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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

What ? THAAD for Vietnam ?
That's good, another one for PH too.

See this


I think Vietnam should deploy THAAD asap too, it is merely a inconvenience for our strategic forces.
We will probably save a few nuke tipped cruise missiles aimed at you, but at least I sleep better knowing Vietnam will go too if China and US nuke each other.
This is the best way to paint a target on your back that says "dont forget to take me out first". its more than OK with us.
and Vietnam is probably happy to "take one for the team".

Dont get me wrong, the South Koreans are smart, they know what they are getting into, and i bet they got something in return besides US protection against the North.

Missile defense only make sense if you are a nuclear power anyways, why make yourself a target if you weren't a target to begin with
By golly, is this your way of reasoning all this time?

I really don't see how anyone could infer the red portion from the blue portion. I don't think that was his intention.

I mean that is what I would say, but for someone as diplomatic as him, he won't say it, and he would argue a point if there is one to be made, which is essentially his version of what I would have said.

Do you mean all above stuffs are for challenging each other, China and USA ?
US didn't let us partake in space station, we built our own, they embargoed us and not only didn't help us with J-8 but actually stripped it down, and charged us to bring it back, now we have J-31 and J-20, the Americans constantly spy on us with their planes, when we had no money or tech, but now we can control the entire SCS, and we will make sure we sent as many to spy on them as they do to us.
S. Korea, U.S. to discuss THAAD at April defense talks: sources

SEOUL, March 18 (Yonhap) -- South Korea and the United States are expected to discuss the possible deployment of a U.S. advanced missile-defense system on South Korean soil at their high-level defense talks next month, sources here said Wednesday.

The U.S. has expressed its will to deploy a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery on the peninsula, while the allies have said there have been neither consultations nor a decision on the matter.

"All pending issues between the two sides will likely be discussed during the Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue (KIDD) due mid-April in Washington," a Seoul source said on condition of anonymity.

South Korea will be represented by Ryu Je-seung, Deputy Minister for National Defense Policy, and the U.S. by David Helvey, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia, according to officials.

"The two sides will deal with the matter either as an informal or formal agenda during the meeting," another Seoul official said. "After all, it has been one of the most urgent and critical security issues not only between Seoul and Washington but in terms of their relations with China."

China has increased pressure on South Korea to not go through with the possible deployment of the battery here, claiming it will hamper its security interests. Stressing that the system aims to better counter North Korea's nuclear and missiles threat, however, Seoul has said the battery will help boost national security though it has no plan to buy one.

THAAD is designed to shoot down short, medium and intermediate ballistic missiles at a higher altitude in their terminal phase using a hit-to-kill method.

Whether to bring THAAD to South Korea has drawn keen attention as it is seen by critics as part of a broader U.S. attempt to get the Asian ally to join its air defense system.

Instead of joining the U.S. missile defense, however, South Korea has been developing KAMD, a low-tier air defense program, and the Kill Chain, which is designed to launch strikes right after signs are detected of imminent nuclear or missile provocations by Pyongyang.

S. Korea, U.S. to discuss THAAD at April defense talks: sources
One THAAD battery consist of 72 interceptors able to launched at any given point. If China really wanted to saturate a force of this size, they easily could.They have the delivery systems and they have the warheads to do it. I really don't see the problem here.

Let's call the deployment a de facto "threat" on China
It is using DPRK as disguises for the serious impact of the operation on China's defense

I am not an expert or what so called "saturate a force"
By having the THAADs deployed, the US and allies can literally neutralse most if not all of counter attacks and then they can launch their own missile / other strikes

Neutralize the threat of North Korean missiles, not Chinese. The fact that some Chinese posters are claiming that these pose a threat to China just troubles me and many others who read this thread. Can they not differentiate Pyongyang (The North Korean Regime) from themselves ? Such questionable postings leads many South Koreans to suspect China's own goals.
Perhaps Russia or China needs to defend Venezuela and Cuba from Iranian missiles. :cheesy:
Perhaps Russia or China needs to defend Venezuela and Cuba from Iranian missiles. :cheesy:


That makes no sense, not to mention Cuba is activity improving its ties with the US and nothing would undo that faster than a provocation like your suggestion.

US nuclear missiles come from everywhere, and typically don't travel south, how would a missile defense system in Venezuela be an effective defense against US missiles?
I do not understand why some Chinese members here are so shock about this? SK has a trade relationship with China. They are the few countries that have a trade surplus with China. Chinese leadership is trying to dangle some kimchi to the Koreans, they ate it, but they are not falling for the Chinese food. They are happy making money off Chinese and spreading their Hallyru crap culture to the Chinese.

SK is US' ally. In fact, US is SK' master. I don't think the Korean government really has a choice in this matter. US is the strongest military and economy in the world. SK is just playing a balancing game for its own interest. They will not strictly side with China. Any Chinese members who think otherwise lack real understanding of geopolitics.

Perhaps Russia or China needs to defend Venezuela and Cuba from Iranian missiles. :cheesy:
China is not at that stage yet. With 1.3% of GDP to the military, I don't think it will happen soon.

That makes no sense, not to mention Cuba is activity improving its ties with the US and nothing would undo that faster than a provocation like your suggestion.

US nuclear missiles come from everywhere, and typically don't travel south, how would a missile defense system in Venezuela be an effective defense against US missiles?

Venezuela could use a military base in case they're attacked by, I don't know, Haiti.

As usual, US and "allies" making up all sorts of excuses. If any party involved had ever been honest about anything in the last 50 years it would be much easier to resolve diplomatic issues. WMD in Iraq? Gulf of Tonkin false flag?
What are you going to do? Bomb South Korea immediately before its deployment?

Well I wouldn't worry about it since U.S. nuclear missiles are heading to China anyways.

If it doesn't work, then China has nothing to worry about right?

No, China can make situation worse for SK if they want, they just have to arm NK with advance fighter jets, SAMS & Other modern systems and make them NCW capable 21st century fighting force and they will keep China's interest safe. :D
Who are these guys fooling?
DPRK always move their launch pads to as close the the China/DPRK borders as possible. always!!
Also just a minor adjustment of THAADs coordination will have China falling into perfect range

Let's do it a civil way, making DPRK comply with terrms upon the basis of a subsidy fund, say in the amount of $5 billion to be offered to DPRK by the contributing parties
1. SK $1.5 billion due to the closest relationship and impending danger
2. Japan 1,5 billion as DPRK's prime target
3. USA 1 billion as the world police
4. China and Russia $500 million each when China has been contributing to DPRK all along providing them massive life subsistence supplies. Russia as a friendly neighbour


Chinese snuff bottle, lions on clouds
applique body ornments from Qing Dynasty
Reticulated porcelain with overglaze

enamel all around. Stopper on top
The question is, Whatever SK decided to Deploy in their own soil is SK own internal affair, for China keep calling other not to meddle with Foreign Affair, this is alike a giant Slap on the mouth.

China can stop trading or deploy a lot more missile to the Border, if that is how Chinese want to win the game.

So far I haven't heart that China threaten Sk with nuke, sure no problem if Sk consider that US's THAAD deployment as Sk internal affair and it's easy for you to say since you're not Korean that China can reciprocate with NUKE deployment and targeting all SK cities but you think Koreans are stupid to accept this kind of arrangement..what is their gain to defende US while invite China retaliation which never happen at first place? :rofl:
So far I haven't heart that China threaten Sk with nuke, sure no problem if Sk consider that US's THAAD deployment as Sk internal affair and it's easy for you to say since you're not Korean that China can reciprocate with NUKE deployment and targeting all SK cities but you think Koreans are stupid to accept this kind of arrangement..what is their gain to defende US while invite China retaliation which never happen at first place? :rofl:

Let's step away from 'nuke' conversations. Thanks.

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