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Dear Diary


Nov 21, 2012
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A series of articles posted on current affairs in a light mode for lighter people...........
The Unspoken-1
Note: If I hurt someone’s feelings unintentionally then I accept my mistake and asks for forgiveness in advance. I am just a common student of Islam and don’t think of myself qualified enough to associate with any sect so Just read it knowing the fact that this article was written by a Muslim brother, not by some sectarian (Jazak Allah)….

Today is 10th Muharram ul Haram, A day of grieves and sorrows. A day of joy. A day of Joy and happiness?? Will I consider the day when someone dear to me died as a day of happiness?? But who died?? Are martyrs dead?? I won’t say so…. If you don’t believe then come and look in my heart. Go see hearts of any Muslim living. This is the day when Islam got a new life. It’s a day of being proud and promising our self to do everything we can for the sake of our religion. It’s a day of reassurance.
Today there are two major sects (Ahl e Tashi & Sunnis) and there are differences among the scholars of these two sects. What I am trying is to know and understand those differences. During that research it came out that most of the differences just consist of misunderstandings and nothing else. Basically on ground level there weren’t any differences in Pakistan on sectarian basics till late 80s and early 90s. Then how come today we are killing each other on such a reason like this?? And calling others infidels??
First I need to understand what makes me fit to call other person an infidel or qafir??(Talking on general public and common Mullahs) How come I do am sure about my end?? It is also to be noted that any proper Islamic Scholar of any sect never called any other sects as infidels (expect those who portrays themselves as Muslims ‘Ahmedis’). We can hear some random uncle outside Mosque or a wandering khalla from our Street who often issues fatwas about other’s Iman and Islam. Just give such people a shut up call as nothing makes you, me or some random guy to judge Iman of other Muslim brother.
Fast of 9th Muharram:
Sunnis fast on 9th-10th Muharram or 10th-11th Muharram. There exist two main theories regarding misconceptions about this.
·They fast because Yazeed also did’t ate on 9th Muharram.
·They fast because wife of Yazeed also fasted on 9th Muharram.
Firstly, fasting during these days is rooted way back to time of Moses. It has nothing to do with that incident in Karbala.
Let’s take some examples from Hadees:
“Fasting the day of `Ashura' (is of great merits), I hope that Allah will accept it as an expiation for (the sins committed in) the previous year”(Muslim).
Abu Hurayrah reported: "I asked the Prophet: 'Which Prayer is the best after the obligatory Prayers?' He said:'Prayer during the mid of the night.'I asked: 'Which fasting is the best after that of Ramadan?' He said,'The month of Allah that you call Muharram’"(Ahmad, Muslim, and Abu Dawud).
Mu`awiyyah ibn Abi Sufyan reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say:"Concerning the day of `Ashura’, it is not obligatory upon you to fast on it as I do. Whoever wishes may fast and whoever does not wish to is not obliged to do so"(Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
So hereby it’s clarified that fasting on days on Ashura has nothing to do with Yazeed or Waqiya e Karballa.
Confusion between Razi Allah Taala Anhu (RA) Or Alaihisalam (AS):
·Razi Allah Taala translates to "may Allah be pleased with ____"
·Alihisalam translates to "peace be upon ____".
Radi Allahu may be used for the Ahl-ul-Bayttoo as well as Sahaba Kiram, Taba'een, Taba' Taba'een and Awliya Allah while Alihisalam is used for Prophets and Ahl e Bait.
There is a collision on use of these words while in their meaning there just is difference of word ‘may’. All of our fight is that whether may is used for whom?? In all of this we forget what Asalamalikum means(Peace be unto you). We don’t use may here in daily routine which pretty much answers that confusion which I better say is just a made up confusion. One can use whatever that person deems ok.
Political/Geographical Factor
If I say that the sectarian game in Pakistan is just a gift of our so called dear brother Muslim nations then it won’t be wrong. I need not to reveal the identity of those hidden hands behind the hatred speech or behind all those bloody events which lit up the sparks. There near my street existed a row of homes of poor who are now not soo poor after waving black flags on their homes. I know this reality better than anyone and take all the responsibility of what I am saying but let’s not get away from the point. Point was from where that money is inflowing and whose interest they are going to serve?? We all also know about Jamiya Hafsa and Laas Masjid incident too. There are many Madarsaas which are foreign funded from KSA,Oman and some third parties(Allah knows where those third parties roots belong). Even our ruling party isn’t so clean in this prospect.
To be precise there exist an international tug of war between Iran and Kingdom of Saudi Araia and our nation willingly is happily becoming part of third party games. While we are being hit from our brothers so let’s not talk about Mossad, CIA and RAW covert operations and fundings.
This nation is divided into sects. Yesterday more than 20 innocents in Jacobabad died just because they were shias. I am hopeless of this nation, you too should be but you being the educated one, the one with brain and skills have the responsibility to bear the burden of truth and try lightning up the candles. Let’s stop judging, just live and let live. Let Allah decide the end and stop the bloodshed!
Sensations: The Unspoken-1
Your comments will be encouraged! :-)

Today was a day... just a common one like others. Actually all days are common but also special. That Specialty is somewhere hidden in the fold of time that we spend daily. Most of the people fail to capture that specialty and just live like they are living on a lone. what's up?? Mid terms are up and I am down! Feeling sick and low, pain in the head and cold....
After much hesitation, finally wore that blue jersey as was concerned what others would think?? (A major problem with us living being indeed). Well finally LB Elections are being held in Pakistan(Punjab and Sindh). Also suffered from Earthquake few days back, really was an experience,,
The university is full of morons and genius people blended in, guess that's what makes a university A University. A system that shows us how the word ahead is gonna be. I am not the one to care so still have to face that aggressive tone and nature from those specific people who just hates me from all their hearts, and this hate makes my life much more spicy and makes me feel useful again. While I am so much mean that I can't hate them back as they don't even deserve that much attention from me. just got mad at a dear one when he reacted on something which he wasn't supposed to hear; talking to oneself phenom..... After tests were returned, I again have to face those shitty comments of creeps wining that they got 3 marks lesser than highest (in the class).
Some people just disappeared from life, fb profile and diary notes and many more came but those who left actually never left for good and those who came, well idk if they came. Living on a philosophy that some times you don't have to be the first. Gonna eat and study now and return to that creepy life again!
I am Casper
Signing Off
Sensations: Dear Diary-1

Dear Diary (Good Bye Mr Holmes)-301015
Sherlock Holmes, a true detective, master of his work, weird enough to attract attention of our weirdest hearts. Only fan of Sherlock can understand and surely admit that. We people just die seeking attention while trying not to be weird coz we are afraid that people will hate us but while thinking that, we forget that there are haters of Obama, Messi, Ronaldo, JB,One Direction and every other famous moving thing. People just give up too easily coz they don't know "those who win never gave up and those who gave up, never won."
So what Happened today??
Let me remember! A divorce between Imran Khan and Reham Khan.
Diyar e Dil(serial) ended.
I finished 2 plates of channa pulao in lunch, my message package ended and i really am mad at those who don't reply back so peace till end of mids.
Sent my CV to fifty5 bytes for CAP.
Go Went Gone to university, was last working day before freaking mids and did literally nothing, Some person from class lost iPhone and we all decided not to attend Aurdino Workshop on which the sake of our certificates was depending(Now I am not sure whether we would get those certifications or not!).

Really Loved that note my our EMT sir and our CR also gave a reply back through same sticky note. There is a child living somewhere deep inside of us, it just sometime shows itself! So just keep that child alive, act weird and before caring for others do think what you want? As if those who can't satisfy themselves, are of no good for others.
It's Casper Signing off till next time.
Dear Diary (Good Bye Mr Holmes)-301015
Dear Diary-What's Soo Big In This? 71115
DPO Punjab Police was captured on camera hunting endangered species along with 2 criminals. Not just hunting but also using government machinery and protocol. When media tried to contact Punjab's Law Minister Rana Sana Ullah his recorded reply was "What's such a big fuss about this??" I really want you to see the face of such a person who calls himself the mighty law minister of our Punjab.

This is a face which made me ashamed of myself while being an inhabitant of Punjab. But let's try being less emotional here....
What this person said is so wrong in this society??
I don't think so. Actually I agrees with him. What's A Fuc***g big fuss in killing 12-18 deer and some 150 birds with some friends?? When rapers and blackmailers of 180-300 (mainly male) children (Kasur Scandal ) can dodge law and get out of scene then it's really a fuss!
When a DCO son can kill any pedestrian while driving to die, and still gets bail and hides in his pappa's mansion then this really is a big fuss.
When an incident like Sundar Indusrial state do raises questions on performance of Government Of Punjab then killing some animals illegally is really a small thing.
Such incidents happening around our surrounding are shame for us and last thing we can do is to feel shame. I asks myself where this society is going?? Then I asks "Do I hold the right to ask this question?" We are like those people who don't vote and then spend next 5 years abusing all the politicians. Or those who vote Teer(Arrow) and plays our role in defeating the gentleman(and that gentleman defeat is so miserable that he abondon from serving the people) and then afterward complains that there isn't any worthy person in politics. Fact is people can't see any worthy person in politics themselve. They have to vote on cast and creeds and status level. Why would I vote a farmer who is nothing? Now farmer is gonna be my MPA?? I don't think so....
We invited all this misery upon us and now we alone have to face and tackle it.
Let's take strings of our country in our hand. "Be the Change You Want To See." Lead so that others can follow you. This is our country and it has given us alot like none other and in returns we sucked its blood. Kill the vampire inside you and be the Vampire Hunter!
Sensations: Dear Diary-What's Soo Big In This? 71115

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