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Delhi: The city of djinns

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still much safer then indian in rapes of women, those women atleast aren't getting raped in public spaces, in buses

In a moving bus at 10 o clock in the night where there was only here, her mate and the rapists. No else. It wasnt exactly a public bus at that point. Get your facts right mate.

still much safer then indian in rapes of women, those women atleast aren't getting raped in public spaces, in buses

In a moving bus at 10 o clock in the night where there was only here, her mate and the rapists. No else. It wasnt exactly a public bus at that point. Get your facts right mate.
wow, what an answer, looks like you got shocked by my answer?

rape in a public place is showing how brave are you rapists, openly raping women in public, and how prevalent the rape is, all rapes are bad but there are every degree of rapes
It should not be a shock given that you are from the land of pure.
In a moving bus at 10 o clock in the night where there was only here, her mate and the rapists. No else. It wasnt exactly a public bus at that point. Get your facts right mate.

and driver wasn't there? :rofl:
Driver and his 4 friends were the rapists you ..... .

You dont know anything about the incident. I am just wasting my time arguing with a 16 year old.

but you said the bus was moving, so the driver was actually at the driving seat and not raping

actually dude you are too much confused, try harder

but you said the bus was moving, so the driver was actually at the driving seat and not raping

actually dude you are too much confused, try harder

if he is a bus driver it doesnt means only he can drive the bus.....btw its pity for u scoring points on a sad shocking rape incident...ok u won....it was a public place...ok?? now what? can u sleep tight....nd forget other rapes around world....
dnt rply my post...as i dnt wana score points on a sad incident....rplying to a pathetic guy moking up an incident which shocked the nation....on a thread related to infra....

Yes , because they were taking turns driving. Oh my god ... this is some really thick stuff I am dealing with here.

bro let him win.......
dont spoil ur mind...let him b happy about this pathetic incident....these mentalities grow later on to hold on an AK nd firring at innocents.....
i doubt he might b laughing in his home while geting a news on this pathetic incident....."yeah i hav got an incident to score points nd insult india"

but you said the bus was moving, so the driver was actually at the driving seat and not raping

actually dude you are too much confused, try harder

You are the definition of retarded.
LOL so you did establish yourself as a true-blooded troll after all! I'd be kidding myself if I said/thought that Indian cities are like Chinese cities (thank the Gods for that), but I didn't, and neither did anyone else, so what's your deal? Your comprehension skills are poor, to say the least.

haha why are u so angry?im just sharing my feeling,does it hurt u so much?
Didn't mentioned about any rape... being in dehli and no rape...thats so stupid :what:
You might not be far off... it's probably made of lime stone

Man that is one of the most disgusting, ugly piece of sh!t I have ever seen. Who ever designed that should be hanged. It looks so tacky as if it was made of plastic.
haha why are u so angry?im just sharing my feeling,does it hurt u so much?


Angry? Bro, in addition to a thorough revision of your basic English comprehension skills, you also need to learn how to comprehend people's emotions through their words. Had you said, "why are you so frustrated?", I would've agreed 'cause you have a knack for frustrating people with your poor language and comprehension skills as we've all seen repeatedly on this forum. Now, if you say, "I'm just sharing my feeling" - it's all good, but I've already responded to your "feelings" (which were mere troll posts that stem from not knowing any better), which you seem to have completely brushed under the carpet, as the Chinese often do.
hmmm quiet an improvement when I visited I dint find dehli airport that shinning and cleaaaaaaaaaaaan just few years back.
Delhi has come a long way, baby! :D

It seems like author himself has never been to parts of Pakistan

A very cheap attempt
Relax man! Please don't get so pissed! He was comparing Delhi with Karachi only, not with the other parts of Pakistani.
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