun, i know their real worth and its lower than animals. Peace in Afghanistan is in our interest and it will be achieved only once taliban wipe out this vermin.
Its also not about what their citizens in europe say, its what their officials and elected members say openly. Even in recent tashkent conf this igly rat ghani was only blabbering against Pakistan. Their top officials use highly derogatory and highly abusive language against Pakistan and yet our not so professional army becomes kualas and pandas and become professional helpers. There is a limit to being nice and after that they look at u like a weak loser.
Good going, they abuse ur motjers n sisters all day and call u punjabi daal khor army and u give them asylums.
If we become like them, what difference will there be between us and them?
Its also not about what their citizens in europe say, its what their officials and elected members say openly. Even in recent tashkent conf this igly rat ghani was only blabbering against Pakistan.
I know bro, and you know better as you live among or nearby them. Point is out of 3 millions how many are ungrateful? if there are many, then yes we have a problem.

Those political indian touts spread venom against Pakistan, and every foolish has some following. So don't overwhelm yourself by viewing negative comments from them or their follower (internet ones are basically indian trolls). Hence, we should make opinion on sufficient 'data'.
I know bro, and you know better as you live among or nearby them. Point is out of 3 millions how many are ungrateful? if there are many, then yes we have a problem.

Those political indian touts spread venom against Pakistan, and every foolish has some following. So don't overwhelm yourself by viewing negative comments from them or their follower (internet ones are basically indian trolls). Hence, we should make opinion on sufficient 'data'.

I have lived all my life around these refugees and apart from maybe 10℅ that are thankful to Pakistan, the rest are namak haram. They live in Pakistan tax free and then deny Pakistan doing them any favor and instead claim KPK as their own.
The more u try to be nice to them, the more they think ur weak and needy. U need to understand the tribal mentality. They blame Pakistan for giving US bases but suck up to americans, why? Because they saw the big american stick. Our stupid leaders think they can win them over by being nice but it will never work. We need to give them a big stick and onky then will they understand who is incharge.
I have lived all my life around these refugees and apart from maybe 10℅ that are thankful to Pakistan, the rest are namak haram. They live in Pakistan tax free and then deny Pakistan doing them any favor and instead claim KPK as their own.
The more u try to be nice to them, the more they think ur weak and needy. U need to understand the tribal mentality. They blame Pakistan for giving US bases but suck up to americans, why? Because they saw the big american stick. Our stupid leaders think they can win them over by being nice but it will never work. We need to give them a big stick and onky then will they understand who is incharge.

Deal with these Afghan savages like the Iranians do. The Iranians drown Afghans to make a point.
I have lived all my life around these refugees and apart from maybe 10℅ that are thankful to Pakistan, the rest are namak haram. They live in Pakistan tax free and then deny Pakistan doing them any favor and instead claim KPK as their own.
The more u try to be nice to them, the more they think ur weak and needy. U need to understand the tribal mentality. They blame Pakistan for giving US bases but suck up to americans, why? Because they saw the big american stick. Our stupid leaders think they can win them over by being nice but it will never work. We need to give them a big stick and onky then will they understand who is incharge.

Why would a true Muslim pay tax?
I thought afghan army supported insurgents and terrorism in Pakistan, those who attacked and killed many Pakistani soldiers. i think pakistan army betrayed their own soldier's blood by providing shelter to these namak haram.
Why would a true Muslim pay tax?

Because true muslims need roads, hospitals, schools and other facilities. True muslims dont live in caves. As it turns out, we been helping too much our so called true muslim brotjers but they r namak haram and thankless.

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