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Death Of The Liberal Turkish Dream

Please show me the 6 billion. I really think it would be more cost effective to let the refugees go to Europe. A GDP of 15 trillion vs 800 billion is a joke. Also this will allow Europe to show the it's humanist values that it always likes to brag and preach to other countries. You'd agree right amici?

They are your people not ours. They betetr stay where they belong to. And we help you with payments to carry this. Beside that you cant let them go to europe. The balkan route is closed.

The ones who are already in greece are so desperate they swim back turkey. I dont stand for humanist values my friend. Only for my own people. Human rights count only for europeans. You can do in your countries what you want. I dont belong to those to cry at executions in saudi arabia or timbuktu. You can do in turkey what you want. Just try to not do it when we do deals in public.
First of all, learn some bloody manners. And learn proper genetics while you're at it.

Secondly, you clearly have no idea what you're blabbering about.

Haplogroup R1a originated somewhere near present-day Iran, according to the latest research:

Major new article on the deep origins of Y-haplogroup R1a (Underhill et al. 2014)


Furthermore, the Brahmins of West Bengal (India) have the highest frequency of haplogroup R1a in the World:


As for Turkey, haplogroup R1a has a frequency of only 7.5%, which is a little higher than in Iraq and Iran:


On average, Eurasian population clusters that are farthest from the Middle East have a greater frequency of either haplogroup R1a or R1b, except for those in the Far East:


As for haplogroup J2, it has high frequencies among all population clusters than can trace their ancestral roots to the populations that migrated out of the northern areas of the Fertile Crescent since the end of the last glacial period.

Finally, the people of Turkey have very little to do with the original Turkic tribes of Siberia.

Take a look at this autosomal DNA chart:


The modern day Turks are predominantly descendants of ancient population clusters that inhabited Anatolia and Asia Minor. Genetically speaking, the Turks have more affinity to the peoples of their immediate neighborhood (e.g. the Arabs, Iranians and Greeks) than they do the pure Turkic peoples of Siberia.

Here's another link for you to look at:

A genetic atlas of human admixture history
Companion website for "A genetic atlas of human admixture history", Hellenthal et al, Science (2014).


^^According to the above link, the Turks are closest to the following peoples:

1. Greeks (11.1%)
2. Armenians (9.9%)
3. Iranians (8.5%)
4. Georgians (7.4%)
5. West Sicilians (7.0%)
6. Cypriots (6.2%)
7. South Italians (6.1%)

That's real science for you. Hopefully it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable lol.

You moron :D hahaha same link says
Turks 33.3 %
armenians 7.5 %
hahahaa yes what a crap link i dont understand what is your problem with turks ? yes we ruled all the middle east balkan africa central asia so that this shame for you lol
r1a came from Haplogroup P-45 and most scholars think that r1a origin belong to central asia or pamir mountains so what ? hahaa
you sent more crap like dienekes lol he is idiot greek ..
and if read careful what i wrote in this page that is enough for you.
They are your people not ours. They betetr stay where they belong to. And we help you with payments to carry this. Beside that you cant let them go to europe. The balkan route is closed.

The ones who are already in greece are so desperate they swim back turkey. I dont stand for humanist values my friend. Only for my own people. Human rights count only for europeans. You can do in your countries what you want. I dont belong to those to cry at executions in saudi arabia or timbuktu. You can do in turkey what you want. Just try to not do it when we do deals in public.
Human rights only count for Europeans ? Hahahaha you have not learned anything from both world wars. We will see if your opinion will change in the next 15-20 if a catastrophe hits Europe. Remember why the Romans fell? That's right, they ignored the plight and requests of people the deemed "barbarians". How ironic !
You moron :D hahaha same link says
Turks 33.3 %
armenians 7.5 %
hahahaa yes what a crap link i dont understand what is your problem with turks ? yes we ruled all the middle east balkan africa central asia so that this shame for you lol
r1a came from Haplogroup P-45 and most scholars think that r1a origin belong to central asia or pamir mountains so what ? hahaa
you sent more crap like dienekes lol he is idiot greek ..
and if read careful what i wrote in this page that is enough for you.
It's not a "crap" link. The link is based on the latest academic research in the field of genetics. Educate yourself, sunshine.

According to the latest research (circa 2014), it is believed that haplogroup R1a originated somewhere in the Middle East, presumably in present-day Iran. I already provided you a link for that.

Finally, who's "we"? You didn't rule over anyone lol. You're most probably an indigenous Turkish-speaking Anatolian who has little to no genetic affinity to the real Turkic peoples of Siberia. So do yourself a favor and stop fooling yourself lol.

I have never come across as much pseudoscientific garbage as I have while debating Turkish chauvinists. It's really pathetic.
It's not a "crap" link. The link is based on the latest academic research in the field of genetics. Educate yourself, sunshine.

According to the latest research (circa 2014), it is believed that haplogroup R1a originated somewhere in the Middle East, presumably in present-day Iran. I already provided you a link for that.

Finally, who's "we"? You didn't rule over anyone lol. You're most probably an indigenous Turkish-speaking Anatolian who has little to no genetic affinity to the real Turkic peoples of Siberia. So do yourself a favor and stop fooling yourself lol.

I have never come across as much pseudoscientific garbage as I have while debating Turkish chauvinists. It's really pathetic.

why you so care about my origin ? when i read some where like you are not turk you are fake turks bla bla all these craps are coming from iranians greeks armenians or kurds . turks from siberia seperated 2000 years from anatolian turks and 1000 years from central asian turks if we have little or big difference this is very normal if you see diference between tajiks and persian then you will understand me
also do you know nobody care about iran in turkey ? why you care about us ? actually you know answer :D lol this is so clearly .. Turk ruled your country when you walk int the street in iran people speaking turkish, west north south or east of your counrty full with turks when you look your huge history only you see turks lol yes this is hard if you dont have any social life yes little girl you dont have good life that you have oppressive rejime in your country . :) i know that you want boyfriend , action , iphone 6s , .... but key is not turks . stand aganist your rejime good bye
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why you so care about my origin ? when i read some where like you are not turk you are fake turks bla bla all these craps are coming from iranians greeks armenians or kurds . do you know nobody care about iran in turkey ? why you care about us ? actually you know answer :D lol this is so clearly .. Turk ruled your country when you walk int the street in iran people speaking turkish, west north south or east of your counrty full with turks when you look your huge history only you see turks lol yes this is hard if you dont have any social life yes little girl you dont have good life that you have oppressive rejime in your country . :) i know that you want boyfriend , action , iphone 6s , .... but key is not turks . stand aganist your rejime good bye
The funny thing about your whole incoherent rambling is that I'm not even Iranian lol, nor do I give a damn about Iran for that matter.

I'm trying to educate you, enlighten you, and make you a better and more rational human being.

It's a pity that you're clinging on to 20th century pseudoscience.
The funny thing about your whole incoherent rambling is that I'm not even Iranian lol, nor do I give a damn about Iran for that matter.

I'm trying to educate you, enlighten you, and make you a better and more rational human being.

It's a pity that you're clinging on to 20th century pseudoscience.

i cant see sun in the night but i feels it . it is like it i know that you are another sick iranian
i cant see sun in the night but i feels it . it is like it i know that you are another sick iranian
I'm not an Iranian lol. In fact, a lot of Iranians on the internet (and a few on this forum) don't even like me because I oppose their mullahs.

Instead of resorting to petty personal attacks and cheap deflection tactics, you should do yourself a huge favor and open your mind a little bit.

I studied genetics extensively when I was in med school.

Your views are extremely pseudoscientific and driven by bias/prejudice.

Help yourself become a better and more rational human being. The more you study genetics, the more you'll realize that you've been wrong about so many things. In science, the truth can sometimes be ugly because it tears down many false perceptions and irrational social constructs.
Human rights only count for Europeans ? Hahahaha you have not learned anything from both world wars. We will see if your opinion will change in the next 15-20 if a catastrophe hits Europe. Remember why the Romans fell? That's right, they ignored the plight and requests of people the deemed "barbarians". How ironic !

i think you didnt get my concept, right? Yes human rights count only for europeans. What others do outside Europe is titally irrelevant for me. I dont care if some moron in africa kills people as long we can do business. Other countries, other cultures. Same counts for turkey. Its totally irrelevant for me if Erdogan becomes a despot. not my business. . If your country follows human rights, great. if not...who cares.
Why turks allow this Kuwaiti Girl to post here, she needs a ban asap.

dostlar MarkusS is just saying not everyone in turkey is ethnic turk and that's correct i support that. TR'de herkes türkmenmi Allah aşkına adam değilim diyor cekrezim, bulgarım, kürdüm, arap, roman, rum, ermeni, musevi, laz, arnavut, boşnak, sırp bu gruplardan türk ırkından değiliz diyenler ve tam tersi türk ırkından olduğunu iddia edip ama olmayanlar var kimin ne kan taşıdığını nerden bileceğiz işin içinden nasıl çıkacaksın ırk konusu oyuncak değil

insanlar biz türk değiliz dedikce yok hepimiz türküz diyorsunuz hayır bu yanlıs bir tutum ırkınız önemli değil hepimiz Türk vatandaşıyız diyeceksiniz

avrupada tam tersi azınlıklar beyaz almanlara bizde sizin gibi tam Almanız ırkcılık yapıp bizi dışlamayın derler ama Almanlar ginede istemez TR'de ise ülke azınlıklara yalvarır kabul et bizi nolur türk olun diye.

vatandaşlık farklı birşey ona göre hepimiz Türk vatandaşıyız lakin ırk çok farklı birşey birkere bana göre kendimize haksızlık ediyoruz Türklük aslında ayrıcalıktır.. taşla incinin farkı gibi herkes türk olsa ne değeri kalacak türklüğün oyüzden ben herkese türk denildiğini istemiyorum

Dünyada bir ülke var ırk konusunu ciddiye alan aynı ırktan olduğunu iddia edene dna testi yaparlar sonra test sonuçuna göre vatandaşlık veya farklı ayrıcalıklar için kabul veya ret kararı çıkar böyle bir test varmı TR'de yok aradaki farkı anlatabiliyormuyum arkadaşlar?

onlar gibi test edelim kimin ne olduğu ortaya cıksın bakalım kaç kişi türk kanı taşıyor

Help yourself become a better and more rational human being.

i remember you posted pictures from funeral of turkish security forces and was happy about it.

You're not welcome here please don't come here again
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Why turks allow this Kuwaiti Girl to post here, she needs a ban asap.

dostlar MarkusS is just saying not everyone in turkey is ethnic turk and that's correct i support that. TR'de herkes türkmenmi Allah aşkına adam değilim diyor cekrezim, bulgarım, kürdüm, arap, roman, rum, ermeni, musevi, laz, arnavut, boşnak, sırp bunlardan türk ırkından değiliz diyenler ve türk ırkından olduğunu iddia edip ama olmayanlar var nolacak şimdi ırk konusu oyuncakmı

insanlar biz türk değiliz dedikce yok hepimiz türküz diyorsunuz hayır bu yanlıs bir tutum ırkınız önemli değil hepimiz Türk vatandaşıyız diyeceksiniz

avrupada tam tersi azınlıklar beyaz almanlara bizde sizin gibi tam Almanız ırkcılık yapıp bizi dışlamayın derler ama Almanlar ginede istemez TR'de ise ülke azınlıklara yalvarır kabul et bizi nolur türk olun diye.

vatandaşlık farklı birşey ona göre hepimiz Türk vatandaşıyız lakin ırk çok farklı birşey birkere bana göre kendimize haksızlık ediyoruz Türklük aslında ayrıcalıktır.. taşla incinin farkı gibi herkes türk olsa ne değeri kalacak türklüğün oyüzden ben herkese türk denildiğini istemiyorum

Dünyada bir ülke var ırk konusunu ciddiye alan aynı ırktan olduğunu iddia edene dna testi yaparlar sonra test sonuçuna göre vatandaşlık veya farklı ayrıcalıklar için kabul veya ret kararı çıkar böyle bir test varmı TR'de yok aradaki farkı anlatabiliyormuyum arkadaşlar?

onlar gibi test edelim kimin ne olduğu ortaya cıksın bakalım kaç kişi türk kanı taşıyor

i remember you posted pictures from funeral of turkish security forces and was happy about it.

You're not welcome here please don't come here again
Banned for what, exactly? For teaching your countrymen proper genetics?

It appears that I touched a raw nerve lol.

As for posting a picture of a Turkish military funeral, it was clearly a response to a Turkish member who posted a picture of dead Kurds. Get off your high horse, sunshine.
Please show me the 6 billion. I really think it would be more cost effective to let the refugees go to Europe. A GDP of 15 trillion vs 800 billion is a joke. Also this will allow Europe to show the it's humanist values that it always likes to brag and preach to other countries. You'd agree right amici?

With respect, Europe owes these refugees nothing. The idea of letting them in an Europe already overflowing with foreigners is a joke.
Banned for what, exactly? For teaching your countrymen proper genetics?

It appears that I touched a raw nerve lol.

As for posting a picture of a Turkish military funeral, it was clearly a response to a Turkish member who posted a picture of dead Kurds. Get off your high horse, sunshine.

You should not come here i'm serious after you showed your filthy face there is nothing to discuss with you on any topic here.
@Kuwaiti Girl

let me tell you something about turkey since you want to talk about genetics

there are lots diferrent ethnicities in turkey, there is kurds, rum, greeks, armenian, bosnian, albanian, bulgarian, circassian, gypsies, jews, arabs etc these are all Turkish people with different roots and ancestries no one denies that but there are also Turkish guys with Turk ancestry like me and many other here in the turkish section.

A balochi can't question my race or blood go mind your own business become activist in balochistan and protest for human rights or womenrights or something
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