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Crisis In MPT: Mehmetcik-1 Project!!!


Feb 6, 2013
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Milli Piyade Tüfeği projesinde kriz çıktı Mehmetçik 1 silahının Alman firmasının ürettiği silaha çok benzemesi nedeniyle Milli Piyade Tüfeği'nin üretimi durdu.. 11.02.2013 11:01 3 Temmuz 2011′de ise üretime başlandığı açıklanan Mehmetçik 1′in aradan 1.5 yıldan fazla süre geçmesine rağmen hiçbir birliğe dağıtımının yapılmaması dikkat çekti. Ancak 3 adet örneği üretilen silahın "Alman malı HK-416″ya "çalıntı" denecek kadar üzerine aynı zamanda Mehmetçik'in halen kullandığı G3′ün de lisans sahibi olan Alman Heckler & Koch firması konuya müdahil oldu. MKE tasarımı Mehmetçik-1 (Üstte) ve Alman Heckler & Koch tasarımı HK-416 MEHMETÇİK 1 VE HK-416'NIN ŞAŞIRTICI BENZERLİĞİ Bir silahın "yerli" olarak kendi lisansı ile üretilebilmesi için benzer silahlardan "en az 7 belirgin farkı" olması gerektiğine dikkat çeken Alman firma, Mehmetçik 1′in üretiminin devam edebilmesi için lisans alınması gerektiğine dikkat çekti. Aynı dönemde üretimine başlanan ve Jandarma personeli tarafından tamamen milli olarak TASARLANAN JNG-90 Keskin Nişancı Tüfeği BORA uzun süredir Jandarma birliklerinde kullanılırken, MKE şimdi Mehmetçik 1′de karşılaştığı sorunun çözümünü arıyor. YA MASAYA OTURULACAK YA DA .. Kurumun ya lisans için Alman firma ile masaya oturacağı ya da Mehmetçik 1′i benzersiz hale getirmeye çalışacağı belirtiliyor. Mehmetçik 1, MKE'nin resmi örütbağ yayınında yer verilen "üretilen silahlar" listesinde de yer almıyor. ALMANLAR BU SİLAHA İTİRAZ ETTİ


P.S Sorry, couldn't find an english source. I will update it if I find one.
This news is complete BS, The Mehmetcik-1 Rifle was cancelled ages ago, The new MPT Project is based on the AR-15, The Gas-piston systems is either a license or a copied one with enough changes to avoid copyright issues, Meaning they have got nothing on us.

Problems with the MPT project was quit obvious already, The delivery should have started in august(?) last year, Yet not a single soldiers is seen with one. Phucking MKEK, Another failed project, When will they learn.
It's not a BS. The gov't is the one who's BS. I think you already know that Mehmetcik-1 and 2 are completly different projects and none of'em are each others contingency projects. These two are completely different. The report also mentioned it's been produced since 2012 but the Staff of Generals DIDN'T ALLOW THEM TO USE IT :). By the way bro, it wasn't cancelled, it was delayed but they restarted it at the time when they launched Mehmetcik-2. P.S I realised that our government highly decreased our Defence Budget. While it was 30 billion USD's, now it was 19 billion $ when I last checked. They delayed our F-35s, they delayed both TF-2000 and LHD, they delayed T-LORADMIS. Now they're delaying (or shutting down the whole project) half of our MPT project. Meanwhile the whole Mehmetcik-1 sh1t. While there's a war in Syria, Iraq and Iran have aggressor movements to us. Seriously, what the hell they are trying to do?
It's not a BS. The gov't is the one who's BS. I think you already know that Mehmetcik-1 and 2 are completly different projects and none of'em are each others contingency projects. These two are completely different. The report also mentioned it's been produced since 2012 but the Staff of Generals DIDN'T ALLOW THEM TO USE IT :). By the way bro, it wasn't cancelled, it was delayed but they restarted it at the time when they launched Mehmetcik-2. P.S I realised that our government highly decreased our Defence Budget. While it was 30 billion USD's, now it was 19 billion $ when I last checked. They delayed our F-35s, they delayed both TF-2000 and LHD, they delayed T-LORADMIS. Now they're delaying (or shutting down the whole project) half of our MPT project. Meanwhile the whole Mehmetcik-1 sh1t. While there's a war in Syria, Iraq and Iran have aggressor movements to us. Seriously, what the hell they are trying to do?

The Mehmetcik-1 Project was cancelled ages ago, You lack behind on knowledge, No offence though. There is no such think as Mehmetic-2 Project, There only an MPT Project (Which is sometimes called by the name 'Mehmetcik-2') I rather believe SSMs word...

Modern Infantry Rifle Project
Trust me man, they mixed them up under the name "MPT Project". They're different. First one's an assault rifle while the other one's a battle rifle ;)
boys, boys, calm down.

Mehmetçik-1 never even existed beyond that stupid press conference of the Kırıkkale governor.

We all know the MPT is designed with H&K's licensed gas-piston system so there might still be some disagreements with the German company that needs to be solved.

Of course media is looking for sensation and exaggerating the truth.
Milli Piyade Tüfeği projesinde kriz çıktı Mehmetçik 1 silahının Alman firmasının ürettiği silaha çok benzemesi nedeniyle Milli Piyade Tüfeği'nin üretimi durdu.. 11.02.2013 11:01 3 Temmuz 2011′de ise üretime başlandığı açıklanan Mehmetçik 1′in aradan 1.5 yıldan fazla süre geçmesine rağmen hiçbir birliğe dağıtımının yapılmaması dikkat çekti. Ancak 3 adet örneği üretilen silahın "Alman malı HK-416″ya "çalıntı" denecek kadar üzerine aynı zamanda Mehmetçik'in halen kullandığı G3′ün de lisans sahibi olan Alman Heckler & Koch firması konuya müdahil oldu. MKE tasarımı Mehmetçik-1 (Üstte) ve Alman Heckler & Koch tasarımı HK-416 MEHMETÇİK 1 VE HK-416'NIN ŞAŞIRTICI BENZERLİĞİ Bir silahın "yerli" olarak kendi lisansı ile üretilebilmesi için benzer silahlardan "en az 7 belirgin farkı" olması gerektiğine dikkat çeken Alman firma, Mehmetçik 1′in üretiminin devam edebilmesi için lisans alınması gerektiğine dikkat çekti. Aynı dönemde üretimine başlanan ve Jandarma personeli tarafından tamamen milli olarak TASARLANAN JNG-90 Keskin Nişancı Tüfeği BORA uzun süredir Jandarma birliklerinde kullanılırken, MKE şimdi Mehmetçik 1′de karşılaştığı sorunun çözümünü arıyor. YA MASAYA OTURULACAK YA DA .. Kurumun ya lisans için Alman firma ile masaya oturacağı ya da Mehmetçik 1′i benzersiz hale getirmeye çalışacağı belirtiliyor. Mehmetçik 1, MKE'nin resmi örütbağ yayınında yer verilen "üretilen silahlar" listesinde de yer almıyor. ALMANLAR BU SİLAHA İTİRAZ ETTİ


P.S Sorry, couldn't find an english source. I will update it if I find one.
Strange,what about the Mehmetcik -2?
boys, boys, calm down.

Mehmetçik-1 never even existed beyond that stupid press conference of the Kırıkkale governor.

We all know the MPT is designed with H&K's licensed gas-piston system so there might still be some disagreements with the German company that needs to be solved.

Of course media is looking for sensation and exaggerating the truth.

okay, I'll be appreciated if you correct my words bro.

some started to claim the copycat of M-1 as HK-416. Then they started the M-2 project. Both project went on together FOR A WHILE then. M-1 got cancelled. And they chose the way to go with M-2.

BTW, Do you have any updates about Mehmetcik-2 ? Thanks :)
Calm dawn and wait , i mean look at the JNG-90 ,it´s Great ,they will do something like this ,that´s why the Projects never Accepted or going Ahead ,i mean if TSK & MKEK really wants HK-416 they must only buy License and the money for that they Have.

But MKEK never wants to make the M416 ,they want make the M417 with 7,62 x 51 mm .

Wait for the IDEF 2013 IDEF'13.

Pls Stop Posting new Threads where we know the News Month´s Ago ,i mean i see this Yesterday Eraly Moring in the Turkish News and See how bad is sometimes Turkish Journalism.
Actually the truth is that MKEK reached a deal with the H&K to produce licensed version of the HK416 ala Mehmetcik-1, the deal ended when the Turkish armed forces was not interested in the design + 5.56 calibre.

I reported on this back in 2009 when the rifle was publicly released, well done Turkish Media, lethargic as always..

Notice HK licensed horn markings..

There wasn't any news about it. Because M-2 has an original design. I think it was all about M-1. Cauz, It's a copy of HK-416

Actually thats what i was trying to tell the whole time, you only used different names, Some say Mehmetcik-2 buts officialy dubbed as MPT, See here

"Milli Piyade Tüfeði özgün bir silah"
Bayar, soru üzerine, "Mehmetçik" silahýnýn Makine ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu'nun üzerinde çalýþtýðý bir silah olduðunu ve bunun Milli Piyade Tüfeði ile hiçbir ilgisi olmadýðýný söyledi.
Milli Piyade Tüfeði projesinde geliþtirilen silahýn tamamen özgün olduðunun altýný çizen Bayar, "Milli Piyade Tüfeði kendi tasarýmýmýzla geliþtirdiðimiz, þu anda kalifikasyon testlerine tabi tuttuðumuz bir silah. Bu silahý henüz kamuoyuyla paylaþmýþ bir deðiliz" dedi.
Bayar, ayrýca, test süreçlerinin tamamlanmasýnýn ardýndan silahýn kamuoyuyla paylaþýlacaðýný ifade ederek, silahýn tamamen Türkiye'ye özgü olduðunun görüleceðini ifade etti.
ANKA seri üretime geçiyor - See more at:

Murad Bayar answers on the question of the national rifle that clears the confusion around the national rifle for a large part.

According to him there is the "Mehmetcik" rifle from MKEK (our famous HK416 clone) and there is the
"MPT" rifle project which is completely unrelated to the Mehmetcik rifle, which is indigenously designed and undergoing qualification tests (this rifle has been kept secret from the media)

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