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Documentary on Emam Khomeini

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Sep 10, 2013
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Western documentary about Imam Khomeini and how he changed the world with Islamic Revolution.

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He is not an imam, and goes down in history as one of the worst Iranian leaders ever. A mass murderer, as Montazeri already knew.
May he rot in hell he is the biggest enemy of iran and iranians
He wanted to destroy cyrus tomb and nowruz his grave will be public toilet

How Iranian Jews see him? and current Iranian govt?
How can you speak on behalf of All Iranians ??

Lets leave to other Iranians to state their sentiments :)

The mullah regime confirms that majority of iranian youth chose Christianity or atheism
Go to YouTube or any iranian forum or the iranians who live abroad all hate islam
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Google:tsunami of atheism in iran
My Exams are going on
Will watch on 27th

people watch BBC documentary on 1979 Revolution in Iran it i also very good
so far it's his enemies who have gone down.

By using brutal force yes; mass executions, raping, assassinations, etc. Stalin once eliminated his political enemies too. I'll promise you; Khomeini will go down in Iranian history as one of the worst Iranian leaders ever. A religious idiot who almost single-handedly destroyed Iran. Even Pahlavi has a better reputation among Iranians these days.
He is not an imam, and goes down in history as one of the worst Iranian leaders ever. A mass murderer, as Montazeri already knew.

I won't comment on his actions or that either they were good or bad, because it'll lead to a very lengthy discussion.
But you should give it to him that he was one of the most charismatic leaders in the history of Iran, almost all the people adored him in beginning of revolution.
I won't comment on his actions or that either they were good or bad, because it'll lead to a very lengthy discussion.
But you should give it to him that he was one of the most charismatic leaders in the history of Iran, almost all the people adored him in beginning of revolution.

Being charismatic is not something I seek in a politician, and nothing to be proud of either. You have had many charismatic mass-murderers in world's history. Its about his legacy; there are still tens of thousands of Iranians laying in their graves, for the sole reason that they opposed his ideology/policies. Add the hundreds of thousands of Iranians who had to flee to other countries, just to escape his backward and brutal policies.

And now, what happened to his charismatic character? He is one of the most cursed personalities in Iran's history.
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