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Dog Fight Abilities/Maneuverability of....

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Quoting out of context is an old indian hobby.

dumboo after being kicked by dazzler u want me to do same to u here as well?

Focus on designs of air crafts with respect to maneuverability from given list.

We r not discussing weaponry and Hornet at this time.

Shhhhuuu off now.
Just because u don't have it,doesn't mean its unnecessary.These are excellent advantages.Su-35 tw ratio is comparable/greater to raptor.And TW ratio is most important parameter of manueverability followed by wing loading.

If the Super Hornet does go up with the Flanker in combat....The Super Hornet will use it's superb A2A capabilities against the Flanker or any rival. It might need the EPE for superb performance (acceleration, more energy and much better T/W Ratio). The Super Hornet is a excellent A2A fighter when it comes to BVR and WVR.. If pilots are aware of it's low T/W Ratio........ than the Navy will go for the EPE. Overall the pilots will deal on how Air Dominance is treated and the tactics used on the Super Hornet. even if it has low T/W Ratio in dogfight.... it will still excel at dogfighting because Hornets were designed to be superior WVR machines. :dirol::tup:
Euro fighter is a multirole combact plane which came with some limits in air mobility and su-35 is a air superiority plane which design only for air domination and dog fight euro can't perform moves like 'cobra' and it also have less climbing rate. If u serch more on net then u can find tht su-30 also better dogfighter than euro fihter.both have diff ora of operation u can't compare them.:-)
F-18 JHMCS + Aim-9X, ASRAAM. Dude there doesn't exist a dogfight!

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