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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

South Korea’s new liberal president is demanding an investigation because he says he wasn’t told about the arrival of several additional launchers for a contentious US missile defense system meant to cope with North Korea’s nuclear threats.

Before taking office on May 10, Moon Jae-in vowed to review the THAAD system’s deployment, which has infuriated both Pyongyang and Beijing, which considers the system’s powerful radar a security threat.

Moon’s office said Tuesday that it found that four additional THAAD launchers have arrived in South Korea since the original two launchers were installed in April.

It says the former government’s Defense Ministry didn’t report the arrival of the additional launchers when it gave Moon a policy briefing after his inauguration. Seoul said in early May that THAAD was operating.

The protection of South Korea belong to South Korean. Not Americans.

Americans should not do what Koreans should do themselves. Otherwise, South Korea should pay a large sum of money for US protection to reimburse all US expenses. I don't agree with the Orangeman most of time. But I agree with him this time.
Gov't to Halt THAAD Installation for Environmental Study
  • By Lee Yong-soo
June 08, 2017 10:57

The deployment of a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense battery in southwestern Korea has been put on hold for up to year amid signs that the batteries already put into operation are not working as intended.

Cheong Wa Dae on Wednesday said there is no reason to send back the two batteries and X-Band radar that have already been set up, but the remaining four must wait until an environmental study, which the previous administration skipped in its hurry to push the deployment through.

A Cheong Wa Dae official said this could either take the form of an environmental assessment of the radar's impact, which would take about a month, or a full-scale study, which entails a briefing of local residents and takes around a year.

Asked if the government is deliberately putting the brakes on the project, a Cheong Wa Dae official told reporters, "We don't know what will happen as a result."

But another official told the Chosun Ilbo, "If North Korea's missile provocations continue, the THAAD deployment will gain international acceptance, and that could speed up the process."

The North lobbed another volley of land-to-ship missiles into the East Sea on early Thursday in defiance of fresh UN Security Council sanctions.


Meanwhile, the THAAD batteries that already started operations in early May have been running on generators due to a lack of electricity supply. A road leading up to the site has been blocked by protesters, prompting the U.S. Forces Korea to supply fuel by helicopter.
But fuel supply was apparently halted temporarily on May 21, so the batteries were inoperable when the North test-fired a new mid-range ballistic missile.

The former golf course where the batteries sit has several access roads and power supply, but the USFK has been running generators because of a lack of high-voltage facilities to power the radar.

Now it is unclear when the necessary infrastructure can be set up because the environmental study will put that on hold.

The USFK tried twice to truck in fuel -- on April 30 and May 1 -- but protesters blocked the road. Since then, the fuel has been taken in by choppers, but they can carry only small amounts so the batteries shut down frequently.

The radar is meant to detect an incoming missiles, so the THAAD batteries do not have to be operated around the clock. But military sources said the radar could break down if it is switched off, so it needs to operate regularly.

Another source said, "Generators do not ensure smooth electrical supply and can lead to malfunctions when used for a long time."

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So the Koreans are finally waking up...

Yeah, They fight for Korea.
They don't want to become lapdog of Cowboy

More and more people realise, Cowboy no good at all.
Even in Japan, this Sentiment is Rising too.
Why are they against it? Isn't it good to safeguard them against North Korea?
Why are they against it? Isn't it good to safeguard them against North Korea?
There's always a minority of people who will be against anything at some point in time. Every single person in a country can't agree on something. It's impossible. This is even more obvious in a real democratic free advanced country like S.Korea where citizens are free to protest and express their concerns(to those who are against it, it's mostly due to environmental concerns by local inhabitants, the rest of the country favours the deployment). S.Korea is not a dictatorship or one man/party ruled country where once a crucial Military decision is made , citizens dare not protest against it physically or block the way to a military installation, else the will face the consequences. How many countries in Asia will have their president stand down or impeached simply due to a corruption case? Lol Can't think of that many.
Shows how S.Korea democracy has matured. They have indeed done well for themselves . Have to hand it to them.:tup:
Why are they against it? Isn't it good to safeguard them against North Korea?

You think a few batteries of THAAD is capable of safegurding SK against NK, with the latter having tens of thousands of ready-to-fire artillery pieces pointed at the latter's capital Seoul and surrounding areas which account for 40% of the population and over 60% of the economy?

No, THAAD is there to protect the US from a few NK missiles that might or might not oneday land on the east shores of the Pacific. :lol::lol:
Why are they against it? Isn't it good to safeguard them against North Korea?
Yes, but it creates another problem.. with China this time.. so the SK think we rather deal with NK than with both China and NK..
You think a few batteries of THAAD is capable of safegurding SK against NK, with the latter having tens of thousands of ready-to-fire artillery pieces pointed at the latter's capital Seoul and surrounding areas which account for 40% of the population and over 60% of the economy?

No, THAAD is there to protect the US from a few NK missiles that might or might not oneday land on the east shores of the Pacific. :lol::lol:
THAAD's purpose and mission is to intercept a barrage of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles; to prevent a nuclear strike on South Korean terrain.

You are talking about conventional challenges confronting South Korea (from the North) and it has fielded its army on the borders for that purpose.

Yes, but it creates another problem.. with China this time.. so the SK think we rather deal with NK than with both China and NK..
It seems like it.

China fears that THAAD's powerful tracking system will be utilized to scan large swaths of Chinese territory to figure out the locations of sensitive and strategic stuff and making sense of their composition.
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You think a few batteries of THAAD is capable of safegurding SK against NK, with the latter having tens of thousands of ready-to-fire artillery pieces pointed at the latter's capital Seoul and surrounding areas which account for 40% of the population and over 60% of the economy?

No, THAAD is there to protect the US from a few NK missiles that might or might not oneday land on the east shores of the Pacific. :lol::lol:
No, THAAD is there to protect the air bases that will launch against those artillery emplacements and destroy them.
Thaad doesn't protects S Korea. N Korea is just next door.
But Thaad protects Japan. Benefit United States. Damage relationship with Russia and China. Increased tension with N Korea. Creates another US base (with a golf course) in S Korea.

Stupid decision by Park.
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South Korean defence ministry says investigators discovered hundreds of photos in the drone's camera including 10 photos of US missile defence system in the southeastern town of Seongju.
By: AP | Seoul | Published:June 13, 2017 12:59 pm

A US missile defense system called Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, is seen at a golf course in Seongju, South Korea. (Source: AP)

Seoul says a suspected North Korean drone found near the Korean border last week was found to have taken photos of a US missile defense shield in the South. Seoul’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday investigators discovered hundreds of photos from the drone’s Sony-made in-built camera.

The ministry says they include 10 photos of US missile launchers and a radar system installed in the southeastern town of Seongju earlier this year. It says the rest are mostly photos of residential areas, farming fields and other less-sensitive areas in the South.

Drones are a relatively new addition to North Korea’s arsenal. In 2014, several other suspected North Korean drones were found south of the border and experts said they were low-tech but could be considered as a potential security threat.

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