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Detailed reporting on foreigners arrested in Pakistan (very informative)

well i dont know if any gulf country is fundin talibans against pakistan but in the end its pakistan which is suffering. its our name which is being dragged by everyone. if u have watched this report.. that saudi guy arrested had a list of ppl who will soon be comin to join in this jihad. its like a fuc*in network but no one is willin to bust it. y not stop these ppl in gulf countries instead of blamin pakistan? same goes for drugs. y not destroy all this drug in afghanistan instead of blamin pakistan for not catchin drug dealers?

Very complex network beyond the control of any government developed by CIA to defeat Russia but now under control of OBL.
So its saudi people now. It seems everybody has to settle some score with pakistan (US India Israel Afghanistan Russia Iran and now saudi too).
If I remember they were the friends of friends.........

Waiting to see when dragon also join the list (they are anyway complaining about terrorism in their state by.......)

Dunno what cave were you living in but wahabis are the first and foremost sponsors of terrorism in Pakistan. It always was saudi arabia funding these bastards. Killing shias and barelvis is their favourite past time; and oh yes they have shitloads of money to do it; the people arrested just confirm the claims of many in Pakistan that saudis are backstabbers.
Dunno what cave were you living in but wahabis are the first and foremost sponsors of terrorism in Pakistan. It always was saudi arabia funding these bastards. Killing shias and barelvis is their favourite past time; and oh yes they have shitloads of money to do it; the people arrested just confirm the claims of many in Pakistan that saudis are backstabbers.

i will disagree if u r pointin towards saudi gov. but if u r pointin towards private funding then yes. also fundin is not being given so that these ppl fight against pakistan. however the end result is very much similar. its Pakistan which is sufferin coz of this funding
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if they cant break it then they should also stop blamin us for their problems

India and israel are also afarid of this network,Pakistan should try to keep it outside from obl and US/ISRAEL/INDIAN WAR.

US is planning to drag Pakistan in WOT.We cant afforf this WAR, very expansive and long term .

After 2011 exit of NATO they want to make Pakistan battle ground.
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There has been a lot of talk about the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the current GoP colling off a bit. The publicly expressed analysis has argued that the strong connections between the Saudis and Nawaz, and the hostility of Zardari towards the Sharif's, has been the primary cause.

I wonder if part of the reason behind that cooling off have been privately expressed concerns, by the GoP, about the funding flowing to these groups from Saudi Arabia.
I dont know how people are coming to absurd conclusions blaming Wahhabism to be the root of all evil terrorism. When in fact we all know this is not the case- Saudis, no matter how corrupt or deviant maybe, never supported terrorist activities. Infact Shaykh Bin Baaz, once the top Wahhabi Alim, was the first muslim scholar with authority to gave fatwa against suicide bombings carried out by Hamas fighters against Israeli civilians. Saudis have been routinely hanging extremists and terrorists associated with the OBL network left and right and have been criticized by the Human Rights Watch groups for it.

I dont personally agree with the Wahabi ideology but to say that its the root of all evil is just absurd and stupid. Just because a handful of terrorists caught in Pakistan are Saudi's does that really mean they're sponsored by their respective governments?? If a person comes holding an Iceland's passport carries out terrorists activities in Pakistan, would that mean hes sponsored by the Iceland govn't?? Thats just guilty by association n makes no sense whatsoever.

Anyone who understands the extremists/salafis/wahhabis ideology and psyche would know that they are a small extremist sect within wahhabism that even takfirs out other wahabis for having different opinions. These people are terrorists and miscreants who dont believe in big governments or nation state theory, how could they work for governments then?
Everything will be fine if US gone from Afghanistan.

See no Evil hear no Evil

stick to your guns but remember when they detonate those car bombs in Pakistan they also see no victims question is would U say the same if U or one of your loved ones were near one of those Remote detonated Bombs.as i see it U feel no pain for the people who have died because these criminals acts.and keep singing the same tune even after watching the video i dont no whats needs to be done to wake peopl like u.
I dont know how people are coming to absurd conclusions blaming Wahhabism to be the root of all evil terrorism. When in fact we all know this is not the case- Saudis, no matter how corrupt or deviant maybe, never supported terrorist activities. Infact Shaykh Bin Baaz, once the top Wahhabi Alim, was the first muslim scholar with authority to gave fatwa against suicide bombings carried out by Hamas fighters against Israeli civilians. Saudis have been routinely hanging extremists and terrorists associated with the OBL network left and right and have been criticized by the Human Rights Watch groups for it.

I dont personally agree with the Wahabi ideology but to say that its the root of all evil is just absurd and stupid. Just because a handful of terrorists caught in Pakistan are Saudi's does that really mean they're sponsored by their respective governments?? If a person comes holding an Iceland's passport carries out terrorists activities in Pakistan, would that mean hes sponsored by the Iceland govn't?? Thats just guilty by association n makes no sense whatsoever.

Anyone who understands the extremists/salafis/wahhabis ideology and psyche would know that they are a small extremist sect within wahhabism that even takfirs out other wahabis for having different opinions. These people are terrorists and miscreants who dont believe in big governments or nation state theory, how could they work for governments then?

19 Terrorist that carried out (911) 18 were Saudis Americans had the chance to kill osama But American navy was denied permission as one of the so called Saudi prince was there at the time and Americans did not wanna hurt their puppets so they aborted the operation.
That clearly says that your therory of Saudis punishing terrorist is nothing more then a wet dream and only ones are punished that after taking training wants to carry out acts against house of Saud.

what kind of pressure was put on mushy behind the scene and Nawaz family was taken out of Pakistan we all no Nawaz and Zia connection .why did the interfere in our internal matters why did they go out of their way to protect Nawaz is it because Nawaz is a genious:rofl: or was it some thing more.
19 Terrorist that carried out (911) 18 were Saudis Americans had the chance to kill osama But American navy was denied permission as one of the so called Saudi prince was there at the time and Americans did not wanna hurt their puppets so they aborted the operation.

these amaricans are playing safe game....
There has been a lot of talk about the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the current GoP colling off a bit. The publicly expressed analysis has argued that the strong connections between the Saudis and Nawaz, and the hostility of Zardari towards the Sharif's, has been the primary cause.

I wonder if part of the reason behind that cooling off have been privately expressed concerns, by the GoP, about the funding flowing to these groups from Saudi Arabia.

seems to be that way but pakistan is moving closer towards Iran which is a positive move since we have had bad realitions with the whole taliban and northern alliance debacle i personnally am in favor of improving our relations with iran at least it has a policy and a independant one not one dictated by the americans.

Mohit Joshi
Mon, 05/25/2009

Islamabad, may 25 : India has had a role to play in fermenting unrest in the Malakand agency of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP), claimed Markazi Jamiat Ehle Hadith leader Sajid Mir.

He accused authorities in Islamabad of neither issuing stringent statements against the Indians nor appealing to the international community to stop India from intruding in Pakistan’s internal affairs.

Addressing a meeting of the central Rabta Committee, Mir said the Pakistan Government needed to adopt a more coherent approach on its military operations in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP).

He said the presence of the American military in Pakistan’s tribal areas can be a dangerous to the country’s strategic assets.

He also accused the Pakistani leadership of colluding with Washington to facilitate drone strikes in the remote tribal areas, and added that sustainable peace could not be established until the drone attacks were stopped.

Sajid Mir said that it was about time that the government identified the country’s real enemy otherwise its skewed policies would inflict irreversible damage to the national interest. (ANI)
I don't know when we will wake up. We keep blaming India for all our troubles. If these terrorists are being supported by India then show the bloody proof!! This is why the rest of the world laughs at us when we make such claims. Sure Indian Raw is destabilizing Pakistan, that has always happened and will happen, but these terrorists being directly funded by Raw? That is a big claim. Show the proof or shutup.
i will disagree if u r pointin towards saudi gov. but if u r pointin towards private funding then yes. also fundin is not being given so that these ppl fight against pakistan. however the end result is very much similar. its Pakistan which is sufferin coz of this funding

If it is private funding then why doesn't the saudi govt trace these people? Saudi Arabia should do its part in helping a brotherly country; rather than sleeping with the americans; as most gulf states are doing...
I dont know how people are coming to absurd conclusions blaming Wahhabism to be the root of all evil terrorism. When in fact we all know this is not the case- Saudis, no matter how corrupt or deviant maybe, never supported terrorist activities. Infact Shaykh Bin Baaz, once the top Wahhabi Alim, was the first muslim scholar with authority to gave fatwa against suicide bombings carried out by Hamas fighters against Israeli civilians. Saudis have been routinely hanging extremists and terrorists associated with the OBL network left and right and have been criticized by the Human Rights Watch groups for it.

Hmm so the wahabi alims gives fatwa against hamas for israelis getting killed; yet at the same time allow for shias to be killed in imambargahs by gunning the poor namazis down and barelvi shrines to be demolished by bombing... kya ye khula tazad nai hai :enjoy:?
Didn't want to but had to...
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