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Don’t let 26/11 bog down talks: Pakistan to India


Mar 24, 2010
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Don’t let 26/11 bog down talks: Pak to india
Islamabad: Claiming that there was no communication gap between India and Pakistan over Kashmir and other issues, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Tuesday said that the bilateral dialogue process should not be held hostage to the Mumbai incident.

"Impression should be dispelled that there is lack of communication (between Pakistan and India)," Gilani said, but acknowledged there was a "lack of trust" between the two nations.

Gilani made the remarks while interacting with media in the Omani capital of Muscat. The premier is currently on an official visit to Oman to boost trade and economic ties.

Pakistan desires the resumption of the dialogue process with India to resolve all outstanding issues, Gilani said. The peace process should not be held hostage to the 2008 Mumbai incident, he said.

In this regard, Gilani mentioned his talks with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh and said he had told the Indian premier that the Mumbai incident "should not be allowed to hold the dialogue process down".

Gilani said the resolution of the Kashmir issue is "vital for regional stability" and Pakistan wishes to discuss "all core issues including Kashmir".

Asked about the presence of terrorist groups along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, Gilani said both Islamabad and Kabul realise they were "victims of a common enemy".

He added: "We should combat terrorism with a joint strategy.

The NATO forces and the ISAF are working in consultation with Pakistan and Afghanistan to jointly combat terrorism.

Responding to another query about terrorism and extremism, Gilani said his government is following a "3D policy of dialogue, development and deterrence" and moving in the right direction to curb the menace.

Terrorists were hitting soft targets and had lost their strongholds, he said.

Gilani said his visit to Oman will generate momentum to reinvigorate bilateral relations and further expand economic and trade cooperation.

He said he had discussed various avenues for economic cooperation and the fight against terrorism during his meeting with Omani leaders.

He said his interaction with the Minister of External Liaison provided an opportunity for agreement on multi-dimensional cooperation in defence and maritime sectors. The two sides also agreed to work on the feasibility of running a ferry service between Gwadar and Muscat.Don?t let 26/11 bog down talks: Pak to india
NO, Firstly bring the perpetraters
of 26/11 to justice including there handlers(zaki ur rehman lakhvi) who is freely moving in pakistan and then dismantle all terrorist camps currently operating there and stop pakistan state terrorism in India..Then think about talks on any issue..
what is it exactly that india and pakistan talk about? India clearly says kashmir is theirs, pakistan want kashmir to be separated from india, there is no any grounds to talk.

I think the Pakistani government now is pretty weak and doesn't have the balls that Mush had. Any decision by them would be seen as a sell out by the people.

On topic, I too believe India should work with the civilian government of Pak as it is obvious that they are not involved in these acts. I just wish they had more power.
I think the Pakistani government now is pretty weak and doesn't have the balls that Mush had. Any decision by them would be seen as a sell out by the people.

On topic, I too believe India should work with the civilian government of Pak as it is obvious that they are not involved in these acts. I just wish they had more power.

well, my question was about the talks, what is this talks about exactly? what do they tell each other? their postions are obvious.
what is it exactly that india and pakistan talk about? India clearly says kashmir is theirs, pakistan want kashmir to be separated from india, there is no any grounds to talk.

India is just biding its time ..India being status quo state does not want status quo to alter and with every year that passes India grows stronger, Pakistan's job(alteration of status quo) gets tougher.
well, my question was about the talks, what is this talks about exactly? what do they tell each other? their postions are obvious.

well.... pakistan wants to talk about kashmir, siachen,sir creek, india stealing water, india causing floods,india lobbying for unsc seat, india aiding afghans, india buying weapons, india fueling bolach insurgency etc etc.....and so.........all these are of their interest.

for india.....terrorism by non state actors of pakistan in india........which they dont want to talk

and we need more onions:partay:
well, my question was about the talks, what is this talks about exactly? what do they tell each other? their postions are obvious.

Well good question, for Pakistan talks mean give us Kashmir or at-least some part of it.

For India talks means, stop supporting terrorist and let's do more trade solve some easy issues.

Unfortunately forget Kashmir, we are unable to solve anything. The prime reason I belive is we go to talks with Ego.
NO, Firstly bring the perpetraters
of 26/11 to justice including there handlers(zaki ur rehman lakhvi) who is freely moving in pakistan and then dismantle all terrorist camps currently operating there and stop pakistan state terrorism in India..Then think about talks on any issue..

First of all give us ppl behind Samjota express which BURNED ALIVE 70 PAKISTANIES IN INDIA. They were ur guest IN INDIA thats how u treat ur guests ?

Samjota express happend LONG before mumbai attacks first capture ppl behind those attacks and give them to Pakistan before we can talk. I guess thats what India want delay tactic which has been going on for 60+ years to keep occupation on Kashmir :flame:
I think the Pakistani government now is pretty weak and doesn't have the balls that Mush had. Any decision by them would be seen as a sell out by the people.
I don't think that is totally true, and hence why the resolution of Kashmir is dragging unnecessarily.

Ask yourself this: where were the protests against India, and support for Kashmiri's during the summer of unrest from the Pakistani public? How much was the Pakistani media focusing on the summer of unrest? How much were they whipping up hysteria on what is meant to be the 'jugular vein' of Pakistan? How much were the Pakistani politicians crying about the civilian deaths?

What Indian's don't realise so much is that Kashmir doesn't figure in the national conscious as much as they'd like to believe.

And ultimately, ask yourself how much outrage was there when Musharraf quite rightly put forward the four-point proposal?

Exactly, the answer to all the questions I raise above is 'minimal' to 'virtually nothing'.

Why is that? Because simply put, Pakistani's have bigger fish to fry. The common man has so much to deal with, life is so difficult, that they won't cry with anger and rage if the LoC was made the 'official' border.

Coming back to Gilani's comments, he has to see this from the Indian mindset. We can't move forward without dealing with those that wish to kill innocent civilians. We have to demonstrate we're serious in doing so, and only then do I believe we warrant being at the dialogue table.

Eliminating the scourge is what we need to do, not only to have productive relationships in the region, but for our own internal benefit.
pakistan should not keep asking india for talks. after repeated requests india obliges once in a blue moon & talks yield nothing aprt from fulfilling the formalities.
make india to come to you for talks. that way you can have more leverage when you sit across the table. how you can do this?? something pakistan needs to start working on it!!
do not use all the shenanigans which were used before. it ain't going to work. we are all witness to the history!!
@DGMO honestly speaking the only solution to Kashmir is status quo.
well, my question was about the talks, what is this talks about exactly? what do they tell each other? their postions are obvious.

they talk about resolving Kashmir... resolving water problems and the like... the stated positions are obvious only to the masses.. who are like sheep.. you can't tell people too much.. but backdoor talks go on... everyone does it.. even BJP... that is why before 26/11 indian opposition started making huge deal that India was about to sell out people on Kashmir... :rolleyes: so yeh talks happen on those issues.. they also probably talk how to deal with their own domestic people with any thing they come up with.. sheep have to be herded properly in the fence before anything you see.. ;)

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