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Countries prefer U.S. to China as leading superpower, poll finds

the han emperor was not originally confucianist

Shusun Tong wore Confucian robes. The prince of Han [Liu Bang] detested them, so Tong changed them and wore the short tunic, in the style of Chu. The prince of Han was pleased.7

In his early days, he disliked reading and scorned Confucianism. After becoming the emperor, he still held the same attitudes towards Confucianism

taoism and confucianism two incredibly pathetic philosophies that can only come from the mind of chinese lol
Stop making bullcrap about Chinese history, Liu Bang, the founder was never a prince, he was only a king and then an emperor. You blood thirsty war monger Yankees are always looking for others to kill and nations to destroy, you despise anything Chinese, you Yankees worship violence foremost are indeed a barbarism race, just get lost from us. Your God will punish you barbarians soon !
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you say that like it's a bad thing, the cruel reality of life is everyone in the world only heels to violence, only a chinese can think of winning hearts and minds by non violence, usa will continue to be your daddy until you learn otherwise
Go f*** yourself, you are daddy to your own shits only, arrogant bigot, that's why millions of you Yankees deserve to be killed in the pandemic or gun violence now.
very good, that's the spirit, now you need to stop being a coward in taiwan, when will you take it? or do you need to wait for permission from usa?
When the time comes, didn't you idiot hear what the Chinese defence minister say at the the Shangari La meeting recently ? You arrogant Yankees can just call it a bluff as you just did in the Korean war. You just have to ask Chinese gov, Chinese people, Taiwan puppet gov and your evil Yankee gov. When are you coward Yankees going to defend your ally Ukraine as you promised and not run away from Afghan as Chickens from a handful bare-handed Taliban ?
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Ask any Viet. 90 percent of Vietnamese know the saying. I know the saying when I was about 10.
You Viets like to make up a lot wild stories about Chinese, Chinese history and your Viet history.
Countries prefer U.S. to China as leading superpower, poll finds

Does that mean many immigrants from South America, the Middle East and Africa will come to the US, not China.

black man tree.png

China should be grateful for that :partay:

View attachment 854433

A new poll of nine big countries finds a strong preference for the U.S., rather than China, to be the leading superpower.

Why it matters: The Eurasia Group Foundation (EGF) poll is the latest signal that many around the world are viewing China's rise with trepidation.

Breaking it down: Huge majorities in India, Nigeria, Poland and Brazil — and pluralities in Egypt and Mexico — think U.S. influence in their region has generally been positive over the last 20 years.

  • In China, 62% believe it's been negative.
That's a relatively new phenomenon in China. When EGF first conducted this poll in 2019, just 17% of Chinese respondents had negative views of the U.S. overall. Three years later, 45% do.

  • Views of China in the U.S. have grown more negative still, according to recent polls from Pew and Gallup.
  • Washington isn't preferred over Beijing everywhere around the world. EGF found in 2021 that two-thirds of Russians would rather China be the leading global power.
  • Among the nine countries in the new EGF poll, the top reason for picking the U.S. was that it's a "trustworthy economic partner," while the top reason for picking China was that it's "a good example for national development."
EGF also asked about two other U.S. exports: pop culture and "ideas of democracy."

  • While the Jan. 6 hearings in Washington have highlighted the fragile state of American democracy, huge majorities in Nigeria, India, Poland, Brazil and Egypt view U.S. democracy favorably and want their governing system to become more like America's.
  • Even in China, 32% view "American ideas of democracy" favorably, though that's down from 45% in 2019. Meanwhile, 28% want China's government to become more like America's.
  • American soft power remains strong. Big majorities in every country except Egypt believe U.S. movies, music and TV have had a positive impact on their countries. That includes China.
The trend: Favorable views of the U.S. have increased significantly in Germany, Japan and Mexico since Donald Trump left office.

  • Still, respondents in Japan and Germany tend to be ambivalent about American influence and military cooperation with their American allies. (Majorities in Japan are "neutral" on both questions).
  • By contrast, respondents in Poland, India, Nigeria and Brazil are overwhelmingly in favor of cooperation with the U.S. military.
  • However in Egypt, a top recipient of U.S. military aid, 60% view military collaboration with the U.S. negatively.
More from the survey:

  • Pluralities in every country believe the U.S. has handled Russia's Ukraine invasion well, except in China (where responses are evenly split) and Japan (where a majority is "neutral").
  • Perhaps surprisingly for Americans, 52% of respondents across the nine countries think the U.S. has handled the pandemic well, up from 41% in last year's survey (respondents from China and Germany are the most skeptical).
  • Asked about their biggest concern with the U.S. system of government, the top answer across the nine countries was the income gap between rich and poor.

Nice cherry picked countries like india which are known for meaningless antipathy to china. BTW why not the ask the same countries what they think of Russia - Ukraine war and give it the same publicity.
very good, that's the spirit, now you need to stop being a coward in taiwan, when will you take it? or do you need to wait for permission from usa?
lol, when usa grows the balls to say no to China & declare just in word that TW is independent.
Really? If you said so...
Yes because I say so. Because majority of Vietnamese are against the war in Ukraine.
China is disqualified. China disappoints. Chinese keep silent or even approve the war of aggression in Ukraine.
Russians go looting, raping, killing.
But obviously it’s Ok for chinese.
Chinese have no problem either when Europeans, or Asians or Americans kill each other.
Talking China as leader.
These civilian polls mean nothing really.

Sample size is always in the thousands, it doesn't mean anything.
Yes because I say so. Because majority of Vietnamese are against the war in Ukraine.
China is disqualified. China disappoints. Chinese keep silent or even approve the war of aggression in Ukraine.
Russians go looting, raping, killing.
But obviously it’s Ok for chinese.
Chinese have no problem either when Europeans, or Asians or Americans kill each other.
Talking China as leader.

Yes because I say so. Because majority of Vietnamese are against the war in Ukraine.
China is disqualified. China disappoints. Chinese keep silent or even approve the war of aggression in Ukraine.
Russians go looting, raping, killing.
But obviously it’s Ok for chinese.
Chinese have no problem either when Europeans, or Asians or Americans kill each other.
Talking China as leader.
Don't be hypocrites think you Europeans have the moral high grounds as you Europeans that includes Germans are the most evil want Russians and Chinese to destroy each other, and Asians to kill each other as we all know it. Ukraine war is purely an European problem, it got nothing to do with Chinese and Chinese don't want to get involved in it, period.
People hate changes. This is human nature. China brings changes. The world needs more time to adapt to that. One thing is for sure: Unipolar world is not good for most countries. The world needs balance power.
Exactly!The world needs balance power.

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