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CPEC was slowed down by General Bajwa - Moeed Pirzada


Oct 29, 2022
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First of all, this is internal Pakistan's thread and is specifically for Pakistanis (who have highest stake in Pakistan). I especially don't want indians to comment, as we all know you never want any good for our country.

Gen Bajwa was always all praise for the Americans and opposite for China
General Bajwa in several public meetings showered praise on Americans, American food, weapons and culture and at same time went against Pakistan's old and most reliable ally China. According to some reports he also has believed to be saying that Pakistan and US were natural allies and Pakistan / China were not a natural allies as our culture is different, language is different and he personally don't liked Chinese food.

Pakistan - China's relations
Now coming to some facts: Not just Pakistan's all weapons are now primarily chinese origin, The CPEC etc. But Pakistan and China strategic partnership is since 1960s. China supported Pakistan in all the wars, China stood with Pakistan multiple times at UN security council, I won't get into details of all these decades but the whole book can be written on Pak China relationship.

Pakistan - US relations
Now coming to USA, we'd definitely want good relations but we can safely conclude they were never trustworthy allies (even the word ally does not fit here). The embargoes, blocking the release of F-16s which were paid for, the engines for Turkish helis are just the few examples. Most importantly, US has specifically selected india as their main ally of this whole region. They have done major defense treaties with India. Their partnership is not just limited to weapon sales like P-8s, Apaches and more in future but they have strategic collaborations. Quad is just one of many defense pacts that India is now part with US. Secondly, the indians have massive influence over the west, indian origin people are in key positions, People of indian origin and followers of BJP philosphy like Sudar pichai etc are CEOs at Google, and many other tech giants of US. There is no way any appeasement can undo the defense / trade and common goals of India with the United States. It actually frustrates me how Pakistani establishment did such a Pro-US and Anti-China maneuver. If COAS makes solo policy then its very dangerous that one man can completely change the destiny of the whole nation with his foolish mentality. Why there are no think tanks within Pak establishment that can alter or stop such activity.

Bajwa's publicly pro-american / anti-China stunts

We all should recall how in security conference in March 2022 when General Bajwa went 180 degree opposite of federal govt and condemned Russia. A few days earlier, Imran khan had categorically stated that Pakistan will not take sides and that Pakistan is not a slave that you ask us and we follow. In the same conference, he said that best military equipment Pakistan has is of American origin. Why he fails to understand that there is no American equipment for Pakistan in future even if he stands upside down to appease the americans. He then continued, we go to china because you deny us. This is a ridiculous statement to make.

CPEC progress slows down
We all now are fully aware, who are the most powerful people within the country, who just because were entrusted with troops and guns use this hard power and influences everything in the country. (By powerful people it does not mean, powerful in contrast with other country's militaries. Powerful in context internal politics is a very negative attribute. It gives the impression of colonizing your own country, oppression and unlawful military activities. I see some of us Pakistanis take pride when international media calls out Pakistan military as "the country's powerful military", they are never refering to it as a powerful military which can defeat other militaries but powerful military which can capture its own civilian organizations & resources)

The CPEC's blame of getting slow went to political govts but the CPEC was under oversight from military personal. This cover of political parties is blown now.

Why we often get such low IQ officer at top spot
Why a General could simply lacked any strategic thinking. Perhaps there is no grooming done, no advance strategic studies for our military officers. Somehow there is an organizational structure problems in Pakistan military that led such people likes of General Yahya or General Bajwa to take top spot ? Or the likes of Admiral Mansurul Haq who despite being the chief of naval staff, so much resourceful, nation gave so much respect, gave him such position, gave him medals and he personally did corruption of 49 million dollars in Agosta submarine program. Total kickbacks were way more as 8 senior air-commrs / rear admirals also received kickback cheques from French company. This also gives me the impression that this could be the sole reason that why Pakistan military wants to have great relationship with the west. As Western defense contractors over value a defense deal and then give millions of dollars to corrupt senior military officials in kickbacks. The same is not easily applicable with China because of CPC's extremely strict agenda against corruption.

Some more details on Bajwa's doctrine. See from 32:00 minutes onwards.
That is what precisely this Mir Bajwa was.
Yes, we need to balance.. but the way it was done by Bajwa is pathetic. He is using his TC skills internationally. Anyway, would have been wonder if we have got new F-16 and AH-1Z vipers. India has done a better job showing as China's counter. I pray they pay a hefty price for that :P
Every good thing was slowed down by this traitor Mir Bajwa.
Gen Bajwa was always all praise for the Americans and opposite for China
General Bajwa in several public meetings showered praise on Americans,

Not his fault, the man is on record admitting that the Americans bail us out financially and otheriwse (may be in individual capacity but true for both civil and military cadre).
Apparently there is a pyramid of boot polishers, Shehbaz Sharif polished Bajwa’s shoes and Bajwa polished the shoes of US. All roads lead to Rome lol
Apparently there is a pyramid of boot polishers, Shehbaz Sharif polished Bajwa’s shoes and Bajwa polished the shoes of US. All roads lead to Rome lol

In an alternate universe bajwa made the right decision to De - throne the p.m. i mean i.k would've done the same with bajwa ------ however he wasn't expecting the severe backlash from we the people. May be it wasn't bajwa specific but the national volcano been simmering for far too long.
In that alternate universe demorcacy would have been shunned as dictatorship is in our universe lol jokes aside sir, it all comes down to the better option between Khan sahib and the three stooges as he likes to call them. How I looked at it was that PPP completed their full 5 years in power. Then came along N league and they did the same but when PTI came they both ganged up. For me personally that is one point of contention out of many. Will not derail this thread anymore, apologies.
CPEC slowed down because we couldn't pay back Chinese debt
and the chinese didn't know that going in?

In an alternate universe bajwa made the right decision to De - throne the p.m. i mean i.k would've done the same with bajwa ------ however he wasn't expecting the severe backlash from we the people. May be it wasn't bajwa specific but the national volcano been simmering for far too long.
imo, It wasn't the bajwa factor, nor the national volcano you speak of.
I was sheer will and tenacity of IK's part, that galvanized the response, i think.
First of all, this is internal Pakistan's thread and is specifically for Pakistanis (who have highest stake in Pakistan). I especially don't want indians to comment, as we all know you never want any good for our country.

Gen Bajwa was always all praise for the Americans and opposite for China
General Bajwa in several public meetings showered praise on Americans, American food, weapons and culture and at same time went against Pakistan's old and most reliable ally China. According to some reports he also has believed to be saying that Pakistan and US were natural allies and Pakistan / China were not a natural allies as our culture is different, language is different and he personally don't liked Chinese food.

Pakistan - China's relations
Now coming to some facts: Not just Pakistan's all weapons are now primarily chinese origin, The CPEC etc. But Pakistan and China strategic partnership is since 1960s. China supported Pakistan in all the wars, China stood with Pakistan multiple times at UN security council, I won't get into details of all these decades but the whole book can be written on Pak China relationship.

Pakistan - US relations
Now coming to USA, we'd definitely want good relations but we can safely conclude they were never trustworthy allies (even the word ally does not fit here). The embargoes, blocking the release of F-16s which were paid for, the engines for Turkish helis are just the few examples. Most importantly, US has specifically selected india as their main ally of this whole region. They have done major defense treaties with India. Their partnership is not just limited to weapon sales like P-8s, Apaches and more in future but they have strategic collaborations. Quad is just one of many defense pacts that India is now part with US. Secondly, the indians have massive influence over the west, indian origin people are in key positions, People of indian origin and followers of BJP philosphy like Sudar pichai etc are CEOs at Google, and many other tech giants of US. There is no way any appeasement can undo the defense / trade and common goals of India with the United States. It actually frustrates me how Pakistani establishment did such a Pro-US and Anti-China maneuver. If COAS makes solo policy then its very dangerous that one man can completely change the destiny of the whole nation with his foolish mentality. Why there are no think tanks within Pak establishment that can alter or stop such activity.

Bajwa's publicly pro-american / anti-China stunts

We all should recall how in security conference in March 2022 when General Bajwa went 180 degree opposite of federal govt and condemned Russia. A few days earlier, Imran khan had categorically stated that Pakistan will not take sides and that Pakistan is not a slave that you ask us and we follow. In the same conference, he said that best military equipment Pakistan has is of American origin. Why he fails to understand that there is no American equipment for Pakistan in future even if he stands upside down to appease the americans. He then continued, we go to china because you deny us. This is a ridiculous statement to make.

CPEC progress slows down
We all now are fully aware, who are the most powerful people within the country, who just because were entrusted with troops and guns use this hard power and influences everything in the country. (By powerful people it does not mean, powerful in contrast with other country's militaries. Powerful in context internal politics is a very negative attribute. It gives the impression of colonizing your own country, oppression and unlawful military activities. I see some of us Pakistanis take pride when international media calls out Pakistan military as "the country's powerful military", they are never refering to it as a powerful military which can defeat other militaries but powerful military which can capture its own civilian organizations & resources)

The CPEC's blame of getting slow went to political govts but the CPEC was under oversight from military personal. This cover of political parties is blown now.

Why we often get such low IQ officer at top spot
Why a General could simply lacked any strategic thinking. Perhaps there is no grooming done, no advance strategic studies for our military officers. Somehow there is an organizational structure problems in Pakistan military that led such people likes of General Yahya or General Bajwa to take top spot ? Or the likes of Admiral Mansurul Haq who despite being the chief of naval staff, so much resourceful, nation gave so much respect, gave him such position, gave him medals and he personally did corruption of 49 million dollars in Agosta submarine program. Total kickbacks were way more as 8 senior air-commrs / rear admirals also received kickback cheques from French company. This also gives me the impression that this could be the sole reason that why Pakistan military wants to have great relationship with the west. As Western defense contractors over value a defense deal and then give millions of dollars to corrupt senior military officials in kickbacks. The same is not easily applicable with China because of CPC's extremely strict agenda against corruption.

Some more details on Bajwa's doctrine. See from 32:00 minutes onwards.

This is propaganda. Gen Bajwa had nothing to do with damaging our foreign relationships with the Chinese / Russians / KSA / USA / UAE and EU! It's sad and terrible to portray a person as a "champion for democracy" when he benefits your democracy and literally raises it like a child and curse him and name him when he leaves. I think our political system needs to mature up. Start getting elected on AGENDA vs. by calling each other traitors / thieves / corrupt and all and START DELIVERING to the people!

Sitting on asses for 4 years without doing anything but verbal diarrhea has gotten old. We as a nation have a lot of challenges and ONLY TALK can't fix them. Armed forces give their lives on daily basis. Our politicians, ALL of them, will gladly send their children to USA and UK but not even 1% sends them to serve the nation at the borders putting their life at risk (a totally contradictory practice as in other western nation's, the higher you go, the stronger the military background matters)! It's time we fix the direction of this ship and get off "propaganda for laziness" approach!
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Okay lets assume from Bajwa's point of view :- ( I am Bajwa)
CPEC + China is taking over the Pakistan country AS REPORTED BY WESTERN MEDIA TO BAJWA BRAINLESS HIVE.
Bajwa orders shift in policy tilt to Pro American policy.
China now sees different power shift within Pakistan.
Which is WHAT AMERICA Wants, Bajwa as the Agent for Hire.
Pakistan suffers in long term. India + America + ISREAL all WINNERS + Shabaz Sharif PDM ghaddars

Note Still no body from PAkistan has killed PDM wallas My Gosh what a banana republic joke.
I don’t think this can be attributed to Bajwa.

The Sharifs took a huge haircut off the first tranche of CPEC. The haircut was around the tune of $1bn. Both Bajwa and Chinese knew it, but that is not their job to intervene. The courts and NAB failed here.

Imran Khan and PTI were right to scrutinize the CPEC deal. Suffice to say interests and financial structure lf some CPEC deals put Pakistan at a huge disadvantage.

Pakistan should weigh the pros and cons and then agree to the deals under CPEC. We don’t want to end up in situation like IPP.
and the chinese didn't know that going in?

imo, It wasn't the bajwa factor, nor the national volcano you speak of.
I was sheer will and tenacity of IK's part, that galvanized the response, i think.

Chinese are like hindu baniya, only looking for profit. They build imported coal plants knowing well our CAD situation. This is why I say stay away from Chinese investment in which foreign exchange is wasted and profits are paid with debt.

For exemple Chinese have refused to build 300MW Gwadar plant on Thar coal. They want to import coal even now, wtf?
The Chinese love the corrupt being in Pakistan, it's easy to take advantage of them for more favourable deals as long as you keep them happy.

We need a balanced policy in regards to what is best for us, who gives a **** what food Bajwa likes. Neither China nor America genuinely cares about your interests, they have their own personal motives and want to grow at any cost, this weird obsession with friendships or whatever in politics in pure brain rot.
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