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Corruption cases against President Zardari set to reopen...!!!


Oct 1, 2009
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LAHORE: Over 100 corruption and criminal cases involving important Pakistani politicians including President Asif Zardari, which had been settled earlier under a controversial presidential ordinance promulgated by Musharraf in February 2008, would automatically reopen on November 28, thus creating more problems for an already embattled Pakistani President.

Not only President Asif Ali Zardari but most of his confidants and top political and bureaucratic aides had benefited from the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) which President General Pervez Musharraf had promulgated before the 2008 general elections on February 2, 2008 to allow many top politicians to take part in the elections. However, the recent decision of Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani under the opposition parties’ pressure not to enact the NRO with effect from February 2, 2008, would automatically reopen all the cases which had been settled after that date as per a recent decision by the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

After a high level meeting of the ruling alliance at the Presidency on November 4, 2009, the PPP government decided not to bring the ever-controversial National Reconciliation Ordinance to the parliament for a vote. This is clearly a reversal on the part of the government but one which could have been avoided had the ruling party consulted its allies beforehand. It is quite apparent that the NRO as a bill was brought to the relevant committee of the National Assembly without even making sure that all the numbers needed were in hand.

According to analysts, the withdrawal will not put an end to the dangers that the NRO represented to the map of power brought about by the 2008 elections. After the debacle caused by an aggressive withdrawal of the PPP’s major allied party Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) from the pro-NRO consensus, the next crisis in the offing is the march of the opposition to a no-confidence vote. The Sharif-led PML-N, whose chief had threatened to start a Long March against the NRO, is no longer averse to the thought of a mid-term change, whether through a new general election or through the ‘minus-one’ formula under a ‘national government’, possibly with Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani in the driving seat.

On March 5, 2008, five cases (ref Nos 14/2001, 6/2000, 13/2001, 41/2001 and 23/2000) against President Asif Ali Zardari were closed down. These cases ware about assets beyond known source of income, illegal construction of a polo ground at the Prim e Minister’s House and loss of national exchequer, alleged corruption and corrupt practices in the Green Tractor scheme, corruption and corrupt practices in the SGS case and corruption and corrupt practices in the ARY Gold case. Between 1988 and 1996, Zardari played a key if often behind the scenes role during the premiership of Benazir Bhutto; and became a victim of an alleged revenge campaign during Nawaz Sharif’s stay in Islamabad as Premier. Zardari served as a Member of the National Assembly twice (1990-1993 and 1993-1996) and was appointed the Federal Minister for Environment as well as Minister for Investment during that period. But many political analysts saw him as a liability for his wife, and the PPP.

Zardari has spent almost 11 years in prison for charges ranging from corruption to murder, in spite of not being convicted in any of them. And all these cases were eventually withdrawn in February 2008 under the NRO, thus paving way for him to become the Pakistani President in place of Musharraf.
Can you also cite the reference please? It becomes easy to understand if it's some individual blogging material or a distinguished media report. Further, it helps one to share the news on Facebook etc. places with the help of link :p
O shavas! Regardless of the cases, he will have presidential immunity and will serve out the rest of his miserable Presidency in Aiwan-e-sadr.
President can’t exempted from appearing in court: Qazi Anwar
Updated at: 1225 PST, Tuesday, November 10, 2009

PESHAWAR: The President of Supreme Court Bar Association(SCBA) Qazi Mohammad Anwar said president could be summoned in the court if any case registered against him before assuming president’s office.

Talking to Geo News, President SCBA said president has been exempted from appearing before court under article 248 of constitution; however, could be summoned in the court under NRO or if any other case registered against him before sworn in as president. In such situation, president should be advice to resign, he added.

President can’t exempted from appearing in court: Qazi Anwar
From the day one Zardari took charge as co-chairman of PPP and became country’s president, he is being targeted by several quarters at the behest of anti-democratic powers and establishment. Zardari is neither a dictator nor a nominated President but he entered in Presidency through a proper democratic way. Any such propaganda against him just to malign his image and dislodge him would be disastrous and unacceptable.

Unfortunately Media that always played a negative whenever PPP came in rule, playing the same game without realizing the intensity of situation. Such malicious campaigns against democratically elected President would result in turmoil. Even when Zardari has been cleared from all the self made politically motivated case at merit then why so much mud slugging against him. Is it not partial and unfair? Media must realize its responsibilities and become a part of any conspiracy.
From the day one Zardari took charge as co-chairman of PPP and became country’s president, he is being targeted by several quarters at the behest of anti-democratic powers and establishment. Zardari is neither a dictator nor a nominated President but he entered in Presidency through a proper democratic way. Any such propaganda against him just to malign his image and dislodge him would be disastrous and unacceptable.

Unfortunately Media that always played a negative whenever PPP came in rule, playing the same game without realizing the intensity of situation. Such malicious campaigns against democratically elected President would result in turmoil. Even when Zardari has been cleared from all the self made politically motivated case at merit then why so much mud slugging against him. Is it not partial and unfair? Media must realize its responsibilities and become a part of any conspiracy.
Yeah opening someone's corruption cases is anti democratic.:rofl: Spare us your bs.
O shavas! Regardless of the cases, he will have presidential immunity and will serve out the rest of his miserable Presidency in Aiwan-e-sadr.
Wouldn't that be so miserable for the country, though? The poor country will continue to lose control over its institutions, skyrocketting corruption, economy on the decline, and the armed forces will continue to be weakened as it fights a civil war under the least popular and most hated President in the history.

I do feel the need to have elections sooner than later.

And the only way out is to somehow play the puppet Prime Minister Raza Gilani against his master Zardari through resignation. or possibly turning Gilani against Zardari as in a movement. Can you guys think of any other possibilities?

From the day one Zardari took charge as co-chairman of PPP and became country’s president, he is being targeted by several quarters at the behest of anti-democratic powers and establishment. Zardari is neither a dictator nor a nominated President but he entered in Presidency through a proper democratic way. Any such propaganda against him just to malign his image and dislodge him would be disastrous and unacceptable.

Unfortunately Media that always played a negative whenever PPP came in rule, playing the same game without realizing the intensity of situation. Such malicious campaigns against democratically elected President would result in turmoil. Even when Zardari has been cleared from all the self made politically motivated case at merit then why so much mud slugging against him. Is it not partial and unfair? Media must realize its responsibilities and become a part of any conspiracy.
OH! What Now! Zardari has become a symbol of democracy! A saviour of Justice and Divine force against Corruption :lol:

What % did Zardari give you to post this rubbish on here :lol:
President can’t exempted from appearing in court: Qazi Anwar
Updated at: 1225 PST, Tuesday, November 10, 2009

PESHAWAR: The President of Supreme Court Bar Association(SCBA) Qazi Mohammad Anwar said president could be summoned in the court if any case registered against him before assuming president’s office.

Talking to Geo News, President SCBA said president has been exempted from appearing before court under article 248 of constitution; however, could be summoned in the court under NRO or if any other case registered against him before sworn in as president. In such situation, president should be advice to resign, he added.

President can’t exempted from appearing in court: Qazi Anwar

I really wish it happens. Reminds me of the Caliphate era of Hazrat Omar RA.

Somebody made a complaint against Hazrat Omar RA in Court. Hazrat Omar RA was summoned in the Court. The Judge stood up to show respect to the Caliph as He entered the court. "This is the first injustice you have done to the plaintiff," said Omar RA, addressing the Judge. "Everyone is equal here."

Modern democratic states have yet to reach this impartial level of democracy. Their heads cannot be summoned before an ordinary court, sadly!!
I believe the real democracy IS when a president is standing in court and defending himself. It gives the idea of accountability and if a president can face judge every politician can!
good to see more and more people turning against zardari
O shavas! Regardless of the cases, he will have presidential immunity and will serve out the rest of his miserable Presidency in Aiwan-e-sadr.

This is the main reason of political anarchy and military coups in Pakistan because we don’t have any legal way to get rid of incompetent government………..our political system is/was, once elected…….."do whatever you want to do” and if military takes over, “fight for democracy” and make the streets of our beloved country a battle ground for democracy……….the tragedy is, so many times I have heard from govt. “we have to do unpopular decisions”………….my question is why “unpopular decisions”……….how come the 500-600 people in the assembly be so intelligent than 165 million resident of Pakistan……??????

Our government must behave like a puppet, but to the people of Pakistan………they are servants and their job is to obey orders of the people of Pakistan……….not to impose their “unpopular decisions.”

Our political leadership has to understand that their “unpopular decisions” attitude not only is hurting Pakistan, but them also………because at the end its common people who has to face the consequences and with agony, their anger towards government is becoming more and more.………..if Bungler Zardari doesn’t resign and with this, doesn’t improve the way of governance and we cannot let him to run presidency like this way than what will be the outcome……….of course, either military coup or……………….Zardari’s assassination……..!!!!!
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From the day one Zardari took charge as co-chairman of PPP and became country’s president, he is being targeted by several quarters at the behest of anti-democratic powers and establishment. Zardari is neither a dictator nor a nominated President but he entered in Presidency through a proper democratic way. Any such propaganda against him just to malign his image and dislodge him would be disastrous and unacceptable.

Unfortunately Media that always played a negative whenever PPP came in rule, playing the same game without realizing the intensity of situation. Such malicious campaigns against democratically elected President would result in turmoil. Even when Zardari has been cleared from all the self made politically motivated case at merit then why so much mud slugging against him. Is it not partial and unfair? Media must realize its responsibilities and become a part of any conspiracy.

Chal nikal..zardari kay tattoo.:wave:
Haqqani should buy Zardari a new Maximilian


Anjum Niaz

The Zardari-Nawaz musical chairs stands exposed before the Pakistani people. Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat appears on Ahmed Quraishi’s TSS [Sunday, Nov. 15, 08:00 pm-Aag TV] to issue this warning: this is the last chance for the politicians and the expanded ruling elite. Anjum Niaz puts that warning in perspective in this column in her unique style.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Today President Zardari and the Sharif brothers stand exposed. The moment of reckoning is upon them. Proof of their allegedly stealing billions, from what rightfully belonged to the people of Pakistan, is before us in black and white. Washington and London, with the blessings of our establishment, have finally decided to let the skeletons in the politicians’ cupboards come out. The politicians tried to outsmart the military by flirting with the Kerry-Lugar Bill cleverly scripted by our ambassador in Washington. The army threw in a monkey wrench and thwarted it. Husain Haqqani has since gone into hiding while his boss in Islamabad is hunkered down in the Presidency.

Folks, the army is not going to topple the government through a coup. It is going to pull the plug on our leaders charged with corruption. Democracy will not be disturbed; we will only witness a change of guards. Faces like Aitzaz Ahsan, newly returned from Washington DC (maybe with an important message from the White House?), can well be our future rulers.

The toothless NAB is leaking like a sieve. Or is it the agencies that whisked away classified files from the basement of its Islamabad office, fearing that the present government may tinker with the proof; even destroy it? The damning documents of alleged kickbacks received by Zardari from the sale of three submarines have wormed their way to the French daily Liberation, courtesy the NAB. It’s just one small piece of the larger picture.

In Washington, the chased-out Pervez Musharraf called Zardari a “criminal,” a “fraud” and a “third-rater.” Halleluiah! Musharraf has now seen the sinister side of a man with whom he negotiated the NRO and left him in charge of 180 million Pakistanis. My educated guess is that the Americans gave the nod and a wink to the general to go ahead and abuse Zardari.

The NAB, or make it the secret agencies, have also the Sharif brothers trapped today. Stabbed by their own man, Ishaq Dar, the brothers’ alleged corruption is out in the open. In a 43-page confessional statement by Dar recorded on April 25, 2000, before the district magistrate of Lahore, Dar admits to handling the Sharif’s finances, alleging that Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif were involved in money laundering worth at least $14.886 million.

Meanwhile Musharraf awaits the return of the three with impatient glee.

But Zardari’s appointee in Washington too may be moving. “The [Pakistani] military clearly has decided that it would like to have him removed,” says The Boston Globe, citing a congressional aide not authorised to speak to the media. “If he returned home, friends say, his safety could be threatened,” reports the Globe. “Haqqani hasn’t returned to Islamabad for eight months.” One “friend” describes Haqqani-bashing as “brutal.” Michael Krepon of the Henry L Stimson Center, who has penned many Pakistan-centric articles lambasting our security agencies, has known Haqqani for long.

The ambassador has already received a “welcome back” message from Boston University’s spokesman Colin Riley. Haqqani currently wears two hats: Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington and Boston University’s professor. According to the Globe, he has “maintained ties with BU” and “continues to advise a student pursuing a doctorate who is defending her dissertation this month.” Can an envoy of a country serve two masters? Well, Haqqani is blatantly doing it, and also drawing two salaries?

I have great news for the NRO dirty dozens soon to become political fugitives. It’s safe to make New York your home. Thanksgiving and Christmas is here, guys. The shopping is great; the deals amazing. The godfather who likes to wear $17,000-a-pair shoes will feel right at home in Manhattan. The New York Stock Exchange is up. Go grab another penthouse on Fifth Avenue, or buy yourself a 2nd, a 3rd mansion. Buy a dog and name him Maximilian.
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It is shocking for the opponents of President Zardari that President of Pakistan enjoys constitutional immunity under article 248 of the constitution that no criminal case can be sustained during his tenure of presidency. It was what described in constitution of Pakistan. A well known figure of law and constitution Mr. Aitzaz Ahsen has also clarified that no court could summon President of Pakistan under article 248 of the constitution even if National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) was scrapped.

How pity, some political parties are striving for personal agenda and constantly raising the non issues. They are blind to see what is going in Pakistan. They are deaf to hear sobs of those who lost their dear once in terrorism. They have nothing to do with Pakistan. In the greed of power they have become blind to see the dead bodies of innocent killed by terrorists. For God sake wake up and join hands in hand with Govt and work for the country rather thinking to destabilize the Govt.

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