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Dr Shireen Mazari delivers sharp rebuke to Human Rights Watch for 'selective oversight'

Whats happening in other countries is not her concern, but citizens of Pakistan.
It is not, she asked the human rights watch to up its game how it was asking Pakistan and its govt to do so ;)

I agree with that. They can't dictate and overrule Pakistans sovereignty. But I don't understand whataboutism of Shireen Mazari. If HRW is not caring much about Palestinians, Kashmiris, its none of her concern. Fix human rights in Pakistan first.
Its an equal gentle reminder to HRW...this is called diplomacy if someone is bickering too much you remind them they have other states to watch too ;)
She has every right to ask regarding human rights in other countries after all she is human rights minister....I mean if HRW want us to "follow" some laws made by West...Lets see West follow those laws too....Its only fair to ask where these laws are "followed"!

Massive human rights violations in my аrse.
Should we send HRW up there? Would you prefer colonoscopy or a rifle up it? I do remember UNHR report indicating it as just that :)
I agree with that. They can't dictate and overrule Pakistans sovereignty. But I don't understand whataboutism of Shireen Mazari. If HRW is not caring much about Palestinians, Kashmiris, its none of her concern. Fix human rights in Pakistan first.
I think it is simply to point out the double standard, and it is important to point it out.

Who is behind Human Rights Watch? (2004)
Under President Clinton, Human Rights Watch was the most influential pro-intervention lobby: its 'anti-atrocity crusade' helped drive the wars in ex-Yugoslavia. Under George W. Bush it lost influence to the neoconservatives, who have their own crusades. But the 'two interventionisms' are not so different anyway: Human Rights Watch is founded on belief in the superiority of American values. It has close links to the US foreign policy elite, and to other interventionist and expansionist lobbies.

Cynically summarised, Human Rights Watch arose as a joint venture of George Soros and the State Department.

I think Shereen Mazari was lenient on these aholes. Proper middle finger is needed to be given to these w@nkers.
There is no 'Palestine'.
Kindly dont lace this thread with your lack of information and knowledge in both history and geography! Ignorance in this era, from a country that can afford technology, isnt a bliss but a stupidity!

superiority of American values.
What exactly are those? Killing Native Americans, stealing their land, worshiping NRA while bowing to israel?
Awesome response. Shut them up. If they persist ban them entirely. NGO's are tools for spying agencies. These human rights organization are anything, but human rights organizations.

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